View Full Version : Niggers hanged for raping and murdering British women during WWII

03-09-2021, 07:44 PM
I thought this was interesting - a British jail was commandeered by the US military during the Second World War. 10 nigger US soldiers were hanged there for mainly raping or raping and murdering British civilian women. While they were stationed in the UK, a huge disproportionate amount of niggers were hanged for violent crimes against the so called ' allies. ' I'm sure you've all read about this in black history month right?


Private Lee A. Davis, an 18-year old black soldier, was hanged on 14 December 1943 by Thomas Pierrepoint and Alex Riley. He was convicted by a court martial at Marlborough in Wiltshire for fatally shooting 19-year-old Cynthia June Lay and raping Muriel Fawden near Savernake Hospital, Marlborough on 28 September 1943.

This is one example from the extensive list of perpetrators. Anytime niggers are let off the leash and whitey is around, niggers will murder and muh-dik to infinity. It's nothing new and they message is the same....NEVER relax around blacks.

03-09-2021, 07:55 PM
Niggers hanged!!!!.......oh, a hundred years ago.

03-09-2021, 08:55 PM
It fills my cold heart with warmth and glee to hear about true justice meted out to murdering and raping niggers. Crime is what niggers do.

03-10-2021, 10:07 AM
This wasn't about him being a nigger. The left would love for their sheep to believe that. It only seems like niggers get disproportionate punishment. Reality is as we all know, niggers get harsher punishment because their crime is harsher and/or is usually at least the 10th time.

Cat fur allergic
03-10-2021, 12:05 PM
The good ole days of justice. UK now days you can't put anyone away for long. If you murder someone you get off in like less than a decade.

Chimp Detester
03-10-2021, 04:00 PM
Why you YT racist haters! What is the big idea to even dare to suggest that blacks are all sex-crazed violent murderous critters, always dangerous to humanity?

Oh, wait... Never mind.


Ray Cizzums
03-10-2021, 06:16 PM
We've all heard of Emmet Till, a little retard jigaboon, who found out what happens when you "disrespeck" a white woman in 1955 Mississippi. Assholes are still crying about him getting turned into a wind chime. He was a chip off the old block as it turned out, because his diddy, Louis Till, was hung in Italy ten years earlier. Him, and another nigger, raped three Italian women, killing one.

Coon Club Road
03-12-2021, 12:21 AM
I'm just thrilled spook history month is over for another year.

I predict spooks will make history again this year with the destruction of property pending the trail results of D. Chauvin.

Fucking nog heads!