View Full Version : Chauvin Verdict Reached...

Blue Gum
04-20-2021, 04:36 PM
Awaiting the reading of the verdict, the jury came back quick, I dont have a good feeling about it, I guess the next best thing is to be granted an appeal, providing of course he is not found innocent. I think he should of at least been given the advantage of the trial being moved out of that county AND the jury sequestered. I said it before, Chauvin should've had the savy to not pin the nigger animal down in front of all the niggers and wiggers on the sidewalk with their cell phones out, plus they had the nigger wrangled, hand cuffed behind it's back, the optics of all that look bad unless the nigger was on the ground flipping around like a fish out of water.

They flashed the charges, looks like IF the judge gave him the max, he'd do 40-50 years.
This whole story is Fukked up, I dont know how or why anyone would want to be a cop, especially in a nigger fuxated nest like this area of Minneapolis.

04-20-2021, 05:11 PM
Guilty...all 3 charges...

04-20-2021, 05:12 PM
Coming back this quick likely means he was found guilty of at least some of the charges. You can bet there were a lot of niggers and cucks on the panel. It is true he should have known better. But if you look at the video it doesn't look like the cartoons they drew on his neck being smashed to the ground. At best it looked like his knee was mostly on his shoulder.

Rastus Nigger
04-20-2021, 05:15 PM
The criminal nigger loving communist news media is to blame for this travesty of justice. Every nigger law enforcement has made good deserved what it got. The communists forced the nigger species on humans here to destroy the United States. The nigger is the main weapon of the communists.

Rastus Nigger
04-20-2021, 05:17 PM
I hate niggers and nigger lovers even more than I did an hour ago. Ship them all to Apefrica and let them kill each other there.

04-20-2021, 05:30 PM
I think what no one was talking about (even Nelson because it would bring up the idea of ashphixia) was Covid. I've had the virus and I could barely breathe at times. If someone was on my neck like that I might've died too. Of course Chauvin couldn't have known this, but he's now the sacrificial animal of the nigger coddling libs.

04-20-2021, 05:33 PM
I guess a fair trial was too much to ask. 2nd degree murder? What a joke. Sacrificing Chauvin to appease the niggers.

The Truth
04-20-2021, 05:33 PM
This makes me angry beyond belief, but unfortunately this was to be expected. Imagine spending basically the rest of your life in jail for goodifying a worthless, dumb, no-good, porn-making, stinking gangbanging nigger who was also an absentee father (imagine my shock!). And the worst is that he'll be assaulted, and possibly raped, by the masses of niggers jailed. Chauvin is a hero. Niggerlovers that allowed this travesty (especially the MSM and the white cucks) are nothing but TREACHEROUS, TERRORIST PIECES OF CRAP that should be sent first to Apefrica so they can experience some DIEversity at the hands their cuddly-wuddly pets. Traitors, all of them.

Tell it like it is
04-20-2021, 05:43 PM
Nothing to say.....speechless.....
All I can mutter over and over....
Sad day for police and our once great nation.

Blue Gum
04-20-2021, 05:49 PM
What are you guys thoughts on the nigger scum chimping out later on after dark today?

I think the niggers are going to do what niggers do best, burn, loot and riot. I'm thinking now, this is going to embolden niggers and I think we're going to see an unusual spike in the normal typical nigger behavior in the society, and I predict you're going to see and hear a shitload of niggers telling everyone how good and perfect nigger George was and what a loss to the country he was, of course that's ALL Complete Bull Shit.

What I'd like to see are those two nigger sows that " armed carjacked " and killed that Uber driver in DC be convicted to the maximum, niggers want justice? Okay let's prosecute every fukking nigger to the total degree possible.

04-20-2021, 05:58 PM
What are you guys thoughts on the nigger scum chimping out later on after dark today?

I think the niggers are going to do what niggers do best, burn, loot and riot. I'm thinking now, this is going to embolden niggers and I think we're going to see an unusual spike in the normal typical nigger behavior in the society, and I predict you're going to see and hear a shitload of niggers telling everyone how good and perfect nigger George was and what a loss to the country he was, of course that's ALL Complete Bull Shit.

