View Full Version : "Uhh kint breavse' says niglets running for the school bus and than driver fired for racisms

Whitey Ford
04-25-2021, 05:32 AM
White bus driver is fired after she tells black boy, 11, who was out of breath: 'Since George Floyd, that's what you all say, but I don't see a knee on your neck'


A white bus driver in Louisiana has lost her job after allegedly racially taunting a sixth-grade student.

The alleged incident took place in St. Bernard on April 9, when Rashad Gabriel ran to catch the bus to Trist Middle School in the morning. By the time he boarded, he was breathing hard and his face mask and slipped beneath his nose.

The bus driver reportedly scolded 11-year-old Rashad for his mask, who tried to explain he was out of breath from running.

'Since George Floyd, that's what you all say, but I don't see a knee on your neck,' the driver allegedly told the young black boy.


Coon Club Road
04-25-2021, 06:08 AM
If the little rash covered spook had to run, the driver should have simply driven off alleviating the problem.

04-25-2021, 10:32 AM
If the little rash covered spook had to run, the driver should have simply driven off alleviating the problem.

That's what I would have done!!

04-25-2021, 11:07 AM
The local rumor (it's ten miles from here) has it that the nigger was trying to be a smart ass by yelling "uh cain breeves" after the driver told him to hurry up, get on the bus and then to get it's mask on. He thought it would be funny.

He got pissy jealous when the driver made the knee on the neck comment and drew a bigger laugh.

Not to be outdone, the teenigger responded by crying RAYSISS and got her fired.

SC Anemia
04-25-2021, 11:43 AM
He got pissy jealous when the driver made the knee on the neck comment and drew a bigger laugh.

Not to be outdone, the teenigger responded by crying RAYSISS and got her fired.

This ^^^ is more believable than a room-temperature IQ mini-buck hatching a plan to get the driver fired. I bet it's mammy embellished the dialogue for effect (and a lotto attempt) :gibs

04-25-2021, 11:58 AM
This ^^^ is more believable than a room-temperature IQ mini-buck hatching a plan to get the driver fired. I bet it's mammy embellished the dialogue for effect (and a lotto attempt) :gibs

Oh, I'm sure junior did the crying and mammy did the scheming. I was wondering if they could try to fit a lotto number in there somehow but there haven't been any actual damages unless that junior buck screams emotional distress. I don't think that shit will fly down here though. The schools may put up with that bullshit but the courts are still mostly run by old white men.

Tar Remover
04-26-2021, 11:17 AM
Although true, it was kinda a dumb thing to say.......... Stupid little nigger larvae are as bad as the sows that grunt them out.

Jim Crow
04-26-2021, 08:29 PM
Anyone whose job has anything to do with the scholastic system needs to not talk to niggers. Any truth you speak will get you fired.If not arrested and fired.

Tar Remover
04-26-2021, 09:20 PM
Anyone whose job has anything to do with the scholastic system needs to not talk to niggers. Any truth you speak will get you fired.If not arrested and fired.

Precisely! But eventually, NOT talking to niggers will be considered rayciss and get you fired. I would just claim hearing loss and counter-sue for handicap discrimination.:lol

I aint bin dun did dat!
04-26-2021, 09:40 PM
If the little rash covered spook had to run, the driver should have simply driven off alleviating the problem.
It probably wouldve ran right under the wheel well, causing even more muh raycizzums.

Jim Crow
04-26-2021, 09:52 PM
Precisely! But eventually, NOT talking to niggers will be considered rayciss and get you fired. I would just claim hearing loss and counter-sue for handicap discrimination.:lol

Sounds like a plan!

Tar Remover
04-27-2021, 03:59 AM
It probably wouldve ran right under the wheel well, causing even more muh raycizzums.

YES! And you KNOW I would have been markedly upset about that. Might have even lost some sleep........ :lol

04-27-2021, 09:13 AM
If I were this driver I would have kept the speed of the bus just slightly faster than the niglet could run so it could never catch the bus. Then wait until a tree was close and stop after it. When the sprog tried to get on the bus I would tell it to use the public transportation right next to it.

