View Full Version : Want to see some nigger retardation?

03-01-2021, 01:11 PM
I found the cream of the crop, "BlackPeopleTwitter."


You can see niggers talk to each other and debate things in a way that makes it seem like they have an IQ of 65.

Here are some examples of their "intemectual" conversations:


Proof that niggers are more than deserving of our mockery and derision.

03-01-2021, 05:16 PM
You SOB, you've made me sick having to read what these worthless mentally challenged NIGGERS have posted, http://www.sherv.net/cm/emo/laughing/rolling.gif (http://www.sherv.net/)

99.999999999999999999999999 % of every shooting of a NIGGER by a human was fully justified.

Notice the NIGGER that posted, imagine working for min wage, nobody asked what the NIGGER could do in life besides weave brillo, rob, leech.

How about the FAT SOW APE NIGGER on news with 5 kids crying about min wage, sick, the wh trash an NIGGERS never said a word about not shting out nigglets when you can't raise them.

NIGGERS celebrating being raised by humans while hiding the truth an calling it NIGGER HISTORY, BAHAHAHAHAHAHA.


03-01-2021, 11:24 PM
The internet wasn’t made for niggers! They butcher the English language verbally and on text. It’s also been used to help those of us share the truth about the niggers, since the media lies to us and we have to look up the truth ourselves. Go to any of these sites and there’s plenty of police bodycam footage of cops giving a nigger up to minutes to drop a weapon and they charge and have to give them the Old Yeller treatment. There’s plenty of footage of White guys doing the same and guess what, the police don’t hesitate as long to shoot them! Statistically more Whites %wise are killed than niggers by police!
How about these fucking niggers tell their nigger bruddas on their sail foams to stop charging at other people with a deadly weapon? Or admit that lawyers WANT them killing each other to milk the system for the tax payers money meant to improve our schools and roads, which they’re also complaining about! God niggers are stupid! Democrats are exploiting the fuck out of them!
Would you rather:
Someone just calls you a mean name and that’s that; OR Someone fucking exploits your family for their personal gain and manipulates your feelings?
Stupid ass niggers...

03-02-2021, 09:53 AM
By the second image we will have all the lizzo land whales demanding to be first. Well nigger will demand to be first and free no matter what. I say give them a placebo. Something that will diminish the libido.