View Full Version : Glownigger ALERT:'Capitol Riot Insurrectionist' is actually FBI agent with high level security clearance

Whitey Ford
02-09-2021, 07:23 PM

An alleged “insurrectionist” associated with the Oath Keeper conservative men’s group is actually a former Navy commander and high-level FBI bureaucrat with top secret security clearance dating back over 40 years, according to court motion filed by his attorney this week.
Thomas Edward Caldwell has “been vetted and found numerous times as a person worthy of trust and confidence of the United States government, as indicated by granting him Top Secret clearance,” according to a motion filed Monday by attorney Thomas Plofchan.

The New York Post reports that Plofchan has informed prosecutors that Caldwell “worked as an FBI section chief from 2009 to 2010 following his retirement from the Navy as a lieutenant commander.”

According to Plofchan, Caldwell holds a top secret security clearance level dating back to 1979.

Caldwell has been named by prosecutors as a high-ranking leader in the Oath Keepers group. The Oath Keepers are allegedly a far-right militia movement, but in actuality recruit heavily from the military and law enforcement, and frequently espouse neoliberal talking points while aggressively confronting right-wing Trump supporters during public political events.


02-09-2021, 10:24 PM
I could feign surprise but faking shit is for glowniggers.

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