View Full Version : San Francisco's nigger mayor and council are defunding police by $120 million to turn it into nigger gibs

02-27-2021, 07:00 PM
San Francisco Mayor London Breed released a fiscal plan this week that would divert $120 million from the city’s law enforcement funding to an initiative to help Black communities.

The plan, known as The Dream Keeper Initiative, will use the funds over the next two years to invest in youth development, guaranteed income, business support, a city employment pipeline, training and homeownership, amongst other initiatives.

San Francisco’s Black community makes up over five percent of the city’s population, but Fox News could not immediately reach the mayor’s office for comment on why other minority groups, like the Hispanic community -- which account for 15 percent of the city’s population – have been excluded.


SF is really only 5% nigger? It seems like so much more. We haven't visited there since it got really bad, but friends have told us there are so many homeless (i.e. niggers) all over, leaving needles and feces even on public transportation.

Niggers don't get enough youth development they deserve. It's called real jails, not coddling juvie hall.

Niggers already get guaranteed income. It's called welfare and EBT.

Niggers already get lots of business support. They take out big taxpayer-backed loans they never intend to repay, for "businesses" they never intend to open.

Niggers already get lots of government jobs where they only have to show up late and clock out early. Now SF will give them more.

Niggers already get lots of free homes, now they're going to get more. This will deprive working humans of the chance to buy a home, and in a second way when home prices go up from reduced supply.

Ray Cizzums
02-27-2021, 07:19 PM
"Defund the police" ploys never involve just reducing the money local government spends. At best, the "savings" always get diverted to asshole social workers, who are useless niggers, and their enablers. Instead, Mayor London "Some Kinda" Breed is going straight to gibs for said niggers, who are 5% of the city's population, and 90% of their criminals and parasites. That 120 million will result in more, not less - crime, shit on the sidewalk, and needles everywhere.