View Full Version : The Destruction Of Seattle

04-02-2021, 06:39 AM

Documentary on how libtards are wrecking Seattle.

Jim Crow
04-02-2021, 07:28 AM
Liberalism is a fatal disease for a thriving city.It will go broke and be destroyed by liberals pet Nager’s in no time.and the sensible honest working citizens will sell their property and move.As the case in Seattle.

04-02-2021, 08:06 AM
Liberalism is a fatal disease for a thriving city.It will go broke and be destroyed by liberals pet Nager’s in no time.and the sensible honest working citizens will sell their property and move.As the case in Seattle.

Libtardism is a MENTAL disorder!! I hope that those libtard cucks DON'T move to our AWESOME state!! Let the @$$wipe$ move to ANOTHER blue state!!

04-02-2021, 08:58 AM
They are building a light rail going into Seattle. So what is going to happen is all these ultra liberals are going to move north and drive the prices up. It is already happening.

Though far left, Seattle used to be nice. There were areas where you wouldn't want to go alone at night thanks to niggers but that is any city. Now the cost of living and liberal agendas have turned it into a shithole. Yet you can't buy a house for under a decent house for under a million dollars.

Jim Crow
04-02-2021, 01:06 PM
Libtardism is a MENTAL disorder!! I hope that those libtard cucks DON'T move to our AWESOME state!! Let the @$$wipe$ move to ANOTHER blue state!!
Unfortunately,we are getting more transients from the liberals states than we’d like. They are buying houses. I do estimates and work for some of them. And they always have some type of a conversation with me.Many have sensibly turned Republican, because they know Democrats ruined their state.
While others are fools.Although they’re moving here to avoid the high taxes and the crime.They still have the same political views that ruined their state.And they’ll vote to ruin ours!
I don’t mind the educated ones that are here to live a good life and will vote to keep it that way. The ones that came here and want to vote Democrat and turn our state blue, they should’ve stayed. And the same thing is happening in Texas. Butt load of people running from Cali!

Ray Cizzums
04-02-2021, 04:30 PM
If I saw that squalor near me, I'd set my truck up like the douche boat used by US riverine forces in Vietnam. It had firefighting pumps, and deck mounted nozzles, that would flood out the VC's riverbank bunkers in seconds. A 500 gallon tank, hooked to a high pressure pump, rigged to a side firing nozzle - then go out at night, and give everybody a much needed bath.
My brother's lunatic ex-girlfriend was stalking our family, because he sold his house and moved, to get away from her. She was becoming a danger to my elderly parents, and the cops were useless, so I laid in wait, then gave her the 5 gallon therapy bucket of cold water. She kept yapping, until bucket #2 was almost full, then vamoosed. She cried to the cops, trying to have me arrested, but they told her "Go dry off", and "Don't go over there". I had to reapply the bucket after that, on two separate occasions, until she finally gave up.

04-02-2021, 10:21 PM
Unfortunately,we are getting more transients from the liberals states than we’d like. They are buying houses. I do estimates and work for some of them. And they always have some type of a conversation with me.Many have sensibly turned Republican, because they know Democrats ruined their state.
While others are fools.Although they’re moving here to avoid the high taxes and the crime.They still have the same political views that ruined their state.And they’ll vote to ruin ours!
I don’t mind the educated ones that are here to live a good life and will vote to keep it that way. The ones that came here and want to vote Democrat and turn our state blue, they should’ve stayed. And the same thing is happening in Texas. Butt load of people running from Cali!

Tru Dat!!