View Full Version : Here we go AGAIN - yet another INN-SENT Nigger!

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04-08-2021, 09:48 PM
Old Nigger released from N.U in North Carolina after 44 years for a crime it dindu 'cos (in part) da' all white (Human) jury beez rayciss and of course dey beez hold back 'Evidence' during its trial for the RAPE of a White (Human) woman but what Nigger is EVER innocent of 'Muh-Dikken'?
It's now bitchin' about only getting $980K in compo. but that still leaves a sh.t load of $$ left over even after it gets a new Escalade.
Effing NIGGERS!!!!!

04-08-2021, 10:31 PM
When the niggers homies find out he has a nice sum of the White mans money their ‘big nig’ impulses will kick in and he’ll get a taste of Nigger Lives Don’t Matter To Each Other.

04-09-2021, 08:18 AM
Is there a link to the story?
I'm sure it's guilty as sin. What's the story from the victim? $980,000 is plenty for the nigger to live out it's life smoking Newports, chuggin' Colt 45 Malt Liquor from a can, eatin' waddamelon and shoving KFC down it's chiggun intake slot. Hopefully it is to old to be a threat anymore but one never knows with niggers.

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04-09-2021, 03:18 PM
Is there a link to the story?
I'm sure it's guilty as sin. What's the story from the victim? $980,000 is plenty for the nigger to live out it's life smoking Newports, chuggin' Colt 45 Malt Liquor from a can, eatin' waddamelon and shoving KFC down it's chiggun intake slot. Hopefully it is to old to be a threat anymore but one never knows with niggers.

Its name is Ronnie Long which might be why it got a 'Long' sentence of 80 years when it was a 21 y.o robbing and human raping Nigger punk.
You can 'Google' but have your puke bag ready as you observe it with its 'Whigger'/race traitor partner being a Plain Jane, overweight 'Bottle' blonde who obviously couldn't find a human to fill the gap in its 'life'.
Oh well, I guess she'll help it spend almost a million $ in record time.