View Full Version : Equalizering Niggers

Nigger Wrangler
02-06-2021, 12:20 AM
We all remember the 1980's TV show The Equalizer, set in a bleak crime (and nigger) infested NYC.

We also know Hollywood made two movies starring nigger Denzel Washington.

Now the nigger lovers at CBS have a new TV show starring fat disgusting lesbo nigger sow "Queen" Latifa.

Never mind the fact Hollywood hasn't had an original idea in decades.... it seems EVERY role now must go to a nigger. The "Queen" ticks every box.... nigger, "female" and lesbian.

I'm sure everyone can't wait to see this disgusting nigger in action!

I'm beyond sick of niggers being shoved down our throats.

Odin's balls
02-06-2021, 02:48 AM
Niggers and their enablers do truly ruin everything.

It's like the have the reverse Midas touch.

White Nationalist
02-06-2021, 05:35 AM
It has happened in other movies as well. The 1970s TV Show Swat was a classic and Steve Forrest was so great as Hondo Harrelson. But that despicable atrocity remake movie of Swat they made Hondo Harrelson into a nigger. Was someone color blind or did they really think people were that stupid? I was furious when I saw him cast as a nigger. Samuel Jackson was a good actor but he had no business being Hondo Harrelson who was white. That was an insult to a great TV Series and it's viewers. They also made a movie of The Honeymooners as two niggers and it was a box office flop. Geez I wonder why? They also made The Daily Planet Editor Perry White into a nigger in one of the later Superman movies that I refused to ever see. Perry White was a white man in the comic and in the TV show and not a nigger. George Reeves must have turned over in his grave with that travesty. And they made the Human Torch a nigger in a Fantastic 4 movie. Another outright insult. I know this horrible Travesty has happened in comic books and to other characters who were white in the past. The sad thing was those nigger lover white liberal fuck heads and those disgusting mud sharks all seemed ok saying it was racist to cast white people in the role of "white characters". They were like cancel culture people saying most characters comic book characters in the 40s were all white and that it was wrong to cast white people now as those characters. Dam you had Sambo and spear chuckers back then in cartoons and they were black. Now we just have Rap and nigger music that is so bad you cant even listen to it.

Jim Crow
02-06-2021, 08:50 AM
Coon Latifa is nigger scum from waay back! The show will probably be a liberal cuck boy’s delight.

02-06-2021, 01:06 PM
It has happened in other movies as well. The 1970s TV Show Swat was a classic and Steve Forrest was so great as Hondo Harrelson. But that despicable atrocity remake movie of Swat they made Hondo Harrelson into a nigger. Was someone color blind or did they really think people were that stupid? I was furious when I saw him cast as a nigger. Samuel Jackson was a good actor but he had no business being Hondo Harrelson who was white. That was an insult to a great TV Series and it's viewers. They also made a movie of The Honeymooners as two niggers and it was a box office flop. Geez I wonder why? They also made The Daily Planet Editor Perry White into a nigger in one of the later Superman movies that I refused to ever see. Perry White was a white man in the comic and in the TV show and not a nigger. George Reeves must have turned over in his grave with that travesty. And they made the Human Torch a nigger in a Fantastic 4 movie. Another outright insult. I know this horrible Travesty has happened in comic books and to other characters who were white in the past. The sad thing was those nigger lover white liberal fuck heads and those disgusting mud sharks all seemed ok saying it was racist to cast white people in the role of "white characters". They were like cancel culture people saying most characters comic book characters in the 40s were all white and that it was wrong to cast white people now as those characters. Dam you had Sambo and spear chuckers back then in cartoons and they were black. Now we just have Rap and nigger music that is so bad you cant even listen to it.

The same pattern is seen with niggers being credited with inventions that you can find patents for earlier on. Sometimes as long as a century before they were born.

Can you imagine if they cast some white man as Shaft? A white woman as Storm? What if they remade "Red" from Shawshank as an old white guy? Another irony itself as the black guy actually admitting he was guilty.

