View Full Version : BASED man heckles mudshark, gets arrested for racisms, hate crimes, wrongthink & lack of niggerloving

Whitey Ford
03-24-2021, 09:02 PM
Justyn Giarraputo is facing a hate crime charge after posing a Nazi salute and saying "white power" to a family in Illinois, according to police


Justyn Giarraputo, 37, was arrested by cops in New Lenox Friday, one day after a woman told investigators he made the offensive gesture and yelled the racist slogan several times toward her and her three children outside a Walgreens, police said.

The woman’s three children, two of whom are black, had stayed in her car as she went into the pharmacy, she told cops.


03-24-2021, 09:09 PM
Justyn Giarraputo is facing a hate crime charge after posing a Nazi salute and saying "white power" to a family in Illinois, according to police



SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO............................. .....What's the problem?!

03-24-2021, 09:18 PM
The "hate crime" charges should be thrown out on appeal. The man's right to free speech is guaranteed by the first amendment. Also, not only is it impossible to prove a state of mind but a person's thoughts are no business of the government, which is why up until the modern era of communist lunacy laws were about what somebody has done, not about what somebody has thought.

03-24-2021, 09:57 PM
The "hate crime" charges should be thrown out on appeal. The man's right to free speech is guaranteed by the first amendment. Also, not only is it impossible to prove a state of mind but a person's thoughts are no business of the government, which is why up until the modern era of communist lunacy laws were about what somebody has done, not about what somebody has thought.

Absolutely. If a nigger shouted "Black Power" to a white family, liberals would be screaming "FREEDOM OF SPEECH" and start riots at the courthouse.

The niggersow says it was "afraid for her safety and that of her children." If that makes a prosecutable offense, then every last nigger should go to NU (preferably be deported to Africa made into a gigantic prison) for endangering human civilization.

Ray Cizzums
03-24-2021, 10:24 PM
The NY Post, supposedly a conservative newspaper, has a contingent of social justice cocksucker reporters, the worst of them being this asshole, Joshua Rhett Miller. He gets a hard-on whenever he reports one of these "racist rant" stories. Doesn't matter if it happened 3000 miles away, and he always leaves out the awful nigger behavior that caused the "rant" to begin with. If a white get arrested, loses their job, or gets canceled in any way, it's a grand slam for this little bitch. I hate this cocksucker far worse than his nigger pets.

03-24-2021, 10:28 PM
absolutely. If a nigger shouted "black power" to a white family, liberals would be screaming "freedom of speech" and start riots at the courthouse.

The niggersow says it was "afraid for her safety and that of her children." if that makes a prosecutable offense, then every last nigger should go to nu (preferably be deported to africa made into a gigantic prison) for endangering human civilization.

tru dat!!

03-24-2021, 10:57 PM
I like how they glossed over that Mom left the kids alone in the car. Niggers leave their kids alone all the time. They don't give a damn what happens to them. Animals in the wild care for their young better than niggers do.

03-25-2021, 12:29 AM
Terrible racism! He said something stupid and he is arrested.
Niggers go on a chimping rampage and it is ok.

Jim Crow
03-25-2021, 06:49 AM
Terrible racism! He said something stupid and he is arrested.
Niggers go on a chimping rampage and it is ok.
A perfect example would be all the looting rioting violence and burning down businesses the BLM niggers did.What happened? Liberals gave them a fucking award! A few whites try to express themselves on Capitol Hill and they get condemned. Go figure.

03-25-2021, 08:39 AM
Just a reminder to everyone about the "f" word. Not the four-letter one, but the slur against homosexuals, which we don't want on the site even when a libtard deserves every insult. It's too easily construed that Chimpout is not just about bashing niggers.

Cat fur allergic
03-25-2021, 12:21 PM
What ever happen to the freedom of speech.
The liberals/cucks used to only dox you and fired you for this. Now wow crime!
Niggers get away with hate speech all the time. Literally you can find them calling everyone names on youtube etc...

03-25-2021, 01:06 PM
Niggers get away with hate speech all the time. Literally you can find them calling everyone names on youtube etc...

We're getting banned all the time on social media for "hate speech," but nothing close to what niggers routinely get away with. You can't even call a nigger poopbrains, even though they are. But a nigger will get away with direct threats of violence, threats to dox, names like "honey" and "cracka."

03-25-2021, 02:07 PM
We're getting banned all the time on social media for "hate speech," but nothing close to what niggers routinely get away with. You can't even call a nigger poopbrains, even though they are. But a nigger will get away with direct threats of violence, threats to dox, names like "honey" and "cracka."

