View Full Version : Crazy eyes sow puts Gorilla Glue in its head fur

02-04-2021, 08:58 PM
You can't make this stuff up. At least it was on the right track with the name.

Woman Uses Gorilla Glue To Style Her Hair in Viral TikTok Video (theroot.com) (https://thegrapevine.theroot.com/stiff-where-stiff-here-woman-uses-gorilla-glue-to-sli-1846200158)

Ray Cizzums
02-04-2021, 09:10 PM
You can't make this stuff up. At least it was on the right track with the name.

Woman Uses Gorilla Glue To Style Her Hair in Viral TikTok Video (theroot.com) (https://thegrapevine.theroot.com/stiff-where-stiff-here-woman-uses-gorilla-glue-to-sli-1846200158)

Any glue that sows use to attach roadkill is technically "Gorilla" in nature.

02-04-2021, 11:07 PM
Normally when I read the subject lines here I'm pretty blase about the nigger monkeyshines. I read this one and said out loud, "WHAT???"

I hope she used Gorilla Glue on those trarantulas on her eyelids too.

We saw the video as well, and we do not recommend using our products in hair, as they are considered permanent.”
I can imagine the eye rolling and lol'ing going on there at the dumb things niggers do.

"IT DON'T MOVE!" Try to learn to speak Human, you ludicrous, bug-eyed sow.

Ray Cizzums
02-04-2021, 11:52 PM
Normally when I read the subject lines here I'm pretty blase about the nigger monkeyshines. I read this one and said out loud, "WHAT???"

I hope she used Gorilla Glue on those trarantulas on her eyelids too.

I can imagine the eye rolling and lol'ing going on there at the dumb things niggers do.

"IT DON'T MOVE!" Try to learn to speak Human, you ludicrous, bug-eyed sow.

She saw the gorilla on the commercial, and thought "She look good. Gibs me somma dat".

Rastus Nigger
02-05-2021, 12:49 AM
A propane torch should take that right off.

Jim Crow
02-05-2021, 08:42 AM
I’ve used gorilla glue for crafts.It is highly flammable.I recommend to apply a new coating of gorilla glue and then strike a match. Problem solved!

Ray Cizzums
02-05-2021, 12:45 PM
A propane torch should take that right off.

I'd go with MAPP gas. That hurr style needs a good brazing.

02-05-2021, 02:25 PM
Gorilla Glue.
Very appropriate.
Speaks for itself.

02-07-2021, 05:37 PM

https://nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2021/02/gorilla-glue-hair-hospital-web.jpg?quality=90&strip=all&w=618&h=410&crop=1Da sheeboon beez gettin medicals helps. I'd love to see a picture of this androgynous ape after it is all over. Stupid whitey hepping this shit ape:melonA complete waste of resources.

Ray Cizzums
02-07-2021, 07:34 PM

https://nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2021/02/gorilla-glue-hair-hospital-web.jpg?quality=90&strip=all&w=618&h=410&crop=1Da sheeboon beez gettin medicals helps. I'd love to see a picture of this androgynous ape after it is all over. Stupid whitey hepping this shit ape:melonA complete waste of resources.
You beat me to the punch on this one, you white devil !

02-07-2021, 09:29 PM
they should have just put on some more glue onto the dumb sow's heyad and then stuck it outside on a light pole as a warning to other niggers !!

02-08-2021, 03:47 AM
Found the video. This dingbat is in tears. I swear we've got the dumbest of the dumb down here!


That's right across the river from me. Maybe I should go pay her a visit and give her some of my gorilla glue remover for free as a neighborly gesture:


Whitey Ford
02-08-2021, 07:09 PM
And now a nigger lottery attempt! As if suing someone for using their product improperly ha sany chance of winning.
Might Be Time to Sue

And the ape is crowdfunding gibsmuhdats as well.

Tessica's already crowdfunding for her medical bills ... a GoFundMe has raised $9,000 and counting.



02-08-2021, 07:56 PM

Yeah, we all saw it coming from a mile away.

