View Full Version : iNigger coddles again

02-17-2021, 06:43 AM
Just read that apple announced to give money to black 'entrepreneurs' (if I remember right they did that for feminists in 2018). $100 million for useless niggers, instead of finally repairing their useless, weekly crashing crap OS. Wonderful, I am beyond delighted!



Take a look at some of the projects (for the mugshots go to the iNigger webiste):

"Black" an app to facilitate culturally relevant and multifaceted news for Black people, with stories that speak to the community’s shared experience. -> Where am I going to loot next?

"Kickstroid" an app to help sneaker enthusiasts discover their favorite shoes. -> Where meeez jordans beez?

"Nailstry" a marketplace exclusively for press-on nails and nail art, connecting indie artists with press-on nail enthusiasts

"The Peek" social media platform to share TV and movie recommendations among family and friends, while also seeking to amplify titles from Black creators and actors. -> Niggaz are heros and invented everything.

"FormKey" helping create music without being overwhelmed by the complexities of theory and composition. -> Learning how to do things beez racissssss.

So happy I already got rid of my iNigger things last year, as soon as my computers need replacement everything else will be switched to linux as well!

02-17-2021, 02:03 PM
Man, a gallery of retards! But every company deserves its customers. Apple decided to abandon people who need to work with their computers long time ago, nowadays they concentrate on niggers and wokies who consider 'influencing', 'acting' and 'cRapping' to be a job.
Goddamn coddlers! Luckily people are more and more pissed of by that iCrap stuff.



https://www.apple.com/newsroom/images/product/apps/lifestyle/Apple_launches-ecamp-for-black-founders-and-developers_peek_ashley_osi_harold_021621_inline.jp g.large.jpg

Goddamn coddlers! Luckily people are more and more pissed of by that iCrap stuff.

02-17-2021, 04:25 PM
For awhile, the niggering-up of the company may pan out but eventually the company will loose tons of money. If the liberals that run the company realize their folly (getting involved with niggers always leads to failure) and quietly back off, it might not go bankrupt. However, if they do the modern standard of doubling down on stupidity, it could lead to bankruptcy. The company deserves to fold for getting involved with nigger $h1t in the first place. Hopefully it will become another example of a once great company destroyed by niggers and used as a teaching moment and warning for other companies.

02-17-2021, 05:28 PM
DeSantis called Apple one of the five families of darkness.