View Full Version : Cummo is in deep caca...

02-27-2021, 10:31 PM
Andrew Cuomo is as big of a piece of shit as can be found. While not down to the level of niggers, he is pretty damn close. So today there is another pretty and young ex-staffer making accusations against hizz-dis-honor. I hope that he is crucified and fried in broad daylight in Times Square.

02-27-2021, 11:28 PM
I think he's done. The Lame Stream Media usually covers up these accusations, e.g. Biden. Not so this time.

What worries me is that it's a stepping stone to get NY's AG nigger into the governor's office. The first nigger governor was bad enough as a retard even more retarded than most niggers.

02-28-2021, 12:12 AM
I love it when they eat their own. Once the Me Too squad gets on him, they are going to rip him to shreds. Of course, this is only one half of the equation for destruction. The other half is the media/political elect complex pulling their hands of protection away. Once these two things happen, nothing will save him.

I can't wait for the show.

Ray Cizzums
02-28-2021, 12:33 AM
The mismanagement, corruption and outright thievery by this bird-faced cocksucker has gone on forever, then he kills over 10,000 nursing home residents. He has the gall to write a book about what a great leader he's been. This asshole wasted a billion dollars on a solar panel plant, battery factory and a movie / television studio in the middle of nowhere - all of which never made a dime, except for him and his crooked buddies. Then he has the nerve to say he's going to do it again. But just like they threw Hillary under the bus, for Obama, the Demorrhoids have decided that our nigger AG should be governor. We have no say in who gets installed.

02-28-2021, 11:32 AM
I think he's done. The Lame Stream Media usually covers up these accusations, e.g. Biden. Not so this time.

What worries me is that it's a stepping stone to get NY's AG nigger into the governor's office. The first nigger governor was bad enough as a retard even more retarded than most niggers.

Tru Dat!!

03-02-2021, 10:02 AM
I think he's done. The Lame Stream Media usually covers up these accusations, e.g. Biden. Not so this time.

What worries me is that it's a stepping stone to get NY's AG nigger into the governor's office. The first nigger governor was bad enough as a retard even more retarded than most niggers.

This is the most likely scenario. Liberals will turn on their own in half a hearbeat. It isn't so much what he has done because it is evident from their own history they will defend rapists and pedophiles if it suits their agenda. But they are prepping the sheeple on the left for the campaign to be saved by a nigger who will probably defund the police state wide making NY residents flee even further.

03-02-2021, 10:31 AM
So even commicrats can get into trouble. Never thought that could happen.
Remember Bill Clinton?

03-02-2021, 10:33 AM
The sexual stuff is just a cover-up for his more important crimes. Can anyone remember?

03-02-2021, 01:40 PM
The sexual stuff is just a cover-up for his more important crimes. Can anyone remember?

I never heard any, I only listen to CNN. If you can't trust his brother to report the facts, who can you?