View Full Version : Tales from the ER: The Uppity Nigger (Witch) Doctor

04-18-2021, 12:45 AM
Another story from my job as a registered nurse. This is from a few years back. Just another day at the hospital. I received a call from a doctor I didn't know, let's call him Doctuh Bongo, who spoke with an Africoon accent, asking me to give a patient a dose of medicine. Now hospital (and common sense) policy states that you don't give a patient an injection based on a telephone instruction from someone you don't know. So being the professional that I am, I calmly and politely informed Doctuh Bongo that I couldn't do that, and that he would have to appear in person and show me the paperwork before I could give the patient the medicine. This caused him to chimp out on me over the phone, ooking that "ah beez uh doctuh" and that I needed to listen to its magical flying 'gypshun pyramid-building wisdom.

In the end, it turned out to be a "legitimate" order of medicine for the patient (I put "legitimate" in quotes because even though Bongo may have been handed a medical license, we all know that he didn't earn it and only got it because of affirmative action). However, that call could have come from anyone - an outsider, a prankster, some 419 nigger from Nigeria with that Africoon accent. That's why that policy exists.

Long story short, I didn't get into any trouble over the whole thing, even though Bongo whined that I had "disrespected" him, because I had followed proper procedure and he hadn't. In fact, I heard later that Bongo was the one who got chewed out by the HNIC (Head Nagger In Charge).

Ray Cizzums
04-18-2021, 12:56 AM
Was there any of this happening ?

04-18-2021, 01:58 AM
That is all you need... A nigger having a reaction and then the "doctuh" claiming he never told you to do it. I never want to see a nigger walk into any medical facility I am being seen at.

I remember one time some "nurse" was taking my blood pressure while I had a hospital stay. I was asleep at the time and didn't see it was a sow. Until it tripped over my IV, ripping it out of my arm and making my sheets nice and bloody. I remember it climbing off the floor still tangled up in the IV drip. Then it was wanting to be the one to put it back in on my other arm so it wouldn't have to inform the doctor. I told it no fucking way. I don't want this you anywhere near me. I was in the hospital for another 36 hours and never closed my eyes the whole time. This nigger should have been working in the cafe, not taking vitals.

The needle they leave in you is soft plastic but rip it out real fast and its going to bleed.

04-18-2021, 07:50 AM
Another story from my job as a registered nurse. This is from a few years back. Just another day at the hospital. I received a call from a doctor I didn't know, let's call him Doctuh Bongo, who spoke with an Africoon accent, asking me to give a patient a dose of medicine. Now hospital (and common sense) policy states that you don't give a patient an injection based on a telephone instruction from someone you don't know. So being the professional that I am, I calmly and politely informed Doctuh Bongo that I couldn't do that, and that he would have to appear in person and show me the paperwork before I could give the patient the medicine. This caused him to chimp out on me over the phone, ooking that "ah beez uh doctuh" and that I needed to listen to its magical flying 'gypshun pyramid-building wisdom.

In the end, it turned out to be a "legitimate" order of medicine for the patient (I put "legitimate" in quotes because even though Bongo may have been handed a medical license, we all know that he didn't earn it and only got it because of affirmative action). However, that call could have come from anyone - an outsider, a prankster, some 419 nigger from Nigeria with that Africoon accent. That's why that policy exists.

Long story short, I didn't get into any trouble over the whole thing, even though Bongo whined that I had "disrespected" him, because I had followed proper procedure and he hadn't. In fact, I heard later that Bongo was the one who got chewed out by the HNIC (Head Nagger In Charge).

Nice work, Ana!!

Tar Remover
04-18-2021, 07:04 PM
Good. Dumbass monkey.

Tar Remover
04-18-2021, 07:06 PM
Was there any of this happening ?

I'll bet there WAS.... And still is.

Coon Club Road
04-19-2021, 01:37 AM
"let's call him Doctuh Bongo, who spoke with an Africoon accent..."

Luckily, I've only been in the ER twice with my kids for treatment of kids will be kids injuries.

Both times, the ER was staffed by a "Doctuh Bongo", who I could not understand.

During my first visit, Doctuh Bongo babbled some shit during the exam, which in turn I point blank replied to the ER nurse, "what did he say"?

I hated to put her on the spot, but I really had no idea what Bongo Bongo said.

She was speechless and apparently stunned that someone would dare ask a medical doctor to repeat, so I repeated myself, "what did he say"?

She asked Bongo to repeat himself. He babbled the same shit.

I again replied "what did he say" and she shrugged her shoulders.

I said "if you don't understand him and you work with him, how the hell am I supposed to understand him"? Again she embarrassingly shrugged.

I asked her to go get a translator. Both her and Doctuh Bongo left the room.

A short time later another nurse with a human doctor in tow walked in and we started the visit over, me complaining about the non English speaking Doctuh the whole time.

About a year later, I was back with the other kid with a sports injury and son of a bitch if don't see Doctuh Bongo afoot in the hallway!

I told the nurse I needed a doctor I could understand because Doctuh Bongo out there can't speak English, and I need to understand what is being said.

She smirked and said she would pass my request along and she did! She also said she wished more patients would speak up and complain if they had trouble understanding "certain" physicians.

"Certain" physicians... pretty sure we were both thinking nigger physicians!

For what hospitals charge you think they would up the ante just a bit for ER doc pay to attract and retain Doctors instead of Doctuhs that can't even put two words of English together!


04-19-2021, 06:39 AM
Yep, you have to be careful with any of those Doctuh Bongo types. There are so many points where something could go wrong - language barrier, low negroid IQ, lower medical standards in Turd World coontries, etc. I personally have never trusted any "fresh off the boat" doctor to work on me.

And of course the Americoon niggers are just as bad with their ebonics.

04-19-2021, 08:42 AM
Yep, you have to be careful with any of those Doctuh Bongo types. There are so many points where something could go wrong - language barrier, low negroid IQ, lower medical standards in Turd World coontries, etc. I personally have never trusted any "fresh off the boat" doctor to work on me.

And of course the Americoon niggers are just as bad with their ebonics.

Tru Dat!!

Coon Club Road
04-19-2021, 09:15 PM
There is an old saying...... What do they call a person that graduates last in his medical class?

Yep..... you guessed it "Doctor"

Niggers shouldn't even be allowed anywhere a hospital pretending to be a doctor..... more like a veterinarian taking care of their fellow primates.

I think it's risky letting them push a mop bucket around!

04-20-2021, 09:16 AM
BEWARE ! Every magical nigger doctor has falsified Nigerian documentation. Walk away from nigger doctors. They can not be challenged due to their celebrated nigger status. All niggers are frauds and menacing. This is why they are black....to warn you of impending danger !

04-20-2021, 09:35 AM
They're even more dangerous with a toilet brush in their paws :lol


04-20-2021, 05:57 PM
There is an old saying...... What do they call a person that graduates last in his medical class?

Yep..... you guessed it "Doctor"

Niggers shouldn't even be allowed anywhere a hospital pretending to be a doctor..... more like a veterinarian taking care of their fellow primates.

I would trust my (human) veterinarian before I would any nigger "doctuh"!