View Full Version : Trump Supporters React to CNN BUSTED Admitting Russia Story “Fake Witch-Hunt”*

06-27-2017, 08:51 AM
Trump broke CNN. Because CNN suffers from #TrumpDerangementSyndrome, they have not been able to focus on anything but taking down President Trump. This is why they peddle VERY FAKE NEWS all day long. However, their fake news reign has just come to a CRASHING halt. Recently, they were busted printing a phony anti-Trump, Russia-themed hit piece that they were forced to retract. But it gets worse… A hidden-camera*expose by the undercover journalists at Project Veritas just busted a CNN producer*on camera admitting Trump-Russia is a fake witch-hunt. Trump

More... (http://truthfeed.com/trump-supporters-react-to-cnn-busted-admitting-russia-story-fake-witch-hunt/85641/)