View Full Version : 153 Pakistani's Issued Goat Wings

SC Anemia
06-25-2017, 08:47 PM
Apparently a tanker truck carrying fuel blew a tire and turned over. The locals rushed the scene with anything that would hold fuel to help themselves. Fifteen minutes later...it exploded.


A life-or-death race was underway to save scores of critically burned victims after an overturned oil tanker exploded Sunday on a Pakistani highway as local villagers gathered to collect the leaking fuel, engulfing them in an inferno that killed at least 153 people and injured 150 more.


Koolaid Hair
06-25-2017, 09:00 PM
I'm having no luck finding sympathy or fucks to give. Darwin is laughing right now.

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Rape Ape
06-26-2017, 03:12 AM
Usually it's big groidles of niggers in Africa that try to steal gasoline by torchlight and end up getting even blacker. :lmao Glad to hear the dune coons are joining in the fun.

Cracka Jack
06-26-2017, 06:07 PM
Fucked up news coverage. Was it oil or "petrol"? Amused Planters want to know! :lol

The only thing Paki's have over niggers is that they can run 7-11's. Rudely of course.

SC Anemia
06-26-2017, 07:09 PM
Fucked up news coverage. Was it oil or "petrol"? Amused Planters want to know! :lol

The only thing Paki's have over niggers is that they can run 7-11's. Rudely of course.

I'm not sure CJ but the nightly news said "fuel". I'm not sure why anyone would scramble for oil or crude.