Nigger roles are always doctors, scientists, selfless heroes, and of course victims who get back at whitey. Typical "magic niggers". Sometimes they get sneaky and toss in a light skin nigger. How many people noticed The Oracle from The Matrix" was a nigger?

02-06-2021, 04:18 PM
What if they remade "Red" from Shawshank as an old white guy? Another irony itself as the black guy actually admitting he was guilty.

How many people noticed The Oracle from The Matrix" was a nigger?

I don't remember who, but one of our Chimpers posted that Red got his name because of his hair, because in the book he's Irish. How many of us never read the book and believed the movie's magic nigger lie?

The first Matrix movie gets a C+ at best, because of the two magic niggers. Morpheus was fecal enough as an original Greek nigger an sheet, but they had to put in that magic niggeress that knew everything.

There are so many complaints about whitewashing, but what about all the niggerization? It can't be called "blackwashing" because niggers don't like water.

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02-06-2021, 05:07 PM
It has happened in other movies as well. The 1970s TV Show Swat was a classic and Steve Forrest was so great as Hondo Harrelson. But that despicable atrocity remake movie of Swat they made Hondo Harrelson into a nigger. Was someone color blind or did they really think people were that stupid? I was furious when I saw him cast as a nigger. Samuel Jackson was a good actor but he had no business being Hondo Harrelson who was white. That was an insult to a great TV Series and it's viewers. They also made a movie of The Honeymooners as two niggers and it was a box office flop. Geez I wonder why? They also made The Daily Planet Editor Perry White into a nigger in one of the later Superman movies that I refused to ever see. Perry White was a white man in the comic and in the TV show and not a nigger. George Reeves must have turned over in his grave with that travesty. And they made the Human Torch a nigger in a Fantastic 4 movie. Another outright insult. I know this horrible Travesty has happened in comic books and to other characters who were white in the past. The sad thing was those nigger lover white liberal fuck heads and those disgusting mud sharks all seemed ok saying it was racist to cast white people in the role of "white characters". They were like cancel culture people saying most characters comic book characters in the 40s were all white and that it was wrong to cast white people now as those characters. Dam you had Sambo and spear chuckers back then in cartoons and they were black. Now we just have Rap and nigger music that is so bad you cant even listen to it.

What about the remake of "Ghostbusters " with that tranny nigger leslie jones and those libtard cunts?!

Ray Cizzums
02-06-2021, 08:42 PM
And they made the Human Torch a nigger in a Fantastic 4 movie.
They should have called him the Burnt Match, or the Charcoal Briquette. Or the Sub-Human Torch.

02-08-2021, 09:25 AM
What about the remake of "Ghostbusters " with that tranny nigger leslie jones and those libtard cunts?!

Luckily that film tanked so bad, Sony even pretends it never happened. Which in turn drives the fucking wigger libtard Melissa McNigger and Leslie Nigger nuts.

02-08-2021, 09:52 AM
Luckily that film tanked so bad, Sony even pretends it never happened. Which in turn drives the fucking wigger libtard Melissa McNigger and Leslie Nigger nuts.

Naturally it was because of "sexism" and "racism". Mostly racism... One would think it was no talent niggers and an appeal the the dregs but that would be wrong. Liberalism tells me I should have spent my money and cheered something that was as appealing as dog shit.

02-08-2021, 11:37 AM
Naturally it was because of "sexism" and "racism". Mostly racism... One would think it was no talent niggers and an appeal the the dregs but that would be wrong. Liberalism tells me I should have spent my money and cheered something that was as appealing as dog shit.

Yep! Niggers and liberals never ever could admit they are wrong. It has to be racism and the fault of white males. Braindead full blown retarded nigger destroys a movie with its non-existent acting abilities -> of course yt is to blame when not spending money on that stuff. I HATE the fucking commies (and niggers of course).