What I'd like to see are those two nigger sows that " armed carjacked " and killed that Uber driver in DC be convicted to the maximum, niggers want justice? Okay let's prosecute every fukking nigger to the total degree possible.

There will be TNB tonight. You can count on it. Cops are going to be afraid to wrangle niggers. Niggers in turn are going to become bold and confrontational because they know the media is on their side. Some cops are going to wind up dead because they hesitated in a crucial moment. That you can also count on.

04-20-2021, 06:14 PM
This is the first of many..Ahmad Arberry, Rashad Brooks..will humans now have to genuflect when they pass a nigger lest they scuff its Jordan's and be held guilty of a hate crime?

04-20-2021, 06:15 PM
When the murder rates in MN jump to record numbers this summer I wonder what convoluted hypotheses the libtards will create to explain it.

04-20-2021, 06:19 PM
Blacks must be kinds let down. No excuse to loot the local liquor and shoe stores, or vandalize car dealerships, but lots of pride seeing WT go down...

Midder Peenud Hayed
04-20-2021, 06:27 PM
No one should be surprised at this verdict. Rather, the takeaway here should be, this is a much different country than what most of us believed it to be not so long ago.

We are losing the war right now -- and on every front. What does a soldier do when all hope is seemingly lost...?

Remain effective. Stay in the shadows. Find new allies, prepare, strategize, get the word out...

As far as I'm concerned, this comes down to the outcome of the appeal. If the Chauvin verdict stands, we're in real fucking trouble, and we're ALL going to need to re-think our approach to the nigger problem.

04-20-2021, 06:40 PM
Et tu, whitey? Not one holdout? NOT ONE???

I have lost all faith in the justice system and my "peers."

Stick a fork in this country. It's done.

04-20-2021, 07:10 PM
There is one glaring piece of evidence no one mentioned..no one, I mean no one would kill a worthless piece of shit coon while the whole world watched when his entire livelihood and freedom were at stake. That is what shocks me most about this verdict. 8 human jurors sat there listening to testimony that Floyd could have died from heart failure, that it is ineffectual to give CPR in a hostile situation, that Floyd was screaming "Ah cant breave" from the moment the arrest began. Still not one of them could not find it in themselves to question the same narrow minded, click-bait response everyone had to some 17-year-old sheboon's one-sided v-log.

animal mother
04-20-2021, 07:18 PM
I don’t give 2 shits about some boot lipped criminig getting it’s bat wings like everyone else here. The problem was that this stupid fuck killed it in front an audience of niggers and libtards with their sail foams recording away for over 10 fucking minutes! If they just got it into to back of the squad car out of sight and let it goodify on its own no one would have ever heard of St George. He would have been just another nigger who OD’d on fentanyl. Maybe Chauvin wasn’t guilty of murder but he sure was guilty of being a dumb fuck and for that he’s going to NU for a long time.

04-20-2021, 08:08 PM
I'm sure the jury was intimidated, because in today's digital age, they'll be found out, and murderous chimpouts will happen to their families. Any one holdout who didn't believe it was murder, but manslaughter, is I'm sure in fear of their life and job. The jury system is now really ineffective, because in reality regular people will be inclined to not vote their conscience. No #1 priority is safety, survival, then the means to live, i.e. a job. With niggers not being wrangled these days, regular people will be afraid to even defend what is rightfully theirs. Mob, criminal, nigger mentality has seeped in. How we reverse this, I don't know. We're in the eye of the storm right now. Maybe we'll get more forceful and influential leaders in 2 years.

St. George's life wasn't even worth $20. Useless nigger is costing the world billions. There will be appeals, and there will be more mayhem. With niggers, disorder and violence is guaranteed.

