View Full Version : Nigger "beauty queen" becomes repeat ISIS bride

03-31-2021, 10:34 PM
I didn't realize the jizzlamists were this desperate! Did they run out of goats in that area?

It subsequently transpired that Su-lay had been captured alongside Gailon Su. According to the Dutch journalist Ana van Es, who had briefly spoken to Gailon after she had been put into custody and separated from Su-lay, they had surrendered to the SDF together. Gailon told van Es that Hamlet had “tricked” her into going to Syria. She also said that within months of arriving in Syria she had divorced him, marrying another ISIS fighter soon after. And just like the first marriage, the second one didn’t last.

“There is something wrong with them [ISIS fighters]. Troublesome men,” she told van Es. Gailon later relayed to The New York Times that she had married four men in Syria. “I was like a whore in the Dawla [the Islamic State],” she said.

Judging by her Facebook page, Gailon was not your average “jihadi bride”. For a start, she’s a bit too old: 46. She had also come to Islam late in life, converting into the faith in 2014, when she was 42. And she was a former beauty queen (in one photo she posted in 2013, she is wearing a ribbon with “Miss Longdenville” printed on it). Nor was she your average ISIS homemaker: “She’s intriguing,” van Es told me. “I mean, her whole story is intriguing. It’s not every day that you get a divorce inside the caliphate. I know that it was allowed, but it’s unusual to do it twice.”



Ray Cizzums
03-31-2021, 10:50 PM
"Intriguing" ? "Tricked into going to Syria" ? "There's something wrong with the ISIS fighters" ?
Who would ever think that head-chopping, cage-burning ISIS jihadis would be troublesome ?
I'm sure these marriages are over, whenever another Syrian herdsman passes through.
The choice between a dried up old sow, and a tender young goat, is a no-brainer for those ISIS savages.

03-31-2021, 11:00 PM
The choice between a dried up old sow, and a tender young goat


I really did burst out laughing there.


03-31-2021, 11:15 PM
"Intriguing" ? "Tricked into going to Syria" ? "There's something wrong with the ISIS fighters" ?
Who would ever think that head-chopping, cage-burning ISIS jihadis would be troublesome ?
I'm sure these marriages are over, whenever another Syrian herdsman passes through.
The choice between a dried up old sow, and a tender young goat, is a no-brainer for those ISIS savages.

Tru Dat!!

Ray Cizzums
03-31-2021, 11:22 PM
The goat is the least tainted out of everyone involved, including the "Islamic scholar".