View Full Version : Cops can't aperest niggers anymore. Cops suspended for doing their jobs!

Cat fur allergic
02-24-2021, 02:04 PM

02-24-2021, 11:35 PM

So what is a cop supposed to do when a nigger resists arrest, yell at it louder? And it's not like the cop suddenly picked out a nigger to harass. There must have been a reason the cop went up to the nigger pair, maybe ooking or causing some kind of disturbance in cout. I didn't even see any punches, only open hands to push the nigger back as part of simple restraint. And the cop really restrained himself against a violent, uncooperative nigger.

Decorated, praised cop. Want to bet the niggers will demand he be replaced with a nigger cop, especially a niggersow?