View Full Version : Biden says nigger on TV

02-22-2021, 01:27 PM
During his remarks to the Virtual Munich Security Conference on February 19th, 2021, he says "nigger."

Skip ahead to 15:30. :lmao


Coon Club Road
02-22-2021, 04:16 PM
"Nigger here next"... :lol

02-22-2021, 06:23 PM
Here is the image I got from youtube with subtitles on:


The subtitles are auto-generated, so it was definitely said by Biden.

02-22-2021, 08:43 PM
Here is the image I got from youtube with subtitles on:


The subtitles are auto-generated, so it was definitely said by Biden.

What does kameltoe think?!

02-22-2021, 08:48 PM

Jim Crow
02-22-2021, 08:52 PM
That old motherfucker has dementia! Sounds like he doesn’t know what the fuck he’s saying.Certainly makes no sense!

02-22-2021, 10:25 PM
That old motherfucker has dementia! Sounds like he doesn’t know what the fuck he’s saying.Certainly makes no sense!


The only reason he made sense in the debates was the hidden earpiece. Why else did his campaign so adamantly refuse Trump's demand that they both be checked?

02-22-2021, 10:32 PM

Coon Club Road
02-22-2021, 10:57 PM
That old motherfucker has dementia! Sounds like he doesn’t know what the fuck he’s saying.Certainly makes no sense!

Any time that old fuck spews more than a few sentences, he gets all tongue tied.

02-22-2021, 11:26 PM
Can you imagine the instant explosive reaction if Trump had biffed like that? I bet someone messed with his teleprompter and he read it without thinking.

02-22-2021, 11:44 PM
I bet someone messed with his teleprompter and he read it without thinking.

I don't think anyone in his life support circle would do that. That's a sure fire way to end up on the wrong side of the dirt.

I don't believe it was a Freudian slip either. Had he been talking about niggers, as much as he actually hates them and ironically like us considers them to be subhuman and political tools, he was not on the subject of niggers - so I don't believe this to be the case.

I think this is just a plain old case of dementia Joe not being able to form cohesive words or sentences anymore due to Alzheimer's or possible Kuru due to his abuse of adrenochrome - straight from the tap and not simply extracted from his toddler victims. They say that the unwilling living donor subjects provide the best source of the drug and that removing the blood cells and flesh takes away from the rush. Of course, those of us who aren't possessed by satan have no way of knowing if this is true or not simply because we have no reason to want to participate in a double blind study - and murder toddlers while eating their still living flesh.

02-23-2021, 09:18 AM
When I have trouble getting to sleep at night, I just think about how Biden has control of the nuclear football.