Here's hoping that other niggers fall for this bait. Feel free to post it all over social media!

02-08-2021, 08:45 PM
I'm not buying anything they make, ever again. Subsidizing negro idiocy has it's consequences.

I think you missed the joke. They had nothing to do with that pic. This was 4 chan type shit stirring nigger haters like us having fun with the niggers.

Ray Cizzums
02-08-2021, 09:49 PM
I think you missed the joke. They had nothing to do with that pic. This was 4 chan type shit stirring nigger haters like us having fun with the niggers.

I'm so used to companies caving in to nigger demands, that I fell for this, hook, line and sinker.

02-08-2021, 09:57 PM
I'm so used to companies caving in to nigger demands, that I fell for this, hook, line and sinker.

I just hope the niggers do, too!!!:rofl:rofl:rofl

02-09-2021, 01:07 AM
Here is the perfect time to break out your belt sander with some 60 grit belts. You know when it stops sparking you hit meat!

02-09-2021, 01:24 AM
Here is the perfect time to break out your belt sander with some 60 grit belts. You know when it stops sparking you hit meat!

Oh I don't THINK SO!
Do you know how hard it is to get replacement parts for old Craftsman tools now?


02-09-2021, 09:41 AM

https://nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2021/02/gorilla-glue-hair-hospital-web.jpg?quality=90&strip=all&w=618&h=410&crop=1Da sheeboon beez gettin medicals helps. I'd love to see a picture of this androgynous ape after it is all over. Stupid whitey hepping this shit ape:melonA complete waste of resources.

We all know who is paying for this gorilla to get its fur cleaned.

02-09-2021, 02:15 PM
And now a nigger lottery attempt! As if suing someone for using their product improperly ha sany chance of winning.
Might Be Time to Sue
And the ape is crowdfunding gibsmuhdats as well.
LOL, I belong to Dead Milkmen FB group, that is where I learned about this she-boon's ghetto failure.
Only a fucking nigger hoe can be so stupid!

Whitey Ford
02-09-2021, 03:33 PM
LOL, I belong to Dead Milkmen FB group, that is where I learned about this she-boon's ghetto failure.
Only a fucking nigger hoe can be so stupid!

As a skateboard riding, Tony Hawk haircut having, punk rock listening teenager I saw them play a few times. Got to meet them and they were really nice. They used to have a newsletter they used to mail out to fans as well. It was Joe Jack Talcum who used to write for that, it was pretty funny actually.

02-10-2021, 12:33 AM
As a skateboard riding, Tony Hawk haircut having, punk rock listening teenager I saw them play a few times. Got to meet them and they were really nice. They used to have a newsletter they used to mail out to fans as well. It was Joe Jack Talcum who used to write for that, it was pretty funny actually.
They were cool, I loved their music. I bet now most of them would join us. While they used to mouth the typical anti-racism crap, I felt they were too smart not to see what kind of shit beasts they really were

02-10-2021, 12:41 AM
I'm so used to companies caving in to nigger demands, that I fell for this, hook, line and sinker.

Hey, you can't be blamed when companies have capitulated even worse. Walmart, Target, Amazon, Kroger, name just one major company that hasn't bent over backward in the last couple of years to appease niggers. Apefirmative action hiring and promotions, "scholarships," donations.

02-10-2021, 12:50 AM
Here is the perfect time to break out your belt sander with some 60 grit belts. You know when it stops sparking you hit meat!

There isn't a sander alive that wouldn't burn out against nigger skull. Remember "Armageddon" when their first drill head broke after only 10 feet? Nigger skulls are even harder than a goddamn iron plate.

02-10-2021, 01:05 AM

AKA "Nigs in Space."

Or was that a sketch on the Muppet Show?

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP. 2UiRTrkpQcIhTjamm_rVMgAAAA%26pid%3DApi&f=1

02-10-2021, 01:34 AM
A Chimper a long time ago (I wish I remembered who) made a Photoshop of the much improved version.


02-10-2021, 01:43 PM
Their lawyer is pushing for the fact that it does NOT say, not for use on hair on the warning label... For real... This is what we have come to.

