View Full Version : Hotel Feathers...

02-27-2021, 09:30 PM
Have any of you other humans ever noticed that in any decent hotel (where a nigger has stolen enough $$ to afford a room...) where a nigger is staying, it is like a night at the BET Awards? The bucks don't generally do this but the sheboons are ALL about the diva treatment. Case in point. I was out on the common patio having a cigar and a drink before dinner a few hours ago and as I was coming back inside to go the restaurant, a sheboon came flouncing in wearing the gaudiest bedazzled denim jacket and ripped bedazzled jeans you have ever seen. It was like Cher and Liberace had anal sex and Cher pooped out this nigger! She was being very loud and making sure that everybody saw her 'display' If eye-rolls were audible, everyone would have gone deaf. I am sure that the low-life nigger just wants to show everybody that she can afford to stay here, but truthfully does it think that anybody fucking cares?

I generally go out of my way to make sure that I don't stay where there is a higher likelihood of niggerfuxation but sometimes i need to stay nearer to an airport due to a very early flight. As a result I am more likely to experience niggers where I am staying.

02-27-2021, 11:24 PM
a sheboon came flouncing in wearing the gaudiest bedazzled denim jacket and ripped bedazzled jeans you have ever seen. It was like Cher and Liberace had anal sex and Cher pooped out this nigger!

That made me laugh really hard, and then I became :bert thinking what that niggersow looks like.

Coon Club Road
02-27-2021, 11:55 PM
...sometimes i need to stay nearer to an airport due to a very early flight. As a result I am more likely to experience niggers where I am staying.

Before I retired, I traveled extensively, hundreds of overnight or multiple night trips.

I couldn't choose where I stayed. The company used some sort of corporate lodging company to ferret out the best lodging deals, airport transportation, meal availability etc; they also took care of billing logistics.

For the most part, the joints they put me up in were 4 star or better, the drawback... not being able to pick the hotel with the fewest tootsie rolls in the pool.

The worst thing that can happen to a human at a hotel (and happened to me more than once) is to settle into bed, get all comfortable then decide to watch a little TV before falling asleep.

When the TV comes on, it is on BET... alerting you to the high probability a baboon was last in the bed! Ewwww!

03-01-2021, 08:12 PM
Yuck...what human would want a nigger in their bed? Thy probably had to call in a HAZMAT unit to un-nigger the room.

03-01-2021, 08:15 PM
Sorry for the visual but because I didn't have a picture I had to describe it in all its nigger-sheboonery...

03-02-2021, 01:31 AM
Have any of you other humans ever noticed that in any decent hotel (where a nigger has stolen enough $$ to afford a room...) where a nigger is staying, it is like a night at the BET Awards? The bucks don't generally do this but the sheboons are ALL about the diva treatment. Case in point. I was out on the common patio having a cigar and a drink before dinner a few hours ago and as I was coming back inside to go the restaurant, a sheboon came flouncing in wearing the gaudiest bedazzled denim jacket and ripped bedazzled jeans you have ever seen. It was like Cher and Liberace had anal sex and Cher pooped out this nigger! She was being very loud and making sure that everybody saw her 'display' If eye-rolls were audible, everyone would have gone deaf. I am sure that the low-life nigger just wants to show everybody that she can afford to stay here, but truthfully does it think that anybody fucking cares?

I generally go out of my way to make sure that I don't stay where there is a higher likelihood of niggerfuxation but sometimes i need to stay nearer to an airport due to a very early flight. As a result I am more likely to experience niggers where I am staying.

Happens to the best of us, UNFORTUNATELY!!

Tar Remover
04-13-2021, 04:58 PM
Before I retired, I traveled extensively, hundreds of overnight or multiple night trips.

I couldn't choose where I stayed. The company used some sort of corporate lodging company to ferret out the best lodging deals, airport transportation, meal availability etc; they also took care of billing logistics.

For the most part, the joints they put me up in were 4 star or better, the drawback... not being able to pick the hotel with the fewest tootsie rolls in the pool.

The worst thing that can happen to a human at a hotel (and happened to me more than once) is to settle into bed, get all comfortable then decide to watch a little TV before falling asleep.

When the TV comes on, it is on BET... alerting you to the high probability a baboon was last in the bed! Ewwww!

When Mrs. Tar Remover go on vacation, we stock up on Lysol and hose these places down. You never know when and how many niggers fuxxated the room you end up in.......

Tar Remover
04-13-2021, 05:01 PM
Ahhhhh yes........ The ole "Looks at Muh, Mufuggahs, Muh Poosie is open fo biness....." charade. Niggers make me wanna puke......