View Full Version : Commie BLM Negress buys a 1.4M home in an all-white neighborhood

04-10-2021, 09:59 PM
Trained Marxist and cofounder of BLM bought a $1.4M home in Topanga Canyon, CA where the black population is 1.8%
I, for one, am shocked. She's not buying in Compton? (sarcasm). I guess Marxism didn't work out too well for her and went full capitalist instead.
I blame the white liberals who donated to her gibs organization


Full clip
04-10-2021, 10:48 PM
No surprise there for as with all Socialists, Lefties and Commies it's simply a case of - 'Do as I SAY not as I DO'.

04-18-2021, 06:36 PM
The ugly sheboon did not only buy one house, last year she bought four in the US alone:


In addition to that she and her sherilla wife are interested in a oceanfront house in the Bahamas, the article claims properties there are between $5 million and $20 million. Just as a reminder, that thing called "Patrisse Khan Cullors" is the exact same sheboon who said about itself "We are trained Marxists. We are super-versed on, sort of, ideological theories." at twitter last year. The typical socialist thug!
Good thing though: If you happen to work for a company that donated money to Burn Loot Murder, you are in prime position to demand more money :).

04-18-2021, 06:38 PM
trained marxist and cofounder of blm bought a $1.4m home in topanga canyon, ca where the black population is 1.8%
i, for one, am shocked. She's not buying in compton? (sarcasm). I guess marxism didn't work out too well for her and went full capitalist instead.
I blame the white liberals who donated to her gibs organization


fucking nigger cunt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

04-18-2021, 06:39 PM
No surprise there for as with all Socialists, Lefties and Commies it's simply a case of - 'Do as I SAY not as I DO'.

HYPOCRITES to the TENTH degree!!

Blue Gum
04-18-2021, 08:19 PM
Even niggers dont like niggers...lol ...that has been a known fact for a long time. "You can take the nigger out of the jungle, but you'll never be able to take the jungle out of the nigger " a nigger is a nigger is a nigger....no matter how much soap they use or how long they went to school....they're still a nigger....

04-18-2021, 08:24 PM
Imagine now if this were a human than used donations to buy a house. I mean as long as you didn't lean left... This would be 24/7 news and they would be demanding trials and refunds. But because it is commie niggers these liberals fawn and send them MORE money.

04-18-2021, 09:58 PM
If they hate whitey so much . But they want to live around humans. They need to chase that nigger out of the neighborhood before they wreck it .

04-18-2021, 10:51 PM
Imagine now if this were a human than used donations to buy a house. I mean as long as you didn't lean left... This would be 24/7 news and they would be demanding trials and refunds. But because it is commie niggers these liberals fawn and send them MORE money.

NRA, Project Veritas, anything considered "conservative." And the IRS would be sent in to investigate every last penny.

04-19-2021, 08:32 AM
In my way of thinking, socialism and communism are no different. A communist is simply a socialist in a hurry - smash the frog, not boil it slowly.

Truth be known, a socialist IS a capitalist. They still want profits to be made and business to go on - as long as they control both. Never mind the fact that they don't know what to do with either.

This bitch is nothing but a straight up extortionist. She's learned from the best - Jesse Jaxcoon, the Rebberund Al Not so Sharpton, all of them. Stir up shit, lean on mega corporations, (many of which lean that direction anyway due to their Chinese dealings), and live high on the hog while doing jack shit except for organizing more riots. Not one damn cent has gone to any of the "victims" of the poleese brutaliteez, dayed niggers famblies, or anything more than bailing out the rioting niggers from jail so they can go out and raise more hell and destroy more shit. They know damn well that the niggers they bond out will be emboldened and quite possibly dispatched by the Kyles, the cops or potential victims tired of their shit. It's cool, they're just disposable foot soldiers after all.

There is zero accountability for their malfeasance within their own organizations, much less the government - and there never will be. Their people are willfully ignorant and the government is is bed with them all - and no-one seems to care.

We are surrounded by treason, ignorance and evil.

Hey, we made it almost 250 years. I guess we had a pretty good run.

And the band played on...

04-19-2021, 05:05 PM
HYPOCRITES to the TENTH degree!!

Exactly!!! If they would at least live up to their own stupid ideology, but nooooo. Socialist scumbags!

04-19-2021, 05:34 PM
In my way of thinking, socialism and communism are no different. A communist is simply a socialist in a hurry - smash the frog, not boil it slowly. I fully agree, there is no difference between socialism and communism. They (Marxists) officially have the goal to establish communism, and they claim the way to get there is socialism (which just means the destruction of everything, so that magically from the ashes of the destroyed civilisation a communist paradise "appears"). Since they are the only "enlightened" people who understand that "bigger plan", they need to be the ruling ones during socialism. Simply put: It is just institutionalized robbery.
Truth be known, a socialist IS a capitalist. They still want profits to be made and business to go on - as long as they control both. And of course as long as they don't have to work but can live of the work of other people. They just wanna be king. Just like niggers, demanding gibs and privileges, and someone to blame.

04-22-2021, 12:15 PM
Everything we are seeing right now is basically the rise of communism.
What these idiots don't realize is that they are just cannon fodder... useful idiots.
We'll see soon enough how well they love communism. I guess they are unaware of how even Fidel treated niggers.

04-23-2021, 11:37 AM
Of course that spook would move to an all-white neighborhood away from her coon siblings.

Jivin' Jigaboo
04-23-2021, 05:27 PM
Even niggers dont like niggers...lol ...that has been a known fact for a long time. "You can take the nigger out of the jungle, but you'll never be able to take the jungle out of the nigger " a nigger is a nigger is a nigger....no matter how much soap they use or how long they went to school....they're still a nigger....

Repeat after me in an infinite loop "A NIGGER IS A NIGGER, IS A NIGGER, IS A NIGGER, IS A NIGGER......"

Niggers will always be niggers, no matter how hard they try not to be or how hard we try to humanize them. It is a total fail of a reform attempt, that was
never meant to be. Niggers will always chuck spears, light bonfires, beat bongos and exhibit feral savage behavior. Niggers are from the jungle and they are
still in the trees and always will be. The jungle will never leave the Nigger.

04-23-2021, 06:30 PM
Of course that spook would move to an all-white neighborhood away from her coon siblings.

Even niggers don't want to be around niggers.

Jim Crow
04-23-2021, 10:30 PM
Niggers don’t want to live around other niggers, because deep down everyone hates niggers, including niggers.