View Full Version : Florida nigger couple try to hold wedding at mansion that doesn't belong to them.

04-22-2021, 01:14 PM
Apparently, the buck posed as a potential buyer of the $6 million dollar mansion that belongs to the heir of the IHOP restaurant fortune.

Apparently, he was just casing the joint and was somehow able to gain access afterward.

Then he and his sheboon fiance sent out wedding invitations to a bunch of his nigger friends and fambly, directing them to said home even though they had no permission to be there.


The local news report gave the story a cutesy intro like "Florida Couple Crashes Their Own Wedding".

Imagine if it had been a white couple.

The story would have been.... "Couple tries to illegally scam/cheat homeowner out of use of property"


Niggers never cease to amaze.

04-22-2021, 03:37 PM
So "no permission to use" is the new euphemism for nigger theft? The homeowner is lucky the cops there bother to show up. It would have been breaking and entering, property damage, and in certain jurisdictions, what's called illegal conversion.

What's next, rape will be called "sex without full consent"? Murder will be "taking of life without permission"?

04-22-2021, 05:05 PM
My opinion is, even if niggers are nigger rich like LeBoon or Oprah, they should never allowed to live in mansions and live lavishly. It's all ill-gotten anyway. Not through real hard work, but through free passes and coddling.

I really liked it when the Swiss handbag saleslady told Oprah, "perhaps madam would like something less expensive". Hey, not all people know or care about any nigger. So what if you're a billionaire, Orca? You still foul, and just one step away from your sisters in Compton.

BTW, those 2 lovebirds are exceedingly ugly. A beautiful mansion tainted by such abhorrent stink.

04-22-2021, 07:01 PM
This being in Florida, I am shocked the home owner just didn't shoot them for home invasion and criminal trespassing.

FLA does have Castle Laws and Stand your ground laws.

They might have been thinking of that guy in Florida who defended himself properly against a charging nigger buck, and got sentenced to 20 years. Not even for murder, but manslaughter.

There are very few places left in the country where a person can defend himself.

Coon Club Road
04-22-2021, 11:14 PM
Florida nigger couple try to hold wedding at mansion that doesn't belong to them.

Niggers have a lot of shit that doesn't belong to them! :lol

04-23-2021, 06:41 AM
I knew this was niggers the moment I read it. No other species would have the arrogance to pull something like this.

04-23-2021, 02:34 PM
Good thing it was stopped before all the other freeloading niggers showed up and trashed the place. I can't imagine owning a $5 million dollar estate and coming home to find it trashed and possibly burned to the ground by a bunch of YT hating feral niggers. Graffiti painted on walls, clogged toilets, patchouli oil slick and turds in the pool, empty KFC buckets, Colt 45 malt liquor bottles and cans, Newport cigarette butts, hypodermic needles, watermelon rinds, empty Hi-Point cases, bent bloody knives, broken windows and doors..... the list goes on. The clean-up, repair and sanitation could have cost nearly what the property was worth.

The nigger was told "no" earlier when it asked if it could use the property for a wedding, but as we all know, "no" is rayciss to a nigger and they won't respect it as the answer. The owner is likely 'nigger aware' and knew that the nigger wouldn't be able to pay for any cleaning or repair, his insurance company wouldn't cover a commercial use of his property and he'd be left holding the bag.

04-23-2021, 06:40 PM
Good thing it was stopped before all the other freeloading niggers showed up and trashed the place. I can't imagine owning a $5 million dollar estate and coming home to find it trashed and possibly burned to the ground by a bunch of YT hating feral niggers. Graffiti painted on walls, clogged toilets, patchouli oil slick and turds in the pool, empty KFC buckets, Colt 45 malt liquor bottles and cans, Newport cigarette butts, hypodermic needles, watermelon rinds, empty Hi-Point cases, bent bloody knives, broken windows and doors..... the list goes on. The clean-up, repair and sanitation could have cost nearly what the property was worth.

The nigger was told "no" earlier when it asked if it could use the property for a wedding, but as we all know, "no" is rayciss to a nigger and they won't respect it as the answer. The owner is likely 'nigger aware' and knew that the nigger wouldn't be able to pay for any cleaning or repair, his insurance company wouldn't cover a commercial use of his property and he'd be left holding the bag.

Not to mention how much would be stolen from the property.

04-23-2021, 08:56 PM
This is some funny stuff! Stupid nigger thought the 5+ million dollar mansion would be abandoned because it was up for sale, likening it to an empty house for sale to be used as a crack/mudik den in it's local hood. I'd bet it was planning to stay the night and muhdik it's new prize sow in every place it could think of and totally enjoy contaminating the whole place. It was probably thinking of staying with the thought, "Possession is 9/10ths of the law" and "I live here now so you can't kick me out." I'd also bet the sow is angry with him and is second guessing her selection of a buck.

:bobble :tyrone

:rofl Niggers can sure be a source of humor at times!