Cat fur allergic
02-10-2021, 02:24 PM
Last I heard the nigger got like 10k from white cucks. on gibsmedatsfund

Can't really blame the nigger, she took the gorilla as a product endorse by other niggers. Its impossible to tell them apart!

Ray Cizzums
02-10-2021, 02:39 PM
Gorilla Glue Girl will see a surgeon. I hope he just removes her entire head, then puts a band-aid on her neck.


02-10-2021, 03:04 PM
Three days for a doctor to remove it???

Take her ass to a body shop and let 'em sandblast her.

I don't honestly see the problem here. Anytime I have spilled superglue or polyester resin type adhesives or composites on my hands or anywhere else, If it wouldn't come off easily, I just left it alone and within a few days, the glue would fall off when new skin pushes off old skin. No different from a sunburn or simple normal skin growth.

Now this ditsy chick gets a free trip to Beverly Hills to see some world class plastic surgeon.

The lengths they will go to for lookeemeez!

02-10-2021, 04:01 PM
Not to be outdone, another one has decided to use some kind of industrial glue tape on her cooter as a fur remover:


02-10-2021, 06:28 PM
And now a nigger lottery attempt! As if suing someone for using their product improperly ha sany chance of winning.
Might Be Time to Sue

And the ape is crowdfunding gibsmuhdats as well.


Can you imagine the company writing that statement of deep concern? The legal department was probably laughing the whole time. Maybe they'll be forced to change the company name in order not to confuse other gorillas? Good luck with the lawsuit you dumb stupid babbling she boon. She beez in LA now. A Mother of 5 nigglets!!! :facepalmhttps://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/femail/video-2353000/Video-Gorilla-Glue-Hair-GIrl-Tessica-Brown-arrives-LA-treatment.html

02-10-2021, 07:02 PM
Not to be outdone, another one has decided to use some kind of industrial glue tape on her cooter as a fur remover:


I don't know why I had to click on it. I made it as far as the buck pouring whatever it was, I guess water and not hydrochloric acid like a smart nigger might try. :lol

02-10-2021, 10:44 PM
Baboon uses gorilla glue. Gorilla Glue apologizes.


I aint bin dun did dat!
02-10-2021, 10:59 PM
Now all the sheboon needs is to Gorilla Glue her bulbous bootlips shut and those oxygen thieve nostrils shut too.
Glue its legs shut while we are at it.

02-11-2021, 01:34 AM
Baboon uses gorilla glue. Gorilla Glue apologizes.


It looks like the corporate lawyers did a good job on this despite the hyperventilation they were surely experiencing from all the laughter. I can't say I could have done as well. They admitted no fault but conveyed sympathy for the poor dumb animal. I'm betting that they will see a surge in sales this quarter. In this case, no press is bad press.

Good for them.

I'd love to be a fly on the wall at in their offices. They're probably having more fun at work for the past week than they have in all the time since the company started.

I think she needs to try some more of the great products from the GG cosmetics line:


Buck Simian
02-11-2021, 10:14 PM
And we officially have the Gorilla Glue Challenge:

Nigger uses Gorilla Glue to glue a cup to its mouth:


Sow uses Gorilla Glue to stick on fake eyelashes:


Nigger glues hand down pants to muhdikk


02-11-2021, 11:04 PM
And we officially have the Gorilla Glue Challenge:

Nigger uses Gorilla Glue to glue a cup to its mouth:


Sow uses Gorilla Glue to stick on fake eyelashes:


Nigger glues hand down pants to muhdikk


Just. Like. Us. Not quite up to the "Fire Challenge" (which really needs to make a comeback) but better than nothing. The most surprising thing is the other nigger being able to count to 45.

02-11-2021, 11:14 PM
Nigger uses Gorilla Glue to glue a cup to its mouth:


"Now they talking bout cutting the tip of my lips off in surgery... yall pray for me #gorrilagluechallenge smh."

I would donate for that! Imagine a bootlips cut down to nonelips.

