View Full Version : 'Hero' nigger rockfish

Odin's balls
04-25-2021, 04:17 PM

A worthless coon was stupid enough to dive into the Thames after a woman who had fallen in.

The nigger's old silverback father demands justice (lolwat!
It drowned in whitey's racist river? ) and insists 'Jimi' should get a reward and a medal.

Reading between the lines, I would say the female jumper was trying to escape Jimi's muh-dik attempts and would prefer to drown in the Thames.

The crusty old nigger that calls itself the sperm doner has probably only just remembered it had sired some hellspawn and now wields the outstretched paw of gibsmuhdat.

I did chuckle to learn the female and another rescuer were picked up alive by the coastguard. It took them another six hours to find the nigger carcass. Right after they had returned home for breakfast, had a nice cup of tea, read the news and then decided that a nigger corpse is only going to cause pollution.

Still, One less. Keep it up, niggers.

Rastus Nigger
04-25-2021, 04:34 PM
Water 2, niggers 0. :rockfish:rockfish

04-25-2021, 05:11 PM

A worthless coon was stupid enough to dive into the Thames after a woman who had fallen in.

The nigger's old silverback father demands justice (lolwat!
It drowned in whitey's racist river? ) and insists 'Jimi' should get a reward and a medal.

Reading between the lines, I would say the female jumper was trying to escape Jimi's muh-dik attempts and would prefer to drown in the Thames.

The crusty old nigger that calls itself the sperm doner has probably only just remembered it had sired some hellspawn and now wields the outstretched paw of gibsmuhdat.

I did chuckle to learn the female and another rescuer were picked up alive by the coastguard. It took them another six hours to find the nigger carcass. Right after they had returned home for breakfast, had a nice cup of tea, read the news and then decided that a nigger corpse is only going to cause pollution.

Still, One less. Keep it up, niggers.

WORKS for me!!

04-25-2021, 06:07 PM
What is the Thames' pollution like? Did they scoop up the nigger before it spread too much contamination?

04-25-2021, 10:43 PM

A worthless coon was stupid enough to dive into the Thames after a woman who had fallen in.

The nigger's old silverback father demands justice (lolwat!
It drowned in whitey's racist river? ) and insists 'Jimi' should get a reward and a medal.

Reading between the lines, I would say the female jumper was trying to escape Jimi's muh-dik attempts and would prefer to drown in the Thames.

The crusty old nigger that calls itself the sperm doner has probably only just remembered it had sired some hellspawn and now wields the outstretched paw of gibsmuhdat.

I did chuckle to learn the female and another rescuer were picked up alive by the coastguard. It took them another six hours to find the nigger carcass. Right after they had returned home for breakfast, had a nice cup of tea, read the news and then decided that a nigger corpse is only going to cause pollution.

Still, One less. Keep it up, niggers.

Seems like the Niggergerian (seems Nigerians are on the verge of outnumbering humans there) was so fixated on muh dik it forgot that niggers can't swim. You'd think these Africoons would have learned to swim while trying to escape crocs and angry hippos.

That's one ugly-ass Africoon, missing only a bone in its nares.

Thanks for the story. A good nigger rockfishing tale is just what I need to end my day on a positive note!

SC Anemia
04-25-2021, 10:53 PM
First, Hiya OB. Great to hear from you again.

We want justice for him' he said. 'We want his life to mean something, it will always mean something to us, but he should be rewarded for the bravery he showed, he deserves a medal for what he did.

They want justice? What, did the Thames jump it's banks, grab the nigger and drag it to the briny deep? :rockfish

What is it with niggers and 'justice' anyway. I know it's the catchphrase of moment 'no justice, no peace' but that implies that an injustice was done. Not so fast. The Thames River didn't do shit. In fact, I bet if it had it's druthers, the river would have rather not suffered the indignity of having to choke on this nasty kneegrow.

Odin's balls
04-26-2021, 12:31 AM
What is the Thames' pollution like? Did they scoop up the nigger before it spread too much contamination?

Thames water quality is actually pretty good.
I have a friend who works for the environment agency and they test the water from London to the estuary on a regular basis.

We have Trout in the river again and Dolphins and Seals sometimes pay a visit.

Until of course Jimi threw itself in. Now we are back to to medieval levels of what is best described as raw sewage.

04-26-2021, 04:17 PM
Until of course Jimi threw itself in. Now we are back to to medieval levels of what is best described as raw sewage.

Any more of those niggers, and they'll turn the Thames into the Hudson, which has literal fæces floating in it. Once in a while someone will swim the Hudson to prove something. I remember one guy was rinsing out his mouth with antiseptic for hours afterward, and another I think had to get a round of antibiotic shots.

Near Albany, sewage plants do not disinfect their discharges, raising the risk of disease. In New York and other cities, rainfall enters storm drains and then flows to sewage treatment plants. The combined flows from sewers and storm drains often exceed plant capacities, causing overflows of untreated or poorly treated waste into the Hudson.
