View Full Version : Batwing Alert! Jesse Jackscoon ain't lookin' too hot

Whitey Ford
02-07-2021, 11:39 PM
The Rev. Jesse Jackson was discharged Saturday after undisclosed surgery and eight days at Northwestern Memorial Hospital. The civil rights leader was transferred to the Northwestern-affiliated Shirley Ryan AbilityLab for rehab.

Batwing Fairy don't be late!

On the day he was admitted, Jackson had been scheduled to host a press conference at Roseland Community Hospital to publicly receive his second dose COVID-19 vaccine and join the hospital’s ribbon-cutting ceremony for its new Sickle Cell and Oncology Clinic. Officials canceled the event two hours before.

Jackson had received his first dose of the vaccine three weeks ago, with Dr. Kizzmekia “Kizzy” Corbett, the Black woman scientist who co-led the National Institutes of Health team that developed the Moderna vaccine, at his side.

By all means get that 'second vaccine' Jesse! And get 'Dr Kizzmekia' to administer it.

The civil rights leader, who marched with Martin Luther King, Jr. in the ’60s and made two historic runs for the U.S. presidency in the 80s, has also lived with sickle cell trait for decades.

Thank God for the sickle cell!


02-08-2021, 02:37 AM
That nigger jackal should have flown away in his batwings long ago. My apologies to jackals.

02-08-2021, 02:52 AM
That shyster nigger should have died at 38. That's the average lifespan of a sickle cell nigger buck. I guess it just goes to show you how you can afford the best medical care possible when everyone else is paying for it through your shakedowns.

02-08-2021, 08:09 AM
Hopefully the bat fairy does a trifecta jackscoon, farracoon and not so Sharpton!! Wait, that disgusting bigger from Ga., Warnock belongs with the rest of those apes as well. They all posess microcopic pea brains and an enormous sense of entitlement!!

02-10-2021, 06:57 PM
Wait, that disgusting bigger from Ga., Warnock belongs with the rest of those apes as well.

I can't believe another magic nigger got to the Senate, especially one religious an sheet, so you know the DNC is prepping it for higher. Ebenezer Baptist Church has been nothing but a money laundering, gibs-me-riches scheme, but the presidency is even bigger.