Ray Cizzums
02-12-2021, 01:02 AM
They should harness this publicity, and come out with Buffarilla Glue, made especially for the ridiculous hair stylings of today's wild negro. Need to attach the pelt of some hapless critter to your nappy cranium ? Got a 5 pound pile of rope, nest-o-snakes, or exploded parrot, and you want it to stay on - even in a brawl at Chuck E Spears ? Don't use nails or staples, use Buffarilla Spray. Just look for Stacey Abrams on the can.

02-12-2021, 01:05 AM
I would donate for that! Imagine a bootlips cut down to nonelips.

They could cut a pound off and there would still be a bootlip!

02-12-2021, 11:30 AM
and you want it to stay on - even in a brawl at Chuck E Spears ? Don't use nails or staples, use Buffarilla Spray. Just look for Stacey Abrams on the can.


But can anything survive Battlesow Galactica at Chimp E Cheese?

02-12-2021, 12:09 PM
And we officially have the Gorilla Glue Challenge:

Nigger uses Gorilla Glue to glue a cup to its mouth:


Sow uses Gorilla Glue to stick on fake eyelashes:


Nigger glues hand down pants to muhdikk


Hahahaha! I just saw that this morning. I knew someone would post it.

Monkey see monkey do.

Ray Cizzums
02-12-2021, 01:57 PM
But can anything survive Battlesow Galactica at Chimp E Cheese?

Throwin' down at da Cheese ! Fuck the chilluns, I'ze teachin' dat bitch some respeck !

animal mother
02-12-2021, 02:37 PM

Another genius nigger glues it's boot lips to a cup.

I aint bin dun did dat!
02-13-2021, 08:57 AM
And we officially have the Gorilla Glue Challenge:

Nigger uses Gorilla Glue to glue a cup to its mouth:


Sow uses Gorilla Glue to stick on fake eyelashes:


Nigger glues hand down pants to muhdikk


I’m surprised they haven’t figured out the most effective use of the glue (for a nigger) is to glue a pistol to their paw. That way, they be always ready fa battle n sheeeit.

02-14-2021, 05:29 AM

Another genius nigger glues it's boot lips to a cup.

Aaaannnnnddd, it's another from Louisiana!

Mrs. Tweak was just commenting about how niggers in this state are the absolute dumbest in the nation. It's not just violence with them down here. It is absolute retardation approaching single digits and sometime I wonder how some of them don't drop dead from forgetting how to breath or drown from looking up during a rainstorm.


In the latest G3 news, a Ghana born nigger plastic surgeon in, I shit you not - Beverly Hills has fixed her hurra doo. Apparently acetone did the trick - which was what the original ER docs told her to use down here in NOLA. They wanted no part of the liability so they sent her packing with a few acetone wipes and told her good luck.

She's still considering suing Go-rilla Glue over this and likely will - because she's a nigger. She'll probably hire the same nigger loving ambulance chasing SOB that is suing Little Miss Tweak right now.

The G3 shenigg is now being pursued by every lawyer in the area. Nationwide really. They will sue the company, the hospital that saw her first, the store that sold the product and anyone else they can. It's what they do:



02-14-2021, 01:47 PM
Why do I get the feeling Gorilla Glue is behind all this.


02-14-2021, 02:22 PM
Why do I get the feeling Gorilla Glue is behind all this.


I have been caught doing some, shall we say, not exactly OEM recommended maintenance on everything from cars to can openers to computers in my lifetime. Of course not for the Navy - ever. I don't screw around with 50 million dollar aircraft or people's lives.

Generally speaking, it is to make up for under-engineering done by the factory as evidenced by failures.

Sometimes, it is simply the only way possible to fix something that doesn't work when you can't get the recommended fix or your only other choice is to 86 something.

So, no shit here - I've actually been saying for years (to only my closest friends and family of course) that "the only time nigger rigging should be done is when it is left to the skilled hands of white professionals like myself!"

It looks to me like that was exactly what was going on in that video!:lol

Ray Cizzums