View Full Version : Being a 2LT entitles this nigger to have no rear license plate and refuse orders to exit its vehicle

04-10-2021, 02:53 PM
WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. (AP) — A second lieutenant in the U.S. Army is suing two Virginia police officers over a traffic stop last December during which the officers drew their guns, pointed them at him and used a slang term to suggest he was facing execution before pepper-spraying him and knocking him to the ground.

In a lawsuit filed earlier this month, Nazario says his constitutional rights were violated during the traffic stop in the town of Windsor. The two sides in the case dispute what happened after a second police officer joined the first one in the stop. At the time, Nazario was coming from his duty station and going home, attorney Jonathan Arthur told The Associated Press on Friday.

“Graduated from Virginia State University. He was commissioned out of their ROTC program. He's an officer in the United States armed forces,” Arthur said. “These guys decide to do this to him.”

Asked about Nazario's condition after the incident, Arthur said, “He's definitely not doing too well.”

Arthur said Nazario explained at the time that he wasn't trying to elude the officer, but was trying to stop in a well-lit area “for officer safety and out of respect for the officers.”

The lawsuit says by the time the two officers reached Nazario's SUV, the license plate was visible in the rear.


So even the nigger admits it was evading police so it could hide somewhere, put on the plate, then claim dindu nuffins, it had the plate on all that time. Now it's going for nigger lotto when it should have its license and commission revoked.

Ray Cizzums
04-10-2021, 03:09 PM
Just pull over, hand the cops what they ask for, and take your ticket, for fuck's sake !
Maybe they won't give you one, if you don't waste their time.

Whitey Ford
04-10-2021, 10:23 PM
Ahhh beez an offisuh!

At the 3:50 mark, he gives the nigger some pepper spray LOL


04-11-2021, 10:55 AM
It's unbelievable how many chances the nigger had. Get out of the car? Get on the ground? This was resisting arrest. Did you hear it start to call itself a vet, then say it's "actively serving"? Bullshit, like that makes any difference. The Lame Stream Media is acting like a "uniformed" nigger should be immune. If fatigues justified a nigger not having a license plate and running away from police, then niggers would be wearing them more often than clown shoes.

"Ah dindu nuffins!" If I'd done the same thing, all my family and friends would wonder why I was so stupid in the first place. The nigger was already trying to establish nigger lotto. "You fugged up! You fugged up!"

04-12-2021, 10:49 AM
One of the cops got fired already?! Where was the due process that niggers and coddlers always demand?


SC Anemia
04-12-2021, 11:18 AM
One of the cops got fired already?! Where was the due process that niggers and coddlers always demand?


Oh man this just so much bullshit.

"What's going on? You're fixin' to ride the lighting, son," Gutierrez said, according to the lawsuit and body camera video.

Meaning...fixin' to get tazed. Just how is this construed to suggest he was going to get executed? Yeah, I know "ride the lightning" is a phrase also used to mean the electric chair but seriously? Context people! Why would a cop even say that on a traffic stop? Especially a cop who had a taser in his hand when he said it.

Honestly, if there's one thing in this world I hate more than niggers, it might be stupidity. Whoever's responsible for firing this cop is a cunt. Surely he knew damn good and well what the cop meant but decided instead to trash his career instead of standing up to the imbeciles who got loud about it.

It seems like no one has a spine these days.

Coon Club Road
04-12-2021, 11:30 AM
And the fuckin' knot heads wonder why they get the Rodney King treatment!

04-12-2021, 12:24 PM
Yeah, I know "ride the lightning" is a phrase also used to mean the electric chair

Maybe I'm younger than I think :), but I've never heard that. I know Ol' Sparky, but I always thought "ride the lightning" was a taser or stun gun.

SC Anemia
04-12-2021, 01:54 PM
Maybe I'm younger than I think :), but I've never heard that. I know Ol' Sparky, but I always thought "ride the lightning" was a taser or stun gun.

No, you're right about the age thing. I believe "ride the lightning" was a colloquial expression most commonly used back in the 30's and 40's as a reference to the electric chair. Definitely NOT what the cop was referring to.

Coon Club Road
04-12-2021, 03:08 PM
^^^ It was evident the police officer could have been a little clearer with his commands.

