View Full Version : Nigger clerk at 7-11

Jim Crow
04-29-2021, 08:34 AM
I know most of you are sincere about your hate of niggers.Not sure to what degree. I can tell you I will not associate with one, and I hate any of my stuff being touched by a fucking groid hand.
I’ve always hated niggs to the extreme. But it got even worse, when I first moved to Florida. I hooked up with a blazin hot chick who's uncles were part of a certain group of white boyscouts.
They loved me and taught me a lot about guns and self defense.More than I even already knew.I had to leave her because if I didn’t,I’d be in prison for life w/her family.They were exteeme!
Anyway,I go to stores and don’t allow nigger clerks to wait on me.Wouldn’t let a nigger nurse take my blood pressure,ect.The thought of a nigger touching me repulses me.
Anyway,I go to my local 7-11.There’s a nigger clerk there and it knows I can’t stand it’s fucking stinky nigger ass. I ignore it like the plague, because I don’t wanna go to prison.
I’ll pay for my gas outside when it’s working. And if I have to buy food, I will go to a white clerk or leave. So, I’m in there yesterday and I’m letting people get in front of me just so I don’t have to be served by the groid.
All the customers are gone for a moment and it’s just me and the white clerk and of course the groid ooking. I asked for a stick of teriyaki chicken while the white girl is ringing me up.
The fucking nigger grabs it out of the case for her! I’m like oh no! I politely told the girl I am not going to eat anything it touches please get me another one or give me my money back!
The groid straits talkin some nigger shit.I calmly ask for my money back without explanation.So, the white female manager walks up and gets me my food with a smile and hands it to me.
And as I leave, the groid is still speaking some primitive language.I just smile and tell it “I’m leaving now”. To see maybe if it wanted to follow me out. But it didn’t.

Coon Club Road
04-29-2021, 10:37 AM
"... part of a certain group of white boyscouts..."

He he he!

Yea I'm the same way... even with customer service coons on the telephone.

When I call for customer service and a boon... or even Haji answers, CLICK- REDIAL.

I've got all the time in the world to redial, listen to the music and eventually hit the jackpot by my call being answered by a human being.

Niggers can never seem to get your problem resolved or worse yet, fuck your problem up even worse.

Recent case in point: I received an invoice for like 3 bucks from my garbage hauling company.

We have to pay for garbage removal out here, the Township brokering a deal to get the best price for residents. The best price this year was bid by a spook outfit which apparently does not follow EOC hiring practices because no humans work there.

I call and ask whats up with the 3 buck invoice, we pay quarterly and I had recently paid in full.

It took Sheeboonreesa 10 minutes to find my account on the computer, then a 5 minute discussion yelling across the office with the other Sheeboonreesa (I think they intentionally go by the same false name so no fingers can be pointed).

After 20 minutes of ooking she agreed the 3 buck charge must be in error and claims she will chreh-it my account.

So garbage day rolls around, I walk out to get the paper and drag the can in.

It is one of those gigantic bins on wheels with the flip lid, big enough to hold a dead nigger, which how we manage to fill to the rim every week, I do not know.

I grab the handle and about break my wrist because the CAN IS STILL FULL!

WTF? The spooks normally tip the can between 4 and 0500, so it sat all day, overnight til noon the next day until I wheeled it back in.

"Which Sheeboonreesa you speef wif lass dime"? Like what the double fuck! I don't know, I just want to know why my garbage is still in the can.

Sheeboonreesa explains my service was CANCELED! Why? Because niggers work there!

I had to have my kid jump up and down on the shit in the can so 2 weeks worth would fit. Too bad the shines don't have to lift the can manually into the truck.

04-29-2021, 02:28 PM
He he he!

Yea I'm the same way... even with customer service coons on the telephone.

When I call for customer service and a boon... or even Haji answers, CLICK- REDIAL.

I've got all the time in the world to redial, listen to the music and eventually hit the jackpot by my call being answered by a human being.

Niggers can never seem to get your problem resolved or worse yet, fuck your problem up even worse.

Recent case in point: I received an invoice for like 3 bucks from my garbage hauling company.

We have to pay for garbage removal out here, the Township brokering a deal to get the best price for residents. The best price this year was bid by a spook outfit which apparently does not follow EOC hiring practices because no humans work there.

I call and ask whats up with the 3 buck invoice, we pay quarterly and I had recently paid in full.

