View Full Version : Nigger cop yells at niglet skipping school, fambly filing for nigger lotto

03-27-2021, 10:51 PM
SILVER SPRING, Md. (AP) — A police department in Maryland has released body camera video that captured two of its officers berating a 5-year-old boy who had walked away from his elementary school, calling him a “little beast” and threatening him with a beating.

The video released Friday by the Montgomery County Police Department shows one of the officers repeatedly screaming at the crying child, with her face inches from his.

“Oh, my God, I’d beat him so bad,” the officer said in the child's presence before telling him, “You do not embarrass me like this at school.”

The boy's mother has filed a lawsuit over the January 2020 interaction. Lawyers for the child’s mother, Shanta Grant, said the video shows the officers treating her son “as if he were a hardened criminal.” They said Grant is seeking “justice and fair compensation for the trauma he endured.”


What a disaster of a country we're in, that niggers can cause problems at school, and now walk out of school, then go for nigger lotto. The nigger cop will probably do everything it can to maximize the settlement so it gets a share of the gibs.

The niglet might as well be treated like a criminal now. It's never too early to start. It's probably already done its share of shoplifting and flash mob thefts. See the oversized hoodie? It already knows to grab candy bars and hide them up the sleeves.

03-27-2021, 11:39 PM
Yet another nigger hired for it's brains.
Back in the old days, a cop had to past tests.

Jim Crow
03-28-2021, 07:20 AM
The only uniforms a nigger belongs in is,a janitor set of overalls or a prison jumpsuit.Nigger brains aren’t equipped to handle anything else. But leave it to the liberals ,they want to put an irresponsible ape/nigger in charge of the world.Liberals have always been the main problem.

03-28-2021, 10:59 AM
Yet another nigger hired for it's brains.
Back in the old days, a cop had to past tests.

Apefirmative blacktion has ruined EVERYTHING!!

03-28-2021, 12:27 PM
The only uniforms a nigger belongs in is,a janitor set of overalls or a prison jumpsuit.Nigger brains aren’t equipped to handle anything else. But leave it to the liberals ,they want to put an irresponsible ape/nigger in charge of the world.Liberals have always been the main problem.

From years ago, one of my favorite advertisements showed a real Rastus McNiggernig type in perfect prison hue.


Coon Club Road
03-29-2021, 12:28 PM
From years ago, one of my favorite advertisements showed a real Rastus McNiggernig type in perfect prison hue.


Driving through the ghetto one day I spotted a nigger day care bus unloading while I was stopped at a light.

Each nigglet that jumped off the bus grabbed onto a rope. The rope had a knot tied every couple feet and each knot head grabbed a knot.

The funniest part of what was seemingly preparing these little coons for later "chain gang" life, was they were all wearing orange tee's in adult large or some size fourteen sizes too big, which came to their ankles resembling prison jump suits! :lol :lol :lol

03-29-2021, 09:41 PM
Driving through the ghetto one day I spotted a nigger day care bus unloading while I was stopped at a light.

Each nigglet that jumped off the bus grabbed onto a rope. The rope had a knot tied every couple feet and each knot head grabbed a knot.

The funniest part of what was seemingly preparing these little coons for later "chain gang" life, was they were all wearing orange tee's in adult large or some size fourteen sizes too big, which came to their ankles resembling prison jump suits! :lol :lol :lol