View Full Version : Niggers invade mansion for a wedding, owner wants the black bastards gone

04-22-2021, 11:34 AM
I guess niggers feel they're so special and protected now, they can truly do whatever the hell they want even with the property of others. Stupid niggers - mansions are for humans.

Police say the couple who planned the ceremony didn’t own the property or have permission to be there. ABC News’ Andrea Fujii has the story.


Ray Cizzums
04-22-2021, 12:47 PM
Could not get audio on that video clip, but it's a shame that estate was allowed to be fouled by niggers.
In a related story, a firefighter we know has a 'burner daughter, and she decided to have an "engagement party"
at their family home. The parents stayed upstairs, as their property filled with niggers. Dad told her it was over
at 11, but the some of the niggers refused to leave. At midnight, a ruckus kicks off, the father goes downstairs,
and starts physically ejecting niggers from the house, but one of the sows -a sister of the "Groom" - isn't having it.
Pops opens the door with her face, heaving her onto the lawn, just as the cops arrive. Thankfully, after a short
investigation, they decided to arrest the 'boon. A pic of the damage they did was circulating, with the dead animal
she had been wearing on her head, now plopped on the floor. Last I heard, daughter is disowned, and her idiot mother either agrees, or she's history too.

04-22-2021, 02:10 PM
Could not get audio on that video clip, but it's a shame that estate was allowed to be fouled by niggers.
In a related story, a firefighter we know has a 'burner daughter, and she decided to have an "engagement party"
at their family home. The parents stayed upstairs, as their property filled with niggers. Dad told her it was over
at 11, but the some of the niggers refused to leave. At midnight, a ruckus kicks off, the father goes downstairs,
and starts physically ejecting niggers from the house, but one of the sows -a sister of the "Groom" - isn't having it.
Pops opens the door with her face, heaving her onto the lawn, just as the cops arrive. Thankfully, after a short
investigation, they decided to arrest the 'boon. A pic of the damage they did was circulating, with the dead animal
she had been wearing on her head, now plopped on the floor. Last I heard, daughter is disowned, and her idiot mother either agrees, or she's history too.

I'm trying to imagine what it would be like to have a child who consorts with niggers and watching them invade and destroy your home. If I could imagine that (I can't) I'd know how Queen Elizabeth felt. :lol

04-22-2021, 02:32 PM
Could not get audio on that video clip, but it's a shame that estate was allowed to be fouled by niggers.
In a related story, a firefighter we know has a 'burner daughter, and she decided to have an "engagement party"
at their family home. The parents stayed upstairs, as their property filled with niggers. Dad told her it was over
at 11, but the some of the niggers refused to leave. At midnight, a ruckus kicks off, the father goes downstairs,
and starts physically ejecting niggers from the house, but one of the sows -a sister of the "Groom" - isn't having it.
Pops opens the door with her face, heaving her onto the lawn, just as the cops arrive. Thankfully, after a short
investigation, they decided to arrest the 'boon. A pic of the damage they did was circulating, with the dead animal
she had been wearing on her head, now plopped on the floor. Last I heard, daughter is disowned, and her idiot mother either agrees, or she's history too.

The worst ever indignity a parent can have is to have a daughter miscegenate with sub-Saharan filth. Thank God I didn't want nor have any children. Better to have my blood end than to see it ever polluted by alien, putrid, ugly DNA. Look at the Royal family. WTF, what good is the heritage when somehow there's non-human monkey DNA in it's lineage? Niggers always claim the wife of George III was blek, but it's a fanciful tale. Has any "royal" miscegenate with a blek? I'm sure, but those illegitimate bastards are not known and are not around to cause trouble. They probably got thrown over to Africa.

If I had a burner daughter, the moment I hear it has touched monkey paw, I would have thrown out all it's stuff out. That's the point of no return. Blood ties are strong, but if it's now tainted blood, it's trash. But if I had kids I would have indoctrinated them NOT to ever even talk to niggers. My parents taught us well -- no niggers came to our house. Actually it was a given. My dad didn't even want us being friends with someone wearing a turban. My brother had a Sikh friend in high school, and he explained to my dad a Sikh is not Muslim and not a terrorist. The guy was normal and actually industrious and friendly, so eventually he was welcome in our house.

Anyway, I've always seen niggers as not human, and they are ugly violent animals.

04-22-2021, 03:32 PM
Offisuhh, this had all been a turble misundustandin. You see what had happen wuz...

Dis my homey sister. My homey say she cause a fortune:

Her name be Ihop.

We wuz lookin at houses wiff her in tha backseat when we passed dis one an she yell "Dats my man, son!" We thought she sayed "Dats my MANSHUN!"