SC Anemia
04-20-2021, 08:47 PM
I don’t give 2 shits about some boot lipped criminig getting it’s bat wings like everyone else here. The problem was that this stupid fuck killed it in front an audience of niggers and libtards with their sail foams recording away for over 10 fucking minutes! If they just got it into to back of the squad car out of sight and let it goodify on its own no one would have ever heard of St George. He would have been just another nigger who OD’d on fentanyl. Maybe Chauvin wasn’t guilty of murder but he sure was guilty of being a dumb fuck and for that he’s going to NU for a long time.

You've said EXACTLY everything I was thinking. Yep, this was preordained the second his dumbass did it in front of an audience.

Real justice disappeared with the collision of Obama foams and social media. As you said, back in the day this ape would have been off to dead nigger storage and no one would have been the wiser. Anyway, yeah...the guilty verdict was a foregone conclusion.


04-20-2021, 08:58 PM
I hope the judge turns down the request by the prosecution to give Chauvin an extended sentence.

Normally the worst of the three charges only carries a 15 year maximum sentence in Minnesota.

Plus, in that state you only serve 2/3 of the sentence, then the final 1/3 on supervised parole.

It is conceivable that Chauvin only ends up doing a total of 10 years minus time served.

Also, I hope the sentences are concurrent rather than consecutive.

Finally, I would hope that they don't dump him in a maximum security facility.

Maybe after all the shit dies down and the niggers have moved on to worshipping some other criminigger, they can move him to a minimum security facility.

Maybe he'll have some friends on the outside putting money into his prison account so he can eat and live better.

I feel for the guy. He was just doing his job trying to clean up the shit off the street and this is the thanks he gets.

Whatever it was that killed that ugly drugged up boot-lip nigger Floyd did society a favor.

04-20-2021, 09:10 PM
First, during the closing arguments rebuttal, the nigger prosecutor made some kind if prejudicial comment. The defense requested a mistrial and the judge declined based on the fact that he told the jury to disregard it. He even told the defense lawyer he could bring it up in appeal.

I think the big one will be that crazy shit Crackzine Watermelon ooked about getting confrontational if the niggers didn't have their verdict demands met.

Also, because the jury wasn't sequestered there was no change of venue as there should have been, I wouldn't be surprised if the verdict is overturned and a new trial granted Chauvin.

Maybe even let hi out on bond until it's over.

This guy needs some good news.

I'd laugh my ass off if he got off because of Crackzine Watermelon's big fat nigger mouth!!! LOL

04-20-2021, 09:12 PM
There's a line in the movie "Crash" where the racist cop Matt Dillon says to his partner, "You have no idea." What gets me is the fucking audacity of these jurors who sat there and judged a cop who spends day in and day out with these animals. Is the rookie officer who was just following orders his second day on the job gonna get Murder 3? Never in my life have I understood the impulse to commit what we've been seeing on television the last few weeks more than at this moment.

04-20-2021, 09:21 PM
I would be terrified if I was on that jury. ABC, NBC and CNN had requested and were given the names, addresses and phone numbers of every juror on the panel...

Coon Club Road
04-20-2021, 09:50 PM
Et tu, whitey? Not one holdout? NOT ONE???

I have lost all faith in the justice system and my "peers."

Stick a fork in this country. It's done.

We know the empaneled niggers' vote before they left the courtroom.

The token whites didn't want to be there much less have their lives destroyed if they hung out. They would have been hunted down and tormented.

I honesty don't think the jury was made up of his "peers", but whatever.

I'm with you Stick... I've lost faith in the justice system too.

04-20-2021, 09:57 PM
I would be terrified if I was on that jury. ABC, NBC and CNN had requested and were given the names, addresses and phone numbers of every juror on the panel...



I hadn't heard that. Do you have a source on that one?

I aint bin dun did dat!
04-20-2021, 10:04 PM
I dont understand how they charge him with all three of these. When a nigger commits murder, can we charge it with first second and third degree murder? There will probably be a 4th degree murder. This will be for all niggers to get lesser charges due to white racism. Whitey made the nigger’s life miserable so it had to murder someone. Give the nigger a year and let it go. Poor niggers. Poor, poor niggers.

