View Full Version : The filibuster is racist

03-02-2021, 09:36 PM
Rep. Jim Clyburn, a powerful House Democrat from South Carolina, lashed out against the Senate filibuster Tuesday as an obstacle to civil rights and said people of color will not stand by and let archaic rules deny progress on raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour.

"I will not be quiet on this issue," Clyburn, the No. 3 House Democrat, said Tuesday of changing the filibuster. "People of color will not be quiet on this issue."

Clyburn, who has a long history of civil rights activism, said the Senate standard that requires 60 votes for most legislation to advance needs to be changed. He harkened back to segregationists using the filibuster to block civil rights legislation decades ago and said he won't stand by and let Republicans today block progress to giving people a living wage.


Right now the filibuster is the only thing holding back Democrats from taking over the entire country, lock, stock and barrel. The problem is that Republicans don't have enough guts to make it work, so this is almost moot.