So we stopped an she jump out and ran up and hugged the nigger on the lawnmower.

We ax if we can get married durrah and she say "Why Naww!" but we thought she say "Why Not?"

So you can unduhstans how we assumed she was the heir to the IHOP fortune and dat was her mansion.

Juss a simple miss-unnuh-standin, noamsayin?

Ray Cizzums
04-22-2021, 03:38 PM
I'm trying to imagine what it would be like to have a child who consorts with niggers and watching them invade and destroy your home. If I could imagine that (I can't) I'd know how Queen Elizabeth felt. :lol
Parents who put their foot down, beware. These little woketurd bitches are so toxic, they'll bait their own family members into a racial discussion, edit out of context quotes, and put it on Shitter and FacePuke. There have been two fathers who've lost their jobs in the past year due to these unhinged nigger loving twats.

04-22-2021, 03:48 PM
In a related story, a firefighter we know has a 'burner daughter, and she decided to have an "engagement party"
at their family home. The parents stayed upstairs, as their property filled with niggers.

I gather they didn't hate niggers before, or at least didn't hate them enough. It's a hard lesson that they should have just disowned the daughter immediately, and spared themselves letting niggers in at all.

Ray Cizzums
04-22-2021, 04:00 PM
Thank God I didn't want nor have any children. Better to have my blood end than to see it ever polluted by alien, putrid, ugly DNA.
Not having kids is a wash - it's neither good nor bad. My parents went 5-5 on good kids, and one of them, me, has been a free builder, installer, jack-of-all-trades, for the past 40 years. But we know parents who are being tortured into an early grave, by defective, hopeless burdens. Three guys I've worked with have buried their suicidal sons. My ex-neighbor's two sons are both junkies. But at least they aren't shitting out some monkey's tar papoose.

Ray Cizzums
04-22-2021, 04:13 PM
I gather they didn't hate niggers before, or at least didn't hate them enough. It's a hard lesson that they should have just disowned the daughter immediately, and spared themselves letting niggers in at all.
I know parents who lived in a little upstate town, worked both their asses off, and their daughter never saw a nigger, except on MTV. But that was enough, for this little tart to burn coal in college, get knocked up, and now these folks have to see her tar pigeon shucking around their little town. My fishing buddy, a classic nigger-hater, sent his hot little daughter off to college, and now she's a BLM-loving woketurd. She's not a 'burner, thank god, but her dad calls her a nigger lover right to her pretty face.

04-22-2021, 04:55 PM
Not having kids is a wash - it's neither good nor bad. My parents went 5-5 on good kids, and one of them, me, has been a free builder, installer, jack-of-all-trades, for the past 40 years. But we know parents who are being tortured into an early grave, by defective, hopeless burdens. Three guys I've worked with have buried their suicidal sons. My ex-neighbor's two sons are both junkies. But at least they aren't shitting out some monkey's tar papoose.

Yes, it's a wash, neither good nor bad at the beginning. It worked well for me. When I got married, the wife wanted children but it just didn't happen. But I was deathly sick in the 90s so with all the meds, it was probably me. Former spouse thought I was a good Catholic, until the nigger hate came. She prayed for me to stop, and I would've stopped if niggers became human, but that wasn't happening, even got worse. She had a pretty niece who started burning coal around 1992, and my best man said at my wedding, "where's the whore?". All the groomsmen laughed.
Burner wasn't there with sprog, thank God.

Good families will not do beastiality. I'm not indicting any parent who tried their very best to teach their children not to monkey-mix, and yet dumbass kid(s) does said abomination(s).

The girl who burned coal, she has 4 ugly kids from 3 niggers. Now with a new Spike Lee looking boy. I only found out from Facebook years ago, who knows, maybe she's now in hell. Don't know, don't care.

04-22-2021, 06:06 PM
Joke time!

Two guys are sitting at the bar, Jim turns to the bartender and says "Next round is on me for the whole bar!". His buddy Mike say's, "Wow, that is very generous of you, did you get a inheritance or something?". Jim say's, "Actually, no. You know my daughter Sarah? She is off to college. She came home yesterday and told us that she is a grown up woman, that she can pay her tuition, rent, insurance, cell phone bill, everything. That she NO longer needs our money!". Mike says "Holy Shit! She really said that?" Jim says "Well, not in those words, she came home and said "Mom, Dad, this is my boyfriend Jamal".

04-22-2021, 06:08 PM
Hell if a nigger even got near my home when I was growing up my father and mother would have said "Get the hell off our property NOW nigger" Yeah they had zero tolerance for niggers and taught all 4 of us kids about the dangerous feral nigger sub-humans.

