View Full Version : Colorado Judge says nigger word, resigns

04-20-2021, 07:49 AM
A beautiful white judge in Colorado has resigned for using the nigger word and for daring to say that all lives matter.


04-20-2021, 08:01 AM
A beautiful white judge in Colorado has resigned for using the nigger word and for daring to say that all lives matter.


So..............................what's the problem?! Niggers are the PROBLEM!!

I aint bin dun did dat!
04-20-2021, 08:27 AM
I read this whole thing and fail to see the issue. Of course she likely hates niggers. Her courtroom is filled with them day in and day out. The same thing can be applied to police officers. Every police officer will hate niggers eventually. You could make any liberal out there a police officer and they would hate them after so many encounters.

“When one employee tried to explain the Black Lives Matter movement, Chase, who was wearing her robe and sitting on the bench, told the staffers that she believes all lives matter (https://www.vox.com/2016/7/11/12136140/black-all-lives-matter).”

My God! She said that? How can anyone say such a thing? Why the hell is this even mentioned as if this is some horrible thing to say?

Ray Cizzums
04-20-2021, 12:52 PM
I had to go to our criminal court about 20 years ago, for my only run-in with police as an adult. My friend and I sat there, while they called one major case after another, all blecks facing long stretches at Nigger U. The lovely Judge Julie was presiding, as the grim cases were presented for arraignment, one after the other. Our case was called, with our lawyer stating "Your honor, my clients are accused of fishing off of the Long Beach railroad trestle". This had everyone, including the judge, laughing. She was from Long Beach, and knew guys fished there every night. She said, "Stay off the railroad trestle, gentleman. Case dismissed".

Coon Club Road
04-20-2021, 01:17 PM
Seems Judge Natalie Chase knows the feral niggers very well.... OH and by the way hire her back and give her a raise.

No... nominate the Honorable Natalie Chase for a seat on the bench of the Supreme Court!

And if you are on here your Honor, we feel your pain!

animal mother
04-20-2021, 01:27 PM
Unfortunately if you read the whole article, the judge apologized for her remarks. I wish she would have doubled down on her comments and told these woke assholes to go fuck themselves when she quit. In a way I can’t blame her since she would be doxxed by niggers and libtards or worse.

04-20-2021, 05:53 PM
told the staffers that she believes all lives matter (https://www.vox.com/2016/7/11/12136140/black-all-lives-matter).”

How dare she say that? We know very well that ONLY nigger lives matter. Well, okay - they don't matter to niggers but the should matter to us.

Tar Remover
04-21-2021, 12:59 AM
I'm going to say NIGGER even more now. Nigger. Nigger. Nigger. Nigger. Nigger....... NIGGER! I hate goddamn niggers.

Tar Remover
04-21-2021, 01:01 AM
I had to go to our criminal court about 20 years ago, for my only run-in with police as an adult. My friend and I sat there, while they called one major case after another, all blecks facing long stretches at Nigger U. The lovely Judge Julie was presiding, as the grim cases were presented for arraignment, one after the other. Our case was called, with our lawyer stating "Your honor, my clients are accused of fishing off of the Long Beach railroad trestle". This had everyone, including the judge, laughing. She was from Long Beach, and knew guys fished there every night. She said, "Stay off the railroad trestle, gentleman. Case dismissed".:lmao
The railroad trestle? I never knew about fishing there.... I fished Belmont Shores Pier and Long Beach Naval Shipyard though.....

Ray Cizzums
04-21-2021, 01:34 PM
The railroad trestle? I never knew about fishing there.... I fished Belmont Shores Pier and Long Beach Naval Shipyard though.....
I'm a NY'er, and we have a city called Long Beach, here on Long Island's south shore. I spent my winters in San Pedro, California, in '80 and '81. The fishing in NY is way better than S. Cali for some reason.

Tar Remover
04-21-2021, 04:37 PM
I'm a NY'er, and we have a city called Long Beach, here on Long Island's south shore. I spent my winters in San Pedro, California, in '80 and '81. The fishing in NY is way better than S. Cali for some reason.

OH YEAH! That's right! I forgot about NY having a Long Beach! LOL!!!

Ray Cizzums
04-21-2021, 05:38 PM
OH YEAH! That's right! I forgot about NY having a Long Beach! LOL!!!
Do you fish the salt thereabouts ? Alaska is the dream destination for NY fisherman. I captained my commercial wicked tuna boat for 20 years, but had to sell it as I couldn't keep up with the maintenance. In 2012, Hurricane Sandy wrecked 5 houses in my family, including mine, and my wife's, which took 7 years to do FEMA lifts on, and completely renovate. Here's a pic of my boat, which ended up on the site where the legendary '60s rock club The Action House once stood. The crane crew and heavy equipment required to move and re-float the vessel cost $12+K.

Tar Remover
04-21-2021, 07:34 PM
Do you fish the salt thereabouts ? Alaska is the dream destination for NY fisherman. I captained my commercial wicked tuna boat for 20 years, but had to sell it as I couldn't keep up with the maintenance. In 2012, Hurricane Sandy wrecked 5 houses in my family, including mine, and my wife's, which took 7 years to do FEMA lifts on, and completely renovate. Here's a pic of my boat, which ended up on the site where the legendary '60s rock club The Action House once stood. The crane crew and heavy equipment required to move and re-float the vessel cost $12+K.