What? No way. We are a civil rights organisation. We fight for the rights of humans.

03-25-2021, 02:51 PM
What? No way. We are a civil rights organisation. We fight for the rights of humans.

Libtard social media, I should have said. I stopped leaving comments on YouTube a long time ago. Sometimes I appear on a friend's page (fairly prominent in politics) for a week or two, but I eventually give up. Libtards and niggers "report" my comments to make them disappear, and they'll throw all kind of insults at me that they get away with it.

I aint bin dun did dat!
03-25-2021, 03:10 PM
Libtard social media, I should have said. I stopped leaving comments on YouTube a long time ago. Sometimes I appear on a friend's page (fairly prominent in politics) for a week or two, but I eventually give up. Libtards and niggers "report" my comments to make them disappear, and they'll throw all kind of insults at me that they get away with it.
I had a group of liberals telling me to go back to africa the other day for attacking prince harry. I had a profile pic of Trayvon Martin. Lol, you cant make the shit up. They are the worst human beings on the planet. Hypocritical as all hell.

03-25-2021, 07:02 PM
I had a group of liberals telling me to go back to africa the other day for attacking prince harry. I had a profile pic of Trayvon Martin. Lol, you cant make the shit up. They are the worst human beings on the planet. Hypocritical as all hell.

That one I will never understand. They don't even recognize their own St. Skittles? They can be "racist" (that's what they'd call a white person) toward a nigger that criticizes the world's most infamous oildriller?

I aint bin dun did dat!
03-25-2021, 07:32 PM
That one I will never understand. They don't even recognize their own St. Skittles? They can be "racist" (that's what they'd call a white person) toward a nigger that criticizes the world's most infamous oildriller?
I agreed with them that i should go back to Africa.14698
It was this pic.

03-26-2021, 08:38 AM
White guy yells shit at a :mudshark and her sprogs and that is a major crime. Packs of nigger apes roam our streets robbing, raping and looting, that's social justice or the boyz are blowing off steam.

Tar Remover
04-16-2021, 07:42 AM
Fuckin' inbred nigger loving losers.......

Jim Crow
04-16-2021, 07:44 AM
Fuckin' inbred nigger loving losers.......
Pretty much sums it up. LOL!

04-16-2021, 08:18 AM
A perfect example would be all the looting rioting violence and burning down businesses the BLM niggers did.What happened? Liberals gave them a fucking award! A few whites try to express themselves on Capitol Hill and they get condemned. Go figure.

If it wasn't for "DOUBLE STANDARDS" the left would have NO STANDARDS at all!!

04-16-2021, 08:39 AM

Ok, first off, Is that picture related or just a stock pic of teeniggers and wiggers? Either way, those idiot wiggers need their assess beat for flashing gang signs.

If those are not gang signs and they are signalling the auctioneer, then that's another story but two bucks for a nigger is still too much. Nice touch with the nigger in chains on the bottom right side though. I guess the other one doesn't need chains anymore. Must have been castrated. Good on them.

On to the charges. Hate crimes are unconstitutional. This nation was founded on hate. Did our founders not hate the Brits? They sure as hell showed it freely and they didn't just use loud words to express it.

As for the guy that did this, he's a damn fool. Hate crime charges aside, he should have expected the disorderly conduct charge and rightly so - especially in a state like Illinois. As much as I can't stand niggers, I'm not so stupid as to do something so asinine in public. This was free speech suicide and not helpful to his or anyone's cause in the slightest. All he did was make himself look like the stereotypical redneck beer swilling pickup driving wife beating bubba and in the process while destroying any possible real gains he (and many others now) could have ever made in saving this society from them.

You let your emotions get in the way of your intellect, there, buddy - and you hung yourself in the process. I hope you're self employed so your cancellation won't bury you quite as deep as the Staff Sgt in the similar case plastered all over the news right now.

This is no way to win anything, folks. All these guys do is win big problems for themselves, their families and every other human trying to survive in this niggerpalooza.

We won't do ourselves or anybody any good by running naked through a lightning storm into oncoming traffic.

04-16-2021, 11:48 AM
They don't give a damn what happens to them.

Except if the niglets die, they get less gubment cheese.

Coon Club Road
04-16-2021, 12:01 PM
"... They don't even recognize their own St. Skittles?..."

Fuck no they don't! They only recognize the opportunity for a shopping spree for new clown shoes and a tee bee.

They can't remember 20 minutes later (because of their pea size brain) why they be lootin" n shootin', only that its time to gather free shit for the nigger nest.