View Full Version : I'm surprised! Cuomo's NY has investigated cops 43 times for killing "unarmed" criminals, but no convictions

02-26-2021, 05:29 PM
More than five years ago, Andrew Cuomo, the governor of New York, signed an executive order to address a persistent concern: Police officers were rarely held accountable for killing unarmed people. Often, those who died were Black.

The solution was to take the cases out of the hands of local prosecutors, whose close relationships with the police led to accusations of bias, and hand them over to the office of the state attorney general.

But the change in the legal process has not altered the results. Of the 43 investigations that the attorney general’s office has conducted in the years since, none has led to a conviction. Three officers have been charged — two with murder and another with assault, the office said.

In one case, prosecutors determined they were unable to move forward with an investigation when a man was shot by police after he struck and seriously injured an officer with a chair. The chair, prosecutors decided, qualified as a weapon.


A chair is a weapon when used to hit someone? Wow!

It would be better if the cops weren't investigated at all, but at least none have been convicted for doing their jobs. If there weren't these bogus investigations at all, cops could do their jobs even better, instead of worrying about getting fired for justifiably wrangling a nigger.

02-26-2021, 06:46 PM

A chair is a weapon when used to hit someone? Wow!

It would be better if the cops weren't investigated at all, but at least none have been convicted for doing their jobs. If there weren't these bogus investigations at all, cops could do their jobs even better, instead of worrying about getting fired for justifiably wrangling a nigger.

FUCK cuomo and oildriller dumblasio!!

Jim Crow
02-26-2021, 09:33 PM
Coumo is a cocksucker from waay back!