Yes, I do. I caught my first King Salmon here in 2007. It was a 48 pounder that took me 20 minutes to land on 17 pound line. I regularly pull rock fish and ling cod which are delicious. When I am on a boat I get Kings and Cohos mostly, and Pinks (which I make into Fish Loaf and jar) BIG fucking Halibut and Red Snapper. I get get shit tons of "D" Crab and geoducks and srimps (lol!)..... Add that to the deer, bear, duck, goose and beaver I have stuffed in jars and freezer and I eat fuckin' good here. I especially love spring bear that has fed on skunk cabbage roots and berries. I love the early fall deer but I have to go up the mountains for them. No problem- Indians taught me how to cut them into a backpack and carry them down on my back. Indians also taught me to make tea and antiseptics from Devil's Club. Not to mention the fact that I live in biggest fuckin' rain forest in the world. I'm not going to run out of food and water any time soon..... I popped 3 grouse today, I will be making my cheddar grouse casserole for dinner. If I get hungry, I go out and shoot dinner or pull it out of the water. Something niggers will never understand, since they are too fuckin' stupid and lazy.
Damn!! That sucks! Nice boat, how soon were you able to get it catching food again? Do you store foods, like jarring stuff? I jar a lot of meat and I have a commercial grade vacuum sealer. I have vacuum sealed meat, pulled it out after 3 years and it was just as fresh as the day I packed it......

Ray Cizzums
04-21-2021, 09:59 PM
Damn!! That sucks! Nice boat, how soon were you able to get it catching food again? Do you store foods, like jarring stuff? I jar a lot of meat and I have a commercial grade vacuum sealer. I have vacuum sealed meat, pulled it out after 3 years and it was just as fresh as the day I packed it......
Wow, a sportsman in a sportsman's paradise - and no niggers in sight. That's a high grade existence. If I was 20 years younger I'd move out there. All those salmon, halibut and rock and shellfish sound incredible, as do the two and four legged critters. NY waters are loaded with fish and bait, but also with federal, state and local fish cops - egged on by the job-and-benefits-for-life bureaucrats, who have left us with no reason to fish. The season, size and slot limits mean you're usually coming home with nothing, and that's how they like it. We used to limit out in two hours. Now they're making us use circle hooks, which is dead-sticking with the rod in the holder. Why bother ? I had $40K damage on my boat, which was insured, but no time to fish, with all the years of reconstruction in my area. It just wore me down and tapped me out. Since I sold the boat, I've got a couple of relief captain spots on charter and party boats, which I get a kick out of. My boat would have been sweet for inshore Alaskan waters, I had it all set up for deep-dropping with electric reels.
I used to cut a lot of fish for people, and I was always sharpening knives. I found the Dexter/Russel stainless knives with the white handles were next to impossible to sharpen, until I bought an electric gizmo called a WorkSharp. The $60 one is a little 1/2" hand held belt sander with an excellent blade guide, and it will straighten out any knife edge quick. The green coarse grit belt will remove nicks, but the brown 280 grit belt is perfect for getting an aggressive working edge. I show up at the dock and knock out everyone's knives in short order, especially the shitkickers used to cut bait. If you're feeling mighty white, treat yourself to the WorkSharp Ken Onion 3/4" model, for $140. I have an ebay link where I buy the belts in bulk.

Tar Remover
04-22-2021, 05:37 AM
Wow, a sportsman in a sportsman's paradise - and no niggers in sight. That's a high grade existence. If I was 20 years younger I'd move out there. All those salmon, halibut and rock and shellfish sound incredible, as do the two and four legged critters. NY waters are loaded with fish and bait, but also with federal, state and local fish cops - egged on by the job-and-benefits-for-life bureaucrats, who have left us with no reason to fish. The season, size and slot limits mean you're usually coming home with nothing, and that's how they like it. We used to limit out in two hours. Now they're making us use circle hooks, which is dead-sticking with the rod in the holder. Why bother ? I had $40K damage on my boat, which was insured, but no time to fish, with all the years of reconstruction in my area. It just wore me down and tapped me out. Since I sold the boat, I've got a couple of relief captain spots on charter and party boats, which I get a kick out of. My boat would have been sweet for inshore Alaskan waters, I had it all set up for deep-dropping with electric reels.
I used to cut a lot of fish for people, and I was always sharpening knives. I found the Dexter/Russel stainless knives with the white handles were next to impossible to sharpen, until I bought an electric gizmo called a WorkSharp. The $60 one is a little 1/2" hand held belt sander with an excellent blade guide, and it will straighten out any knife edge quick. The green coarse grit belt will remove nicks, but the brown 280 grit belt is perfect for getting an aggressive working edge. I show up at the dock and knock out everyone's knives in short order, especially the shitkickers used to cut bait. If you're feeling mighty white, treat yourself to the WorkSharp Ken Onion 3/4" model, for $140. I have an ebay link where I buy the belts in bulk.

Not surprised. The leftists fuck everything up for everybody with their fuckin' regulations and taxes. Glad to hear that you can still be a skipper at least part time and YES! That boat would have been perfect for my area. It looks big enough to handle Clarence Straight nicely, which is BRUTAL with any wind out of the SE.
Yes, ALWAYS interested in knives and sharpeners! I have lots, but always researching more....
And yeah, you SHOULD move out here. The winters here in SE are quite mild, but you would have to get used to the rain........ But stuff is pretty high priced out here because of the extra effort to get it here. Most stuff has to be barged up from Seasshole. Especially fuel.

Tar Remover
04-22-2021, 05:56 PM
Have you ever called a nigger a "nigger" to their face?

YES! A few times in various fights! Of course, this was when I was considerably younger....... But I would still do it! How about you?