View Full Version : Texas school kids make very fun game: nigger auction

04-14-2021, 09:27 AM
A very fun game!
Texas 9th grade kids make a very fun game called nigger auction!
That sounds like a good wholesome family game.
I wonder if the game teaches you good business skills or perhaps it is a puzzle game like how to fit niggers on a ship efficiently.


04-14-2021, 10:48 AM
Students “traded” them for prices ranging from $1 to $100, KXAS reported.

This is an excellent game to show who the idiots are. Who actually bid $100 for a nigger?

One of the parents is right, just not the way he thought. Some students need to be taught better so they know the value of a dollar, and the value of a nigger. The auction should have gone, "We have here a fine buck specimen that can clean up your yards and do your other chores. Do I hear a dollar? How about a quarter? Come on, even a nickel? This thing can work all afternoon!" "Yeah it could work, but it wouldn't, and odds are it would break into the house and muh dikk me to death!"

04-14-2021, 11:05 AM
As a former resident of Parker County, Texas, I have a few serious problems with what these kids did because it shows a lack of proper education provided on the part of Aledo ISD and poor parental guidance of the children accused. Please bear with me as my tongue is planted firmly in my cheek.

First, these children have obviously been taught that niggers should be sold as property. This is wrong because niggers have zero worth and therefore should have no value assigned to them.

Second, these children have been taught that niggers should have been made slaves in the first place instead of pushing for and using scientific and technological advances to do the jobs of slaves. This was just pure laziness on the part of slave owners and should be taught as such. I.E. We should have picked our own damn cotton. Furthermore the niggers were removed from their natural habitats among the rest of the wildlife in their native Africa and introduced as an invasive species elsewhere. Why are the environmental and animal rights activist not LIVID OVER THIS???

Third, these children have obviously not been taught to manage money. I'm speaking specifically of the school funding raped from the taxpayers (their parents) which will once again be wasted on legal fees defending this ISD's bad decision to discipline these children for something that happened off campus, not involving the school or threatening it, or other students in any way shape or form. This is done despite the fact that every time it has been tried, every school has lost an ass load of money in legal settlements against them.

This will only raise taxes across the entire ISD and state.

While this is not necessarily the children's responsibility to do so, these kids should know by now that school officials (especially in Texas as of late) love to over-step their authority when it comes to what can and cannot be legally enforced by campus rules and the ISD authorities. These kids deserve a stern talking to about how they need to fill in and step up to compensate for the stupidity of the liberal adults charged with their education.

All of this is terribly unfair to the parents and children not awarded millions of taxpayer dollars in compensation for the malicious actions taken by school officials against the student victims. This is doubly true for private school parents who pay for schools they don't use.

This is not to say that compensation isn't deserved: These students will never be able to attend college due to the black marks on their school records made by these Gestapo thought police.

Lastly, there is the lack of responsibility shown by the parents to train their children properly in these matters. The fact that so many other parents and students have been through all of this so many times in so many separate instances across this nation learning nothing in the process is disturbing to me. PARENTS MUST teach their children that if they are going to rip on niggers on the internet, they need to do a better job of being anonymous and untraceable so that the situation is too legally slippery for the school to even bother with attempts to exact retribution on them - for daring to do something so fucking hilarious!!! :lol

Ray Cizzums
04-14-2021, 11:15 AM
We'd be in way better shape today, if they only knew about Chinese and Latino manpower back in the late 1700's.
They would have paid for the boat ride, and did a day's work, for a day's pay.
Niggers needed too much life support then, just like now.


04-14-2021, 04:13 PM
We'd be in way better shape today, if they only knew about Chinese and Latino manpower back in the late 1700's.
They would have paid for the boat ride, and did a day's work, for a day's pay.
Niggers needed too much life support then, just like now.


Or encouraged massive Irish immigration decades sooner. Once Jefferson made the Louisiana Purchase, that's when we should have had a Homestead Act, but excluding niggers for which land was wasted anyway.

Ray Cizzums
04-14-2021, 09:14 PM
Or encouraged massive Irish immigration decades sooner. Once Jefferson made the Louisiana Purchase, that's when we should have had a Homestead Act, but excluding niggers for which land was wasted anyway.
Yes, my Irish ancestors served as indentured servants (slavery, without the perks), for 10+ years, just to pay for the trip over. My Dad's family got caught up in the French & Indian War, in the 1750s, with only 3 out of 14 surviving. The majority died from disease and starvation, the rest in raids and combat around Ft. William Henry. George Washington didn't get us any "reparations", but he did show the native savages who's boss.

04-15-2021, 06:50 AM
Yes, my Irish ancestors served as indentured servants (slavery, without the perks), for 10+ years, just to pay for the trip over. My Dad's family got caught up in the French & Indian War, in the 1750s, with only 3 out of 14 surviving. The majority died from disease and starvation, the rest in raids and combat around Ft. William Henry. George Washington didn't get us any "reparations", but he did show the native savages who's boss.

You ain't blak, yous white. No reparations for you, white privileged.

Tar Remover
04-15-2021, 05:53 PM
As a former resident of Parker County, Texas, I have a few serious problems with what these kids did because it shows a lack of proper education provided on the part of Aledo ISD and poor parental guidance of the children accused. Please bear with me as my tongue is planted firmly in my cheek.

First, these children have obviously been taught that niggers should be sold as property. This is wrong because niggers have zero worth and therefore should have no value assigned to them.

Second, these children have been taught that niggers should have been made slaves in the first place instead of pushing for and using scientific and technological advances to do the jobs of slaves. This was just pure laziness on the part of slave owners and should be taught as such. I.E. We should have picked our own damn cotton. Furthermore the niggers were removed from their natural habitats among the rest of the wildlife in their native Africa and introduced as an invasive species elsewhere. Why are the environmental and animal rights activist not LIVID OVER THIS???

Third, these children have obviously not been taught to manage money. I'm speaking specifically of the school funding raped from the taxpayers (their parents) which will once again be wasted on legal fees defending this ISD's bad decision to discipline these children for something that happened off campus, not involving the school or threatening it, or other students in any way shape or form. This is done despite the fact that every time it has been tried, every school has lost an ass load of money in legal settlements against them.

This will only raise taxes across the entire ISD and state.

While this is not necessarily the children's responsibility to do so, these kids should know by now that school officials (especially in Texas as of late) love to over-step their authority when it comes to what can and cannot be legally enforced by campus rules and the ISD authorities. These kids deserve a stern talking to about how they need to fill in and step up to compensate for the stupidity of the liberal adults charged with their education.

All of this is terribly unfair to the parents and children not awarded millions of taxpayer dollars in compensation for the malicious actions taken by school officials against the student victims. This is doubly true for private school parents who pay for schools they don't use.

This is not to say that compensation isn't deserved: These students will never be able to attend college due to the black marks on their school records made by these Gestapo thought police.

Lastly, there is the lack of responsibility shown by the parents to train their children properly in these matters. The fact that so many other parents and students have been through all of this so many times in so many separate instances across this nation learning nothing in the process is disturbing to me. PARENTS MUST teach their children that if they are going to rip on niggers on the internet, they need to do a better job of being anonymous and untraceable so that the situation is too legally slippery for the school to even bother with attempts to exact retribution on them - for daring to do something so fucking hilarious!!! :lol

I fully agree with EVERYTHING you just stated! What you just said was like it was right out of my own skull.