Thank god my Mother & Father were race realists.

My father would have done the same. I think the happiest time of his life was when his company sent him from Canada to Georgia for a couple of months. He came home elated and told us kids stories about how the niggers were so well under control there at that time. My mother was the sweetest, kindest woman in the world, but I never heard either of my parents refer to them as anything but "niggers".

04-22-2021, 06:12 PM
NTG, I can honestly say I've never heard that one before - and I thought I'd heard them all.


04-22-2021, 06:22 PM
My father would have done the same. I think the happiest time of his life was when his company sent him from Canada to Georgia for a couple of months. He came home elated and told us kids stories about how the niggers were so well under control there at that time. My mother was the sweetest, kindest woman in the world, but I never heard either of my parents refer to them as anything but "niggers".

I can honestly say that my sainted grandmother has never been heard by another human, to my or any of the entire family's knowledge to utter a disparaging word about anyone.

She did, however, always call niggers - niggers.

She pronounced it niggras. Like Mark Twain.

Her dog was named Nigger Joe - pronounced NIGGER JOE!

04-22-2021, 06:48 PM
NTG, I can honestly say I've never heard that one before - and I thought I'd heard them all.


Me too. I think it's the funniest nigger joke ever made!

04-22-2021, 08:44 PM
Joke time!

Two guys are sitting at the bar, Jim turns to the bartender and says "Next round is on me for the whole bar!". His buddy Mike say's, "Wow, that is very generous of you, did you get a inheritance or something?". Jim say's, "Actually, no. You know my daughter Sarah? She is off to college. She came home yesterday and told us that she is a grown up woman, that she can pay her tuition, rent, insurance, cell phone bill, everything. That she NO longer needs our money!". Mike says "Holy Shit! She really said that?" Jim says "Well, not in those words, she came home and said "Mom, Dad, this is my boyfriend Jamal".

😂😂😂 I love it!!!!

04-22-2021, 09:30 PM
Could not get audio on that video clip, but it's a shame that estate was allowed to be fouled by niggers.
In a related story, a firefighter we know has a 'burner daughter, and she decided to have an "engagement party"
at their family home. The parents stayed upstairs, as their property filled with niggers. Dad told her it was over
at 11, but the some of the niggers refused to leave. At midnight, a ruckus kicks off, the father goes downstairs,
and starts physically ejecting niggers from the house, but one of the sows -a sister of the "Groom" - isn't having it.
Pops opens the door with her face, heaving her onto the lawn, just as the cops arrive. Thankfully, after a short
investigation, they decided to arrest the 'boon. A pic of the damage they did was circulating, with the dead animal
she had been wearing on her head, now plopped on the floor. Last I heard, daughter is disowned, and her idiot mother either agrees, or she's history too.

TOO BAD it had to come to that!!

04-23-2021, 12:57 AM
Joke time!

Two guys are sitting at the bar, Jim turns to the bartender and says "Next round is on me for the whole bar!". His buddy Mike say's, "Wow, that is very generous of you, did you get a inheritance or something?". Jim say's, "Actually, no. You know my daughter Sarah? She is off to college. She came home yesterday and told us that she is a grown up woman, that she can pay her tuition, rent, insurance, cell phone bill, everything. That she NO longer needs our money!". Mike says "Holy Shit! She really said that?" Jim says "Well, not in those words, she came home and said "Mom, Dad, this is my boyfriend Jamal".


My father told me and my brother a joke once:

Four niggers wanted to start a band but argued over what to call it.

"What 'bout "Da 4 Gen'lmens?" said one.

"I likes Da 4 Rhythm Makahs!" said another.

"I think we all shud be "Da 4 Dukes of Rock!" said the third.

The fourth hesitated and then said, "Why don't weze jus' call ourselfs "Da 4 Niggers", cuz dat's whut everyone else is goin' to call us."

Yeah, I know, but we kids laughed our heads off. Rayciss, my father was. :lol

SC Anemia
04-23-2021, 01:18 AM
....Jim says "Well, not in those words, she came home and said "Mom, Dad, this is my boyfriend Jamal".

EXCELLENT! :rofl :rofl :rofl

I grew up in the 60's - 70's so it was no big deal to hear my parents call niggers - niggers. I think that's one of the great things about those times. I got to watch the space program, MLK get shot, and droves of women burn their bras...all as it happened. There was no Shitter or Facespook. You really could have a conversation in public, say making small talk with a stranger at a store and say "Oh yeah, that robbery the other day. I dunno, some darkie I guess" and no one would bat an eye.

None of this woketurd bullshit and you NEVER saw a burner, at least not in public and rarely if ever heard of one.