View Full Version : 1800+ prisoners escape after Nigeria jail attack

04-05-2021, 05:23 PM
1800+ prisoners escape after Nigeria jail attack
Massive chimpout coming soon.


Jim Crow
04-05-2021, 05:37 PM
Oh boy! I hope the liberals don’t try to bring them here.

04-05-2021, 06:28 PM
Good point

04-05-2021, 07:26 PM
Thank god it is in the muddaland

04-05-2021, 10:58 PM
Oh, those wacky Nigerians and their hijinks. I bet they're all heading to London.

04-05-2021, 11:09 PM
those niggers will be muh-dikkin everything in their path like a swarm of raping locusts.....watch out watch out there's niggers about !!

04-06-2021, 02:27 AM
Now that we have open borders, I'll bet some of this filth will come through Mehico and say they're Honduran or Guatemalan or sheeiit. The "unaccompanied minors", black as any spook, would be let in. As we speak -- a thousand illegal minors are being enhoused at the San Diego CA Convention Center. These are not innocents. They come thumbing their noses at us, ignoring our rule of law, taking advantage of our generosity. If all illegals were sent back, I'd shed no tear.

04-06-2021, 03:14 AM
If all illegals were sent back, I'd shed no tear.

At this point, I have to admit that I would place no age limit on who was sent back. Hand even the youngest "unaccompanied minors" over to Mexican officials - even the babies. They knowingly allowed them to migrate through from SA passing though their country. Let them be responsible for their return.

Of course, our opinions are moot as long as this administration is in control. The first people that need to be deported mostly reside in DC and in a perfect world would be deported in urns.

04-06-2021, 02:05 PM
Watch and see if 1800 convict niggers don't suddenly show up at our southern border, demanding 'asylum'...

04-06-2021, 04:36 PM
Now that we have open borders, I'll bet some of this filth will come through Mehico and say they're Honduran or Guatemalan or sheeiit.

Speaking of which...

A Yemeni citizen who is on the FBI's Terrorism Watch List was caught last week entering the United States illegally through the southern border, the second such incident to occur within the past two months, officials said Monday.

The unidentified 26-year-old man was arrested on March 30 two miles west of the border crossing in Calexico, Calif., 130 miles east of San Diego, Customs and Border Protection said.

During a background check, agents discovered his name on the watch list, a database that contains the names of those suspected or known to participate in terrorist activities, and the No-Fly list.



Now those are only the ones caught and reported in the news. How many more have slipped through?