Example: Listen up BOY, you're fixing to get the ELECTRIC MONKEY WHIP across your black ass... BOY!

04-12-2021, 07:31 PM
What is bothering me more than anything is the fact they are using his status in the military to make him a bigger victim and hero for "serving". Where it would be just the opposite if he were human.

Simple fact is that if he had complied with the police, he would not have been spiced up.

Also did anyone else catch the "I can't breeve"?

04-12-2021, 11:04 PM
Maybe I'm younger than I think :), but I've never heard that. I know Ol' Sparky, but I always thought "ride the lightning" was a taser or stun gun.

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fimg.discogs.com%2FrxpKr-Bu8MkmrhaMfMTS2SNlWIA%3D%2Ffit-in%2F300x300%2Ffilters%3Astrip_icc()%3Aformat(jpeg )%3Amode_rgb()%3Aquality(40)%2Fdiscogs-images%2FR-1167277-1347390317-8930.jpeg.jpg&f=1&nofb=1

Despite the reference being originally used for the chair, This uppity uniformed nigger and it's lawyer knew damn well what the cop meant.

What pisses me off the most is that the trooper's entire chain of command, all the way up to the Governor's office, knew damn well what he meant and chose to act like they believed he meant executed as well. You don't get niggers to comply by saying "please or thank you" and they all know it. They threw this cop under the bus, sacrificing him to a false deity of Dinduism.

What is bothering me more than anything is the fact they are using his status in the military to make him a bigger victim and hero for "serving". Where it would be just the opposite if he were human.

Being in the service does not exclude the driver from being a possible murderer, drug dealer, child molester or anything else - especially in an integrated force!

04-13-2021, 01:09 PM
What is bothering me more than anything is the fact they are using his status in the military to make him a bigger victim and hero for "serving". Where it would be just the opposite if he were human.

What pisses me off the most is that the trooper's entire chain of command, all the way up to the Governor's office, knew damn well what he meant and chose to act like they believed he meant executed as well. You don't get niggers to comply by saying "please or thank you" and they all know it. They threw this cop under the bus, sacrificing him to a false deity of Dinduism.

Being in the service does not exclude the driver from being a possible murderer, drug dealer, child molester or anything else - especially in an integrated force!

Integrating the armed forces was a guarantee that violent niggers would get in, and later on, asslifters. And being a 2LT, the niggerbuck should know how to take orders, but what am I saying, it's a nigger. It probably wears fatigues everywhere it goes so people think it's ihmpotint an sheeit, acting like it has a star instead of a bar.



04-15-2021, 07:26 PM
The police chief has half a spine, but not enough, and the dindu is continuing with its dindu nuffins nigger lies.

PETERSBURG, Va. — While he said he felt bad for how the events of a traffic-stop late last year unfolded, the police chief of the town where a Black and Latino military officer from Petersburg, Virginia, was accosted by two of his officers said Wednesday that he does not think the soldier is in need of an official apology.

In response, Army Lt. Caron Nazario's legal team said Windsor Police Department Chief Rodney D. Riddle "continues a false narrative" of the case and blaming their client for initiating it. They said the video of the stop "shows otherwise" that their client was nothing but compliant.

"I'm gonna own what we did," Riddle said about the stop during a news conference Wednesday in the Isle of Wight County, Virginia, community where Nazario was stopped last December while on his way home. "My guys missed opportunities to verbally de-escalate that thing and change that outcome."


How about the nigger missed every chance to keep it from happening at all? No license plate, attempting to flee, and not getting out when told. That is hardly "compliant."

SC Anemia
04-15-2021, 08:32 PM
For our non-veteran members, a 2nd Lieutenant is at the rock bottom of commissioned officer ranks. In military parlance, this is a private, as in buck private (pun intended). As follows lowest to highest:

2nd Lieutenant
1st Lieutenant
Lt. Colonel
The lamestream media is making a big deal out of a nig who managed to graduate college (business admin or liberal arts degree no doubt), got lost and ended up in an Army recruiting center. :finger

Coon Club Road
04-16-2021, 11:23 AM
"Simple fact is that if he had complied with the police, he would not have been spiced up."

One Liner Award Winner of the Day