It took Sheeboonreesa 10 minutes to find my account on the computer, then a 5 minute discussion yelling across the office with the other Sheeboonreesa (I think they intentionally go by the same false name so no fingers can be pointed).

After 20 minutes of ooking she agreed the 3 buck charge must be in error and claims she will chreh-it my account.

So garbage day rolls around, I walk out to get the paper and drag the can in.

It is one of those gigantic bins on wheels with the flip lid, big enough to hold a dead nigger, which how we manage to fill to the rim every week, I do not know.

I grab the handle and about break my wrist because the CAN IS STILL FULL!

WTF? The spooks normally tip the can between 4 and 0500, so it sat all day, overnight til noon the next day until I wheeled it back in.

"Which Sheeboonreesa you speef wif lass dime"? Like what the double fuck! I don't know, I just want to know why my garbage is still in the can.

Sheeboonreesa explains my service was CANCELED! Why? Because niggers work there!

I had to have my kid jump up and down on the shit in the can so 2 weeks worth would fit. Too bad the shines don't have to lift the can manually into the truck.

The only thing shitskins are good for is as a farm implement. And with technology as it is, we don't even need them for that function. Fuck 'em all to hell.

Jim Crow
04-29-2021, 05:04 PM
I don't blame you one bit for not wanting a filthy nigger paws touching anything you eat. We all know niggers are vile filthy sub-human animals and have every know STD's and AIDS.... Plus it's grease niggers paws you damn well know it never washes.
I’ve gotten to the point where I don’t do fast food much anymore. Even the beach McDonald’s isn’t safe.They are hiring niggs and dune coons to flip their burgers. Brown bagging my lunch may be next.

Jim Crow
04-29-2021, 05:39 PM
I haven't eaten fast food in well over 20 years. it's crap food that tastes like crap, and cRap is for niggers :lol

I concur!

Tar Remover
05-09-2021, 11:31 AM
That's awesome, Jim! Too bad you had to ditch the gal. And I am definitely disgusted to see a nigger anywhere NEAR food humans eat.:thumb

Tar Remover
05-09-2021, 11:35 AM
He he he!

Yea I'm the same way... even with customer service coons on the telephone.

When I call for customer service and a boon... or even Haji answers, CLICK- REDIAL.

I've got all the time in the world to redial, listen to the music and eventually hit the jackpot by my call being answered by a human being.

Niggers can never seem to get your problem resolved or worse yet, fuck your problem up even worse.

Recent case in point: I received an invoice for like 3 bucks from my garbage hauling company.

We have to pay for garbage removal out here, the Township brokering a deal to get the best price for residents. The best price this year was bid by a spook outfit which apparently does not follow EOC hiring practices because no humans work there.

I call and ask whats up with the 3 buck invoice, we pay quarterly and I had recently paid in full.

It took Sheeboonreesa 10 minutes to find my account on the computer, then a 5 minute discussion yelling across the office with the other Sheeboonreesa (I think they intentionally go by the same false name so no fingers can be pointed).

After 20 minutes of ooking she agreed the 3 buck charge must be in error and claims she will chreh-it my account.

So garbage day rolls around, I walk out to get the paper and drag the can in.

It is one of those gigantic bins on wheels with the flip lid, big enough to hold a dead nigger, which how we manage to fill to the rim every week, I do not know.

I grab the handle and about break my wrist because the CAN IS STILL FULL!

WTF? The spooks normally tip the can between 4 and 0500, so it sat all day, overnight til noon the next day until I wheeled it back in.

"Which Sheeboonreesa you speef wif lass dime"? Like what the double fuck! I don't know, I just want to know why my garbage is still in the can.

Sheeboonreesa explains my service was CANCELED! Why? Because niggers work there!

I had to have my kid jump up and down on the shit in the can so 2 weeks worth would fit. Too bad the shines don't have to lift the can manually into the truck.

I would take it down and dump it in their fuckin' parking lot. I have done that before.

Coon Club Road
05-09-2021, 12:13 PM
I would take it down and dump it in their fuckin' parking lot. I have done that before.


Better yet, in the sunroof of Sheeboonreesa's whip! :lol

05-09-2021, 12:26 PM

Better yet, in the sunroof of Sheeboonreesa's whip! :lol


Tar Remover
05-09-2021, 01:45 PM

Better yet, in the sunroof of Sheeboonreesa's whip! :lol:lol Fuck yeah.... :lol