View Full Version : Nigger outrage: white preschool kids supposedly fed first while niglets go hungry

Whitey Ford
04-09-2021, 08:08 PM
Georgia daycare is accused of racism after parents see 'teachers feeding white children and making black children wait' over the center's livestream

A parent checking on the daycare's livestream noticed that the white children appeared to be eating, while the black children didn't have their food
After the parent received an unsatisfactory answer from the school, he took a screenshot of the moment to social media, where it quickly went viral

A daycare center has been branded racist after a livestream video appeared to show white children being served food before black children.

Parents of children in the daycare in Roswell, Georgia had the ability to tap into a livestream to see how their children were doing throughout the day.

One parent, who checked in to see their two-year-old boy this week, was outraged to see white children being fed lunch, while black kids were forced to wait.


Coon Club Road
04-10-2021, 01:04 AM
So they feed in alphabetical order...

Crackers eat before niggers.

Pretty simple. Case closed!

04-10-2021, 09:58 AM
So they feed in alphabetical order...

Crackers eat before niggers.

Ha! I got a hearty laugh out of this! Fucking nogs complaining as usual.

Ray Cizzums
04-10-2021, 12:53 PM
My friend's wife ran a small preschool operation, with her mother, who invested in a new location, so they could expand the business. Once they went bigger, they had to meet all kinds of certifications and requirements, which they eventually managed to do. Black mammies showed up to inquire about the school, but never signed up their chilluns. Then, some conglomeration of government pukes started an inquisition, checked their compliance and certifications, and informed them they were signing up 50 nigger sprogs. They were accommodated without incident, for about a year, when the social services pukes who wrote the checks announced an "Audit" needed to be conducted. It turned out that agreeing to do business with the state came with an stack of regulations the size of a phone book, of which the operators of the school were unaware. They could have just run it as they saw fit for human children, and they would have been fine. Instead, my friend's wife plead guilty, to keep her mother from being charged, and got sentenced to 6 months in jail. The fines and legal fees were astronomical, and bankrupted the school and everyone involved.

04-10-2021, 01:14 PM
My friend's wife ran a small preschool operation, with her mother, who invested in a new location, so they could expand the business. Once they went bigger, they had to meet all kinds of certifications and requirements, which they eventually managed to do. Black mammies showed up to inquire about the school, but never signed up their chilluns. Then, some conglomeration of government pukes started an inquisition, checked their compliance and certifications, and informed them they were signing up 50 nigger sprogs. They were accommodated without incident, for about a year, when the social services pukes who wrote the checks announced an "Audit" needed to be conducted. It turned out that agreeing to do business with the state came with an stack of regulations the size of a phone book, of which the operators of the school were unaware. They could have just run it as they saw fit for human children, and they would have been fine. Instead, my friend's wife plead guilty, to keep her mother from being charged, and got sentenced to 6 months in jail. The fines and legal fees were astronomical, and bankrupted the school and everyone involved.


And you know damn well that white liberals planned it all along to punish the school and its owner, once they heard about the place and saw there were no niglets enrolled.