View Full Version : Musical genius Fela Kuti nominated for Rock&Roll Hall of Fame

02-10-2021, 11:55 AM
Just kidding, I don't have slightest clue who this nigger is. Apparently some Apefreakan bongo player about 20 people outside Apefrika have heard of. Unfortunately the nomination part is true. Can't they make an own Hall of Shame for cRappers and other nigger "musicians" and leave R&R Hall of Fame for human music?


This nigger's, I already forgot its name (Toby?), Niggypedia page says: "Imagine Che Guevara and Bob Marley rolled into one person and you get a sense of Nigerian musician and activist Fela Kuti." Sounds like an antichrist. Luckily it has been good for over 20 years.


02-10-2021, 07:37 PM
The RRHOF became meaningless when those Public Enemy and NWA niggers were inducted before Kiss, Dire Straits, the Cars and Steve Miller. And I don't mean to insult Chimpers' musical tastes, but what did the HOF mean anyway when Nirvana and Green Day were inducted as fairly young groups compared to others that had been around for years but not inducted?

Jim Crow
02-10-2021, 07:43 PM
The rock ‘n’ roll Hall of Fame sucks nigger dicks. They are meaningless, just like the NFL.

02-12-2021, 03:15 PM
Can't they make an own Hall of Shame for cRappers and other nigger "musicians" and leave R&R Hall of Fame for human music?
Niggers can't do anything by themselves, therefore they have to steal from yt. That and complaining is all they are capable of!

Niggypedia page says: "Imagine Che Guevara and Bob Marley rolled into one person and you get a sense of Nigerian musician and activist Fela Kuti." Sounds like an antichrist. Luckily it has been good for over 20 years.

Typical for the liberal scumbags from niggerpedia, calling a mass murder like Guevara "activist".

02-12-2021, 07:12 PM
Typical for the liberal scumbags from niggerpedia, calling a mass murder like Guevara "activist".
Funnily enough, the violent mass murderer Guevara hated niggers and homosexuals and yet libtards adore that commie piece of shit. On the other hand, mudslime asslifters make western conservatives look like far-leftist hippies and yet liberals love them. But it's futile to try to figure out how libtard brain works. If they had any brain, they wouldn't be libtards.