View Full Version : Michael Moore is Urging UNHINGED Liberals to “STORM” on July 4th

06-29-2017, 09:31 AM
Celebrities have been blowing a lot of “dog whistles” for unhinged liberals, who are waiting in the shadows, consumed by misguided hatred for President Trump, all based off of fake news reports. From Kathy Griffin’s ISIS-like beheading photo shoot, to Johnny Depp’s call for assassinating Trump, these celebrities are irresponsibly encouraging crazed and violent liberals to “action.” Look what happened in Virginia, when a rabid anti-Trump “Bernie Bro” went on a shooting spree, specifically targeting Republican lawmakers. What will it take for these clueless, low-info celebrities to tone down the rhetoric and start reigning in bloodthirsty liberals? I’m convinced these

More... (http://truthfeed.com/michael-moore-is-urging-unhinged-liberals-to-storm-on-july-4th/86387/)