I feel so bad for dead nigger groid GF. He wuz just out doin some meth and fentanyl, doin a jive at tha sto, usin some counterfeit bills that whitey tricked it into using no doubt. Then, the ebil white debil cames along and tried to coax it into a cop car for 20 minutes prior to finally getting frustrated as all hell and flinging the nigger on the ground and using it as a knee pad. Poor Georgie.

04-20-2021, 10:47 PM
Awaiting the reading of the verdict, the jury came back quick, I dont have a good feeling about it, I guess the next best thing is to be granted an appeal, providing of course he is not found innocent. I think he should of at least been given the advantage of the trial being moved out of that county AND the jury sequestered. I said it before, Chauvin should've had the savy to not pin the nigger animal down in front of all the niggers and wiggers on the sidewalk with their cell phones out, plus they had the nigger wrangled, hand cuffed behind it's back, the optics of all that look bad unless the nigger was on the ground flipping around like a fish out of water.

They flashed the charges, looks like IF the judge gave him the max, he'd do 40-50 years.
This whole story is Fukked up, I dont know how or why anyone would want to be a cop, especially in a nigger fuxated nest like this area of Minneapolis.

I have absolute ZERO SUPPORT for those nasty niggers. It is so scary that a nation was held hostage to get this guilty verdict or those apes and liberals would all chimp out and go burning and looting. They will still go looting for other reasons because they are savage criminals. I hate niggers and liberals more then ever before. I saw all these niggers and white libtard piles of shit and mud sharks standing with BLM signs and I just zoomed by and ignored them. Fuck all of you niggers and anyone who supports those nasty pieces of filth.

04-20-2021, 10:56 PM
i hope the judge turns down the request by the prosecution to give chauvin an extended sentence.

Normally the worst of the three charges only carries a 15 year maximum sentence in minnesota.

Plus, in that state you only serve 2/3 of the sentence, then the final 1/3 on supervised parole.

It is conceivable that chauvin only ends up doing a total of 10 years minus time served.

Also, i hope the sentences are concurrent rather than consecutive.

Finally, i would hope that they don't dump him in a maximum security facility.

Maybe after all the shit dies down and the niggers have moved on to worshipping some other criminigger, they can move him to a minimum security facility.

Maybe he'll have some friends on the outside putting money into his prison account so he can eat and live better.

I feel for the guy. He was just doing his job trying to clean up the shit off the street and this is the thanks he gets.

Whatever it was that killed that ugly drugged up boot-lip nigger floyd did society a favor.

tru dat!!

04-20-2021, 11:46 PM
I'm sure the jury was intimidated, because in today's digital age, they'll be found out, and murderous chimpouts will happen to their families. Any one holdout who didn't believe it was murder, but manslaughter, is I'm sure in fear of their life and job. The jury system is now really ineffective, because in reality regular people will be inclined to not vote their conscience. No #1 priority is safety, survival, then the means to live, i.e. a job. With niggers not being wrangled these days, regular people will be afraid to even defend what is rightfully theirs. Mob, criminal, nigger mentality has seeped in. How we reverse this, I don't know. We're in the eye of the storm right now. Maybe we'll get more forceful and influential leaders in 2 years.

St. George's life wasn't even worth $20. Useless nigger is costing the world billions. There will be appeals, and there will be more mayhem. With niggers, disorder and violence is guaranteed.

I was about to write essentially the same words to tweak, down to every last thought. Were we Vulcan mind melded?

Doxxing became cancel culture and is now threats to livelihoods and even lives. Niggers now get to gather outside houses and make threats that cops do nothing about. Andy Ngo even had to flee the country, literally. We'll never know for sure, but can imagine behind the scenes during jury deliberations, how quickly any holdout was told he'd better change his vote for his own good. All it takes is a couple of niggers, and a judge backing them, to start threatening to leak names and addresses to BLM. So as much as any of us want to talk about staying true to our principles, we have to think practically. Is a juror going to throw his or her family to the wolves? Risk losing an entire house one quiet night when it goes up in flames?

They might also be hoping a guilty verdict will be overturned. This is the biggest bullshit trial since the Rodney King cops were convicted on federal charges.

