View Full Version : My Theory....

Blue Gum
03-27-2021, 04:27 PM
I'm thinking with the influx of virtually all new nigger commercials on tv, and all the "diversity & inclusion" , it seems to me the current admin along with the main stream nigger news, is those bastards are trying their best to polish up and make niggers seem more mythical and sophisticated than in recent times, point is they're trying to Make us humans like niggers, and I can say right now, I'll. Never be convinced that a nigger is no more than a filthy violent animal.

03-27-2021, 04:48 PM
That’s their gambit, make niggers look like geniuses and Whites look like morons.
Then we get to reality, the media works very hard to censor anything that shows the truth of niggers. How many times have you heard some liberal piece of shit say all the riots were “peaceful” to keep it going? They’ll keep at it until the end. It’s not racial equality that unites them, it’s pure greed. Thankfully there’s some sensible people waking up, but the weak minded are more zombified than ever!
Stay safe, avoid the groid! Let the niggers and liberal fucks run out of money and break out into pure anarchy and eat each other!!

03-27-2021, 07:02 PM
a nigger is no more than a filthy violent animal.

True dat! You gave an exact definition of the savage shitbeast species commonly known as 'nigger'.

Jim Crow
03-27-2021, 07:55 PM
My theory is the liberals are using the lame stream media to create more chaos amongst humans and beast.Stirring up the low IQ nigger’s animal mind is the easy.And making humans choose a side against each other is their goal.Socialist liberals know that a divided nation of citizens is easier to control.

03-28-2021, 12:30 AM
I'm thinking with the influx of virtually all new nigger commercials on tv, and all the "diversity & inclusion" , it seems to me the current admin along with the main stream nigger news, is those bastards are trying their best to polish up and make niggers seem more mythical and sophisticated than in recent times, point is they're trying to Make us humans like niggers, and I can say right now, I'll. Never be convinced that a nigger is no more than a filthy violent animal.

I smell a GAR..What.. a CEEEGAR..No.. a NEEEGAR

A black dude walks into a pet store and walks up to a parrot and says "Aye man, Pawie want a cwackar?" They Parrot says "Aye man, Nigger want a watermelon, Nigger want a watermelon"

A nigger walks into a bar with a parrot on his shoulder. The bartender asks "Where did you get that?" The parrot said "Africa"

What do you call a very wealthy black guy ho lives in Beverly Hills in a mansion, wears the finest clothes, and drives a Mercedes?... A Nigger

Full clip
03-28-2021, 12:36 AM
My theory is the liberals are using the lame stream media to create more chaos amongst humans and beast.Stirring up the low IQ nigger’s animal mind is the easy.And making humans choose a side against each other is their goal.Socialist liberals know that a divided nation of citizens is easier to control.

Quite so - DIVIDE and RULE.

Full clip
03-28-2021, 12:53 AM
I'm thinking with the influx of virtually all new nigger commercials on tv, and all the "diversity & inclusion" , it seems to me the current admin along with the main stream nigger news, is those bastards are trying their best to polish up and make niggers seem more mythical and sophisticated than in recent times, point is they're trying to Make us humans like niggers, and I can say right now, I'll. Never be convinced that a nigger is no more than a filthy violent animal.

The Socialist liberal elites fear the white man because of his IQ (witness his creations/inventions) whilst having silent contempt for the low IQ jungle borne Nigger. That is why they promote mixed (Human/Nigger) marriage so as to create a 'Dumbed down' (mongrelized) species in the more compliant and manageable Mulatto.

Buck Simian
03-28-2021, 04:36 AM
They are using subliminal messaging with this as well. Commercials have become overran with nigger/white families. You sit there half way paying attention to the TV while it plays commercial after commercial showing some white couple with nigger children, some coalburner with a nigger husband or some cuck with a nigger wife. It is slowly programing the young who don't know any better, making them think that this is OK. On top of that the TV shows and commercials which always show nigger coming out on top. We use to see it all the time with the wife being presented as the smart one to the bumbling husband, which in itself was funny and in many cases right. Now it is the nigger that is the smart one over the white guy. Some white dude doesn't know how to do the most basic task and here comes Mr. Nigger to show him how and we all are suppose to get a laugh.

I aint bin dun did dat!
03-28-2021, 06:25 AM
That’s their gambit, make niggers look like geniuses and Whites look like morons.
Then we get to reality, the media works very hard to censor anything that shows the truth of niggers. How many times have you heard some liberal piece of shit say all the riots were “peaceful” to keep it going? They’ll keep at it until the end. It’s not racial equality that unites them, it’s pure greed. Thankfully there’s some sensible people waking up, but the weak minded are more zombified than ever!
Stay safe, avoid the groid! Let the niggers and liberal fucks run out of money and break out into pure anarchy and eat each other!!
Liberals love to bring up the “insurrection” from January 6th but completely ignore all the riots from their nigger lives matter movement that went on the entirety of last year. Only think worse than a nigger is the woke white liberal.

03-28-2021, 11:25 AM
Liberals love to bring up the “insurrection” from January 6th but completely ignore all the riots from their nigger lives matter movement that went on the entirety of last year. Only think worse than a nigger is the woke white liberal.

Granted, the "insurrection" was not a good look for Trump supporters (one could make the argument that when one can't tell the difference between them and antifa, something isn't right), but it's utterly bizarre how the riots are being memory holed.

In retrospect, it seemed weird at the time how companies were literally giving millions of dollars to BLM, but it seems like that may have been the smart thing to do. I'm guessing the various BLM factions have been too busy fighting with each other over the money to mount other (somewhat) coherent attacks against the American infrastructure.

Or maybe it was just too cold for the niggers to wake up from hibernation.


03-28-2021, 11:52 AM
The Socialist liberal elites fear the white man because of his IQ (witness his creations/inventions) whilst having silent contempt for the low IQ jungle borne Nigger.
Exactly! To establish socialism / communism you need to control the population. Dumbing down via miscegenation and destruction of the family via feminism are their modus operandi. (Don't get me wrong, with feminism I refer to 3rd wave feminism. I don't have any problems with equal rights. Just with the "men are the root of all evil", "quality is a myth invented by men to suppress females" etc. nonsense to justify quotas and double standards for females.) And of course via mass immigration so there is no homogenous population with the same goals and values.

That is why they promote mixed (Human/Nigger) marriage so as to create a 'Dumbed down' (mongrelized) species in the more compliant and manageable Mulatto.
Yep, they openly admit that, just search for "Richard Nikolaus Coudenhove-Kalergi", one of the founding fathers of the European Union, personal friend of Soros and the Rothschild's.