View Full Version : I don't trust Microsoft's upcoming text prediction feature in Word

02-26-2021, 05:55 PM
Microsoft is planning to roll out text prediction support to Word in March, according to the Microsoft 365 roadmap. Text predictions in Word, spotted earlier by tech news website Neowin, will work similarly to Smart Compose in Google Docs. Text prediction uses machine learning to anticipate the word or phrase the author needs to type next for quicker text composition.


I don't use Google Docs (LibreOffice for me) and didn't realize it does the same. In this time of Big Brother, it smells to me like Big Tech has servers capturing a person's writing style so the feds can match it to posts on anon forums. If the feds want to know who someone is on a site like this, they grab enough posts to generate a "fingerprint," then ask Big Tech to find possible matches (IP addresses and the name someone gave Word to be embedded in documents). I'm glad I already purposely alter my writing style on this forum. I'm known for a couple of catchphrases, certain ways of phrasing things, that I consciously avoid here in case I'm recognized. I'm not the most active on social media but figure I'm on someone's watch list, because of a friend who's fairly prominent in politics and has a controversial page.

At this time, I'd like to remind everyone to be extra careful in how much you reveal of yourself. Even first names shouldn't be given. Assume you're under surveillance. The way Big Tech is going, there's no such thing as being too paranoid.

02-26-2021, 06:13 PM
So if I type in "mother" it will fill in the rest? Likewise, if I put in "ni.." it will fill it in?

02-27-2021, 03:17 AM
Microsoft, Gargoyle and Crapple are the unholy trinity of the innerwebz. ASSUME that they are spying on you at ALL TIMES!

I quit thinking that it was a mere coincidence years ago that every time the wife and I were having a private conversation within earshot of her spyphone, that ads would show up concerning what we were discussing. Not only do they log every keystroke they possibly can, they listen in and watch as well. I keep black tape on built in cameras, turn off any apps that could or will spy and try to keep in mind that if a device is around, you might be spied upon by these evil bastards.

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse2.explicit.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid% 3DOIP.fB42vFJemaMPRBtGVm02QgHaEK%26pid%3DApi&f=1

Always read the terms of service!!!

02-27-2021, 12:52 PM
Supposedly you can deny mic and camera permissions to an app, but I don't trust that either. It would be just like Google and Apple to put in loopholes. It was discovered a while back that Google collects location data even if you have that turned off. It's a violation of their side of the terms of use, but what are you going to do, sue them?

I tell Mrs. S to stop using the Facespook and its messenger apps on her phone, but she doesn't believe me.

02-27-2021, 04:30 PM
Check this guys other videos on YT. I've been subscribed to him for a while now and the guy really knows his shit!


Keep Britain White
03-06-2021, 01:21 PM
You know what? I've used the internet for thirty years now, and I wipe my computer's "C" disk regularly (at least every three months). There's one thing I make sure to do without fail every time I reload:
I unload any "safety" programmes, which supposedly "help keep your computer safe from attack" - and most important, I NEVER EVER load any kind of anti-virus software.
You know how many "attacks" I've suffered in those thirty years? One. That's right, just 1!

I have always believed that anti-virus software is what the spymasters of the world use to eavesdrop on us.

You just have to behave sensibly, and avoid the sort of websites where scammers will lurk.
But my advice is: NEVER install anti-virus software!