View Full Version : Google 'Diversity Recruiter' she boon dyke fired for incompetence- immediately screams 'racist!'

Whitey Ford
03-07-2021, 04:24 PM
Diversity Recruiter: Google Fired Me Because I Called It Out on ‘Racist Bullshit’

A former diversity recruiter at Google opened up about her firing in a lengthy Twitter thread Monday night, accusing the tech giant of showing her the door because “they were tired of hearing me call them out on their racist bullshit.” April Christina Curley, a Black queer woman who joined Google in 2014, said she “quickly became aware of all the racist shit put in place to keep black and brown students out of their pipeline.” “I routinely called out shady recruitment practices such as ‘screening out’ resumes of students with ‘unfamiliar’ school/university names,” she said. “Because of my adamant advocacy of black and brown students to be fairly and justly considered for roles at Google, I experienced active abuse and retaliation from several managers who harassed me- and many other black women.”


Here's the she boon's hilarious 'Google beez rayciss' rant on twitter:

Google’s approach to historically Black schools helps explain why there are few Black engineers in Big Tech


03-07-2021, 04:49 PM
‘unfamiliar’ school/university names

So the new racism is to reject someone who obviously went to a diploma mill, which isn't an exclusively nigger thing, but humans doing that are niggerstupid in my book.

03-07-2021, 05:03 PM
So the new racism is to reject someone who obviously went to a diploma mill, which isn't an exclusively nigger thing, but humans doing that are niggerstupid in my book.

GREAT minds think alike!!

03-07-2021, 11:17 PM
You know this is bullshit because Google has its mouth and legs spread WIDE open for niggers. They are doing all they can to recruit niggers. The problem is even when you pile a thousand niggers into the pool they all still shit. In most cases they graduated from an ivy league school with a manufactured diploma which in itself was a gimmie so said school can get its diversity gibs from uncle sam; or they graduated from a state run nigger school with a degree in Afrikan Stud-eez.