I aint bin dun did dat!
04-27-2021, 09:46 PM
YES! And you KNOW I would have been markedly upset about that. Might have even lost some sleep........ :lol

Of course! :lol If there were video I would have a good laugh and sleep like a baby

Tar Remover
04-27-2021, 10:01 PM
Of course! :lol If there were video I would have a good laugh and sleep like a baby

I probably wouldn't be able to sleep, laughing so hard........:lol

04-28-2021, 12:14 AM
Anyone whose job has anything to do with the scholastic system needs to not talk to niggers. Any truth you speak will get you fired.If not arrested and fired.

When I was a rookie teacher, if the school couldn't find a sub, I sometimes drew the short straw and would have to use my rest period to fill in. There was a niggeress in a math class (niggers doing algebra?!) that refused to do its assignment by itself like the entire class was supposed to. I could see on its sail foam it was browsing a shopping site, and showing it to its wiggeress friend in front. I told it to put the phone away. It started ooking at me that it was allowed to work with a partner, and the office had a legal department to back it up. Screw that, did the niggeress really think I'd fall for the bluff? I brought the niggeress to the office, told them it was refusing to follow instructions, and then returned to a deathly quiet class that saw I meant business. Actually I had a rep as a really nice guy! Later I got a call from the office that the student (their word) wouldn't even be returning to class. I guess the regular teacher had enough problems with the niggeress already. At most schools it's risky to bring a nigger to the office for anything short of violence, but this was a school that generally backed teachers.

Then there was the day I babysat the retards, most of whom were non-violent with their childlike mentalities. The retard nigger (I mean retarded even for a nigger) sat at a back table, playing with Play Doh. Suddenly it screamed out "BALLZ!" and held up, I'm not kidding, a muh dikk and limes made from the Play Doh.

Jim Crow
04-28-2021, 07:38 AM
When I was a rookie teacher, if the school couldn't find a sub, I sometimes drew the short straw and would have to use my rest period to fill in. There was a niggeress in a math class (niggers doing algebra?!) that refused to do its assignment by itself like the entire class was supposed to. I could see on its sail foam it was browsing a shopping site, and showing it to its wiggeress friend in front. I told it to put the phone away. It started ooking at me that it was allowed to work with a partner, and the office had a legal department to back it up. Screw that, did the niggeress really think I'd fall for the bluff? I brought the niggeress to the office, told them it was refusing to follow instructions, and then returned to a deathly quiet class that saw I meant business. Actually I had a rep as a really nice guy! Later I got a call from the office that the student (their word) wouldn't even be returning to class. I guess the regular teacher had enough problems with the niggeress already. At most schools it's risky to bring a nigger to the office for anything short of violence, but this was a school that generally backed teachers.

Then there was the day I babysat the retards, most of whom were non-violent with their childlike mentalities. The retard nigger (I mean retarded even for a nigger) sat at a back table, playing with Play Doh. Suddenly it screamed out "BALLZ!" and held up, I'm not kidding, a muh dikk and limes made from the Play Doh.
I have to give you credit.I could never hold a job like that.I’ve always worked in the trades.Framing tiling plumbing. Even in my uncle’s auro mechanic shop.Never worked with a nigg closely.Never would!If I had the misfortune of having a nigger work in the same vicinity,I would get rid of it or move on the the next job.I can’t associate with niggers.They repulse the fuck out of me and get be crazy!And I ain’t gonna do time cause of one!I won’t be around niggs!
If there’s a nigger teller I’ll go to a different bank or wait in line for a human teller. Christmas time I did a job rebuilding a shower for an older human couple they were very accommodating.I liked them.Till I saw their nigger grandson visiting! After I got paid I asked them,how could you let your daughter be with a nigger?They both said they had no control over it with tears in her eyes. I’ll still do work for them. But it does bother me that they would allow that piece of shit nigger into their house and associate with their nigger fucking whore daughter.She’d be dead to me!