View Full Version : Good Boy

02-24-2021, 10:14 PM
Who's a good gator? You're a good gator! Yes you are! Yes you are!

A gator got a nigger (worldtruthvideos.org) (https://worldtruthvideos.org/watch/a-gator-got-a-nigger_dNuSBtYTcSmgVym.html)

02-25-2021, 12:01 AM
Poor gator must have been starving and desperate.

02-25-2021, 12:49 AM
Holy sheeeit! Nigger probably tried to muh dik the poor gator and it had to defend itself.

Tar Remover
02-25-2021, 04:41 PM
Gooooooood Boooooyyyyyyyy!!!! He's a GOOOOD gator, yes he izzzzzzzz!!!!!! Give that good boy a whole chiggunz! GOOD BOOOOOYYY!!!!!

I LOVE big, nigger-eating lizards!

Coon Club Road
03-01-2021, 02:16 AM
Was probably trying to spit it out!

03-01-2021, 02:57 AM
Gators, sharks, catfish, crustaceans, maggots... They're all nature's garbage disposals.

Funny thing is, a gator will drag it's larger prey down into it's underwater den and let the meat tenderize for a few days sometimes. I guess with niggers, it's just trying to make them smell and taste better.

Hard to believe people eat them knowing this.

Hard to believe knowing what I know now that I used to eat them all. Not the maggots though. Nope. Just nope. That shit's for niggers:

Top right for chef's finger. Yep, it's a nigger.

Jim Crow
03-01-2021, 08:31 AM
Poor gator.it’s going to take weeks to get the nasty shit skin taste out of it’s mouth.

03-01-2021, 01:35 PM
Hard to believe knowing what I know now that I used to eat them all. Not the maggots though. Nope. Just nope. That shit's for niggers:

A long time ago, National Lampoon published something called Foreigners Around The World (http://jrbooksonline.com/PDF_Books_added2009-2/ForeignersAroundTheWorld.pdf). It was humor about everyone, and if you were offended, that was the point. The part about the niggers, though, was 100% true, especially the joking about cannibalism.


Racial Characteristics: Probably not people at all. Probably some kind of monkey. They eat each other and worship bundles of sticks and mud. You can never remember the names of their countries, which have a new Main Nigger every half hour and too many snakes and bugs anyway. They eat those, too. They put bones in their noses and wear plants for clothes.

Good Points: Don't feel pain the way we do.

Proper Forms of Address: Jig, coon, fishmouth, soot-back, shitskin, boy.

Two Anecdotes Illustrating Something of the Negro Character:

A traveling cattle barterer asks to stay the night at a root gatherer's hut. The root gatherer agrees but says the cattle barterer will have to sleep with the root gatherer's daughter. The cattle barterer goes to get onto the mat with the root gatherer's daughter and sees that she's very dead, so he spends all night eating her. In the morning, the root gatherer asks the traveling cattle barterer how he liked sleeping with his daughter. "She was wonderful," says the cattle barterer, especially those delicious maggots in her mouth."

"Those weren't maggots," says the root gatherer, "those were just some grains of rice. She's only been dead since yesterday."

Then there was an African pervert who ate women before they were cooked.

03-01-2021, 09:40 PM
Gooooooood Boooooyyyyyyyy!!!! He's a GOOOOD gator, yes he izzzzzzzz!!!!!! Give that good boy a whole chiggunz! GOOD BOOOOOYYY!!!!!

I LOVE big, nigger-eating lizards!

Watch the gator lick it's @$$ afterwards to get the taste of nigger out of it's mouth!!