View Full Version : Drug-dealing Dominicoon nigger is upset a Biden administration won't stop its deportation

04-06-2021, 05:39 PM
Just another nigger "immigrant" that commits a lifetime of felonies, thinking it had citizenship and couldn't be deported, then complains :racist when it's convicted and ordered deported. Now it's sorry for all the crimes it did. Then to complete this, we have one of those anti-West, anti-humanity commie fucks at the SPLC.

Kelvin Silva, 44, hoped President Joe Biden would take a different stance than his predecessor by not deporting him.

Silva was convicted and incarcerated in 2013 for possession with intent to distribute marijuana and cocaine. He was sentenced to 127 months behind bars on federal charges and was rendered automatically deportable under immigration law because of his crimes.

Meredyth Yoon, one of Silva's lawyers and a lead attorney with the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Southeast Immigrant Freedom Initiative, believes Silva is being targeted for deportation unfairly because he is a Black immigrant.

"Mr. Silva is not a threat to public safety and therefore does not meet the Public Safety Priority Category’s criteria for enforcement," Yoon wrote in a press release. "He has extensive family ties in the United States, including his U.S. citizen mother, sisters, and three children."

Silva said he hardly knows anything about the Dominican Republic.


Look again at what it was sentenced to. Nobody, nobody gets 10 years for drug dealing unless it was huge and/or there were prior convictions. It's been years since mandatory guidelines were thrown out, and even then you could deal a few grams of crack and still get probation. Years of probation, but still probation. (I don't know this personally.) So what was this nigger doing?

Among Dominicoons that nigger should still fit right in, with no need to remember anything or get acquainted with the "culcha." It can just be its TNB self. It's lucky it isn't being sent to Africa, where it would know things even less.

04-07-2021, 01:09 PM
So long, farewell
Auf wiedersehen, goodbye

04-07-2021, 01:34 PM
Silva said he hardly knows anything about the Dominican Republic.

He's going to get a crash course in Dominicoon and Hayshee culcha and he's not going to like it. :lol