View Full Version : Missing Nigger - Chimps up in arms about it

03-30-2021, 05:45 AM
I was on twitter for my sins and come across this


Link to News Site - https://news.sky.com/story/missing-oxford-student-has-chronic-condition-and-was-struggling-to-cope-with-shielding-mum-says-12259978

Apparently the chimps started chimping (What iss new) because the police didn't think finding a wandering nigger was an acceptable use of their time, when a "White woman" went missing everyone went looking for her. They started chimping over that (Maybe the niggers should get the idea).

It doesn't have any of its tax payers money, a coat or its medication

So if any UK chimpers see it, don't approach call pest control or the wranglers.

(Sorry if this in the wrong place)

03-30-2021, 08:53 AM
The difference is the white woman was probably kidnapped by niggers. The niglet was abandoned or lost by niggers and they want their government gibs payout back.

03-30-2021, 09:58 AM
Probably ODed on drugs and fell into the river.

Whitey Ford
03-30-2021, 10:27 AM
The animal was an Oxford magic nigger student.
If he disappears forever he will be doing Britain a cosmically huge favor.

03-30-2021, 12:38 PM
The difference is the white woman was probably kidnapped by niggers. The niglet was abandoned or lost by niggers and they want their government gibs payout back.

Probably ODed on drugs and fell into the river.

Niglets "wander away" all the time and generally turn up all right, once mammies realize the welfare checks will stop coming. Grown niggers OD all the time, or run away to escape arrest or other niggers. If this nigger didn't die from a George Floyd special of fentanyl and meth, it probably was made good by its homies it owed money to, or it found out police are investigating it for something like muh dikk or murder. It's 1 million times more likely a buck goes missing to escape the law because it raped and killed a missing white woman, than a buck goes missing for no reason.

03-30-2021, 12:46 PM
That sums it up pretty well.

03-30-2021, 02:10 PM
The difference is the white woman was probably kidnapped by niggers.

Was death by cop as in he kidnapped and murdered her. But a white woman's life is clearly of higher value.

03-30-2021, 07:59 PM
Was death by cop as in he kidnapped and murdered her. But a white woman's life is clearly of higher value.

A half eaten candy bar covered in dirt and ants is more valuable than a niglet.

Ray Cizzums
03-30-2021, 08:15 PM
One commenter pointed out the missing chimp was not a student at Oxford University, but some other school with Oxford in it's name. An awful smashnose named Rosemarie had to shit on his stating that this was reported in error, hopefully from a mud hut in the Congo.

Jim Crow
03-30-2021, 10:05 PM
Probably ODed on drugs and fell into the river.
We can only hope!

Coon Club Road
03-31-2021, 02:44 PM
I'm surprised missing niglets are even reported.

That's like shooting yourself in the foot as far as getting cut off the Gibbs me's dat express if they are found daid.

03-31-2021, 04:22 PM
They forgot to look inside the primate exhibit at the London Zoo.