View Full Version : You Need To Stop Nigger

03-19-2021, 09:29 AM

Sheesh. Another stupid nigger turning a trivial police stop for jaywalking into a life and death struggle by grabbing a policeman's gun.

03-19-2021, 09:37 AM

Sheesh. Another stupid nigger turning a trivial police stop for jaywalking into a life and death struggle by grabbing a policeman's gun.

Niggers!! It's what they do!!

03-21-2021, 12:39 PM

Sheesh. Another stupid nigger turning a trivial police stop for jaywalking into a life and death struggle by grabbing a policeman's gun.

Being a rampant felon and not knowing why the police are stopping you makes every nigger nervous. Was it the robbery last night? What it the rape this morning? Is he going to find the crack in my pocket? Could be anything. Couple this with the left manipulating the minds of niggers to think the police are just put to get them "cuz dey black" makes them actually believe their own narcissism.

03-21-2021, 02:07 PM
Being a rampant felon and not knowing why the police are stopping you makes every nigger nervous. Was it the robbery last night? What it the rape this morning? Is he going to find the crack in my pocket? Could be anything. Couple this with the left manipulating the minds of niggers to think the police are just put to get them "cuz dey black" makes them actually believe their own narcissism.

They must be afraid of all the racist YT cops that will plant a half key of coke and a Glock. "Dindu nuffins, dat Hi-Point be my cuzzes, it done fell inno muh pants!" Like the nigger that muh dikked an old woman and claimed it was trying to help, but fell on top of her.

Tar Remover
03-21-2021, 03:52 PM
Good work, Deputies. Good work!:club

03-22-2021, 10:59 PM
Good work, Deputies. Good work!:club
