View Full Version : Students allowed to opt out of Nigger Month crap

02-09-2021, 04:05 PM
Students allowed to opt out of Nigger Month crap. A tiny glimmer of hope. All human parents should have the option to not have their children subjected to the mental abuse of making them feel guilty for being born human. They should also be taught the real history of niggers, not this re-write of history garbage they want to teach now.

The school director says, "“We should not shield our children from the history of our Nation, the mistreatment of its African American citizens, and the bravery of civil rights leaders, but should educate them about it.” My response would be that we should also teach the real history, the distant past and recent past, of niggers. The slavery they engaged in, the crime (and crime rate) and atrocities they engage in now. They should be taught about the thousands and thousands of humans that bravely died in a war to free niggers. The double standard of law when applied to niggers recently where niggers can assault, destroy and loot at will with impunity. The privilege niggers currently enjoy for being niggers; being shielded whenever possible from laws, admittance into schools and jobs where they have not earned it by merit. Responsibility for your own actions should be taught; the fact that individuals cannot be held responsible for the actions of another, past or present.

Also from the article, "Some parents have argued that giving parents the right to opt out enables racism." I would argue that it prevents it. It prevents the unwarranted racism and discrimination coming from niggers against humans. Opting out also prevents children from developing undeserved low self esteem and a mistaken self hatred which results in self destructive behaviors and decision making (including voting) in the future. When some of these children grow up and realize the destructiveness that niggers have perpetrated on them, they will hate niggers and their BS with a passion. This whole nigger month in schools is nothing but a farce to instill shame and guilt into human children and is itself a form of racism.

Niggers don't want equality. Niggers want power, privilege and superiority. One way to get it is to instill guilt and shame into the next generation of human children with incomplete, one-sided and false re-written history. If racial equality is really what is desired, then all the contributions of humans to the modern world should be pointed out to children along with a truthful, complete history of niggers. Especially to niggers. Niggers should understand that everything they have and enjoy now - everything - was created by a human. Niggers also need to learn of all the atrocities their species has engaged in and their misbehaviors are not "righteous" and are not excusable.


02-10-2021, 08:47 AM
Pieces of shit don’t even give a rats ass about niggers. They just want to exploit niggers for their tax breaks and kickbacks and other benefits. They’re far worse because they just pawn niggers off on normal society for everyone else to deal with their monkey shines but who reaps the benefits? Who deals with all the consequences of forced coexistence?
Fuck these liberal scum. Time to line up the barges and send them home. No more exploitation of the tax payers.

02-10-2021, 10:02 AM
Pieces of shit don’t even give a rats ass about niggers. They just want to exploit niggers for their tax breaks and kickbacks and other benefits. They’re far worse because they just pawn niggers off on normal society for everyone else to deal with their monkey shines but who reaps the benefits? Who deals with all the consequences of forced coexistence?
Fuck these liberal scum. Time to line up the barges and send them home. No more exploitation of the tax payers.

You will notice it is these same liberal politicians who push for open borders that push niggers on us. That is because most of them live nowhere near the niggers. Even the nigger politicians themselves. They don't have to deal with it.

02-10-2021, 10:13 AM
Pieces of shit don’t even give a rats ass about niggers. They just want to exploit niggers for their tax breaks and kickbacks and other benefits. They’re far worse because they just pawn niggers off on normal society for everyone else to deal with their monkey shines but who reaps the benefits? Who deals with all the consequences of forced coexistence?
Fuck these liberal scum. Time to line up the barges and send them home. No more exploitation of the tax payers.