04-21-2021, 12:05 AM


I hadn't heard that. Do you have a source on that one?

I hadn't heard that either! It wouldn't surprise me. Why bother to have nigger jurors threaten to leak names and addresses, when it can be done more efficiently?

04-21-2021, 04:28 AM

Yeah, why pay for a hit when you can have it done for free.

Some whack job bent on killing you can't be blamed on anything but crazy.

Of course the media gets paid for the killing - just in a legal way so they can't be charged with anything.

Even if you could sue them in civil court, it won't make you undead.

Coon Club Road
04-21-2021, 05:33 AM


I hadn't heard that. Do you have a source on that one?

I highly doubt the court will divulge the names, numbers and dresses of the jury, that will remain sealed for good reason.

Problem is you know damn well the empaneled
niggers (niggers are always causing problems) have the remaining jurors' first, last and M.I.'s ready for distribution.

Any person who got involved in this shit show (not by choice ie: jurors) who isn't puffing rad hose by the foot is in jeopardy of losing it all.

04-21-2021, 09:15 AM
I dont understand how they charge him with all three of these. When a nigger commits murder, can we charge it with first second and third degree murder? There will probably be a 4th degree murder. This will be for all niggers to get lesser charges due to white racism. Whitey made the nigger’s life miserable so it had to murder someone. Give the nigger a year and let it go. Poor niggers. Poor, poor niggers.

I don't have faith in the justice system for this same reason (and a few others). Prosecutors typically overcharge to take away the accused constitutional rights and ensure a conviction. If you can't try a person twice for the same crime, just charge him with as many crimes as possible in one trial. One nigger got dead one time - how can he be guilty of 3 degrees of homicide and pay a 3X penalty for one action? A complete monkey trial. He probably would have gotten a better decision if he waived the jury trial and just went with a trial by judge. At least that way, he wouldn't have had a jury tainted with public opinion and emotional fear of self preservation; he would have had one experienced person applying the law rationally. We can only hope he gets some relief on appeal (especially after the comments made by Maxine Waters tainting everything). But appeals are a real uphill battle.

Although not a charged factor here, I don't agree with the concept of a "hate" crime either. It's akin to mind reading and the "why" has no bearing on the crime. For example, if I punched someone in the face, I would be guilty of assault. It would make no difference whether I did it because I dislike niggers, or if I didn't like what someone said to my wife or whatever other reason I might have had. The fact is, it would be assault and we already have laws and punishments prescribed for assault. Adding extra penalty for "hate" is just virtue signaling for political advantage and appeasing niggers and other weird groups for votes.

It's a strange time to be living as a white, straight, conservative man with Judeo-Christian morality. You can't speak your mind or be seen alone in a room with a child or a woman. If you do, and an accusation is made, cancel culture will wreck you with mob rule in the court of public opinion or you will loose in court. At the very least, you will be censored and your ideas stricken from the record. You are required/expected to work hard, earn money and agree to be forced to give it away to undeserving groups and individuals. I hate having to act like a coward, keep my head down and hide from society to live my life in peace. But until men group together and start countering this shiite, the fear of personal destruction and desire for self preservation is well founded.

04-21-2021, 09:57 AM
I highly doubt the court will divulge the names, numbers and dresses of the jury, that will remain sealed for good reason.

Problem is you know damn well the empaneled
niggers (niggers are always causing problems) have the remaining jurors' first, last and M.I.'s ready for distribution.

Any person who got involved in this shit show (not by choice ie: jurors) who isn't puffing rad hose by the foot is in jeopardy of losing it all.

I am trying to find the link again. The Juror's were to be sealed during the trial, but after the trial they are unsealed (from my understanding).

04-21-2021, 02:06 PM
The headlines have been so full of niggerloving libtard cuck bullshit today that I haven't read or watched any news but how the hell can he be guilty for all three charges if there's only one nigger carcass?

Second-degree murder + third-degree murder + second-degree nigslaughter should produce three good niggers. This is a fucking joke.