View Full Version : Niggeress looking for social media fame and gibs over supposedly incorrect chicken sandwich order

03-31-2021, 01:30 PM
[QUOTE]Crysten Chyonn posted a video on TikTok explaining that she had ordered a chicken sandwich with extra mayo from Wendy’s, but the drive-thru attendant allegedly kept getting her order wrong. So, the TikToker started to get frustrated.

“I go to Wendy’s and I ask them for a chicken sandwich combo with extra mayo — mind you, it comes with lettuce and tomato already on there,” Chyvonn said in her video. “The lady kept getting my order wrong. I open this up when I get to the house — look at this s***.”

Chyvonn unwrapped her sandwich and lifted the top bun of the sandwich to reveal an enormous amount of mayonnaise — and no lettuce and tomato.

In a follow-up video, Chyvonn defended herself and claimed that the women working the drive-thru at the time “gave her an attitude,” and kept mishearing her order.[\QUOTE]


Niggers are already hard enough to understand. "Dowannomayo!" it would have ooked. The worker asks, "You want more mayo?" Then the niggeress screeched, "Yuhurrwuhahzid!" Or the niggeress is just lying to get attention and gibs. It'll demand a year of free sandwiches from Wendy's or else it's going to sue.

I already don't take niggers at their word, even if it didn't look as bad as this.


Coon Club Road
03-31-2021, 02:41 PM
Working in the ghetto past the time of day you had planned occasionally calls for a stop at a burger joint or someplace to quench starvation or the shakes from low sugar.

Your biggest nightmare is 3 or 4 boons ahead of you in line!

03-31-2021, 02:53 PM
A human would have had that problem solved with a few human words and in just a few minutes.
Or really, the problem was so incredibly minor that I would just keep driving.