View Full Version : I'm a Poet but don't Know it....

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02-25-2021, 05:41 AM
Niggers in the morning, Niggers in the evening, Niggers at suppertime
Do I ever get to avoid such grime?
I see them here - I see them there
It's all too much for a human to bear
I really don't want to be annoyed
but every day I see the Groid.
Every town has the Junglebunny
but all it wants is Whitey's money.
Back to Afreaka in lots of ships
to no longer see their monkey lips.
To the ocean depths I hope they sink
never to suffer their daily stink.
With a little luck they all will drown
and leave me in an Ape free town.

02-25-2021, 08:27 AM
Niggers in the morning, Niggers in the evening, Niggers at suppertime
Do I ever get to avoid such grime?
I see them here - I see them there
It's all too much for a human to bear
I really don't want to be annoyed
but every day I see the Groid.
Every town has the Junglebunny
but all it wants is Whitey's money.
Back to Afreaka in lots of ships
to no longer see their monkey lips.
To the ocean depths I hope they sink
never to suffer their daily stink.
With a little luck they all will drown
and leave me in an Ape free town.

One can only hope that this will come to pass, so humans don't have to be around these primates that smell like @$$!! Niggers SUCK and are beasts from Hell, they are the color of SHIT and posess a nasty smell!!