View Full Version : Nigger who allegedly shot Ashli Babbitt once left his service Glock in the 'baffroom'

Whitey Ford
04-29-2021, 03:28 PM
Capitol Police weapon left unattended in Capitol bathroom, again


A U.S. Capitol Police lieutenant left his service weapon in a bathroom Monday night and the unattended gun was discovered later by another Capitol Police officer.

After the House adjourned on Monday, Lt. Mike Byrd left his Glock 22 in a bathroom in the Capitol Visitor Center complex, according to sources familiar with the incident. Byrd is the commander of the House Chambers section of the Capitol Police and was on the job Tuesday and Wednesday.

Byrd addressed the incident at Tuesday morning’s officer roll call and, according to sources, told fellow officers that he “will be treated differently” because of his rank as a lieutenant. It was not clear what exactly the lieutenant meant by the comment.

Unlike a gun with a traditional safety, a Glock will fire if the trigger is pulled — making the discovery of an unattended gun in the Capitol complex particularly concerning.


Jim Crow
04-29-2021, 05:47 PM
It’s what I’d expect from a low IQ,incompetent nigger.

I aint bin dun did dat!
04-29-2021, 05:58 PM
It’s amazing the libtards that defend this nigger cop for shooting the poor girl. This was a case of clear police brutality that is ignored because of her skin color. Had this been a deyad nigger shot by a white police officer, the riots would be ongoing at the capitol as we speak.

04-29-2021, 08:50 PM
I remember a few times when I had to be on Air Force bases. They are super ANAL about all the wrong things. I ended up in shithole Djibouti for a little while and every day had to get onto a flight ramp. I forgot my ramp license once and this guy would not let me on. I was like for fucks sake man you have seen me every day for the last 4 months... I am not a terrorist, it is ok. They take it so seriously. I got pulled over one time for going 15kph in a 10kph. Sorry. My foot slipped off the clutch... Some E2 is telling me to watch my attitude or he is going to arrest me. :lol

Anyway I remember that same nigger who used to go into the "gee dunk" and would always leave its LOADED M4 at a table and go up to the counter. One time it went to go take a shit and left it at the table instead of locking it in the gun locker. I called up the dispatch and told them I found a weapon and there was nobody around. They told me to secure it and they were coming to get it. They were there before the nigger came out. Needless to say I never saw that nigger again. It left me smiling for days. If there was nobody else there I would have taken it outside and tossed it into a sewer pit.