View Full Version : Vogue Nigger Crying Because the White Liberals Who Were Coddling Him Are Evicting Him!

Nigger Wrangler
02-21-2021, 10:03 PM
Vogue Nigger Andre LEON Talley has been living in a million dollar mansion for decades near NYC for decades. He has an Big affirmative action job at Vogue Magazine and yet he couldn't pay for the home his two coddlers set him up in.

They even offered to buy him a $45,000 hoopty, because (major shock) he has problem with his credits.

Bottom line.... the shifty nigger owes just a taste over a half-million dollars. He's filed countersuit against his friends who set him up in high style... trying to cheat them out of their money. Nigger claims owns the mansion!

You can dress a nigger up in the finest clothes and put them in the finest of homes... but at the end of the day all you have is a lowlife nigger.


02-22-2021, 01:13 AM
That’s what happens when you give niggers undeserved money. They deserve no more than mud huts and sleeping on piles of elephant shit, give them more than that and they cannot sustain it without the help of charity. They’re just tools to funnel money out of the tax payers to elite pockets, better known as a slave. From picking cotton to committing suicide from police for lawyers to capitalize off of. What liberals are doing to niggers is just plain cruel; They’ll never be able to grasp the concepts of human civilization and it makes them eternally unhappy.

02-22-2021, 07:20 AM
That’s what happens when you give niggers undeserved money. They deserve no more than mud huts and sleeping on piles of elephant shit, give them more than that and they cannot sustain it without the help of charity. They’re just tools to funnel money out of the tax payers to elite pockets, better known as a slave. From picking cotton to committing suicide from police for lawyers to capitalize off of. What liberals are doing to niggers is just plain cruel; They’ll never be able to grasp the concepts of human civilization and it makes them eternally unhappy.

And it's been going on for more than 50 years. Welfare was created to give people assistance, but instead they made it into a lifestyle. Welfare has destroyed any motivation or even need, to better yourself. They learned real easy that all they had to do, was stretch out their hand and Uncle Sam (aka the taxpayers), will drop some money into it

02-22-2021, 08:33 AM
Vogue Nigger Andre LEON Talley has been living in a million dollar mansion for decades near NYC for decades. He has an Big affirmative action job at Vogue Magazine and yet he couldn't pay for the home his two coddlers set him up in.

They even offered to buy him a $45,000 hoopty, because (major shock) he has problem with his credits.

Bottom line.... the shifty nigger owes just a taste over a half-million dollars. He's filed countersuit against his friends who set him up in high style... trying to cheat them out of their money. Nigger claims owns the mansion!

You can dress a nigger up in the finest clothes and put them in the finest of homes... but at the end of the day all you have is a lowlife nigger.


Every SINGLE time!!

02-22-2021, 08:35 AM
That’s what happens when you give niggers undeserved money. They deserve no more than mud huts and sleeping on piles of elephant shit, give them more than that and they cannot sustain it without the help of charity. They’re just tools to funnel money out of the tax payers to elite pockets, better known as a slave. From picking cotton to committing suicide from police for lawyers to capitalize off of. What liberals are doing to niggers is just plain cruel; They’ll never be able to grasp the concepts of human civilization and it makes them eternally unhappy.


02-22-2021, 10:47 AM
This is what they get for breaking the two most important rules.

1.) Avoid the Groid

2.) Never Get Involved With A Nigger, For Any Reason, EVER.

I'm not sure if I'd rather see the nigger get thrown out on it's black ass or those two idiots get what they deserve and learn an expensive lesson.
Wait, who am I kidding? Everyone is entitled to make a mistake. (but to be clear, mudsharking is not a mistake; it's a choice that indicates mental illness) I'd rather see an uppity magic nigger get thrown out on it's black ass.

05-14-2021, 10:31 PM
Never ever turn your back on a nigger .

Coon Club Road
05-15-2021, 09:29 AM
Spooks are the sponge of humanity and will continue to be for decades to come unless America starts shutting down the Gibbsmedat pipeline.

05-15-2021, 09:36 AM
Spooks are the sponge of humanity and will continue to be for decades to come unless America starts shutting down the Gibbsmedat pipeline.


Coon Club Road
05-15-2021, 10:29 AM
A few friends got together last night... one topic brought up was the State of Ohio's $300 per week unemployment bonus coming to an end.

The three of us compared notes and we realized we knew absolutely nobody on UP, or collecting the $300 bonus.

One friend exclaimed "that's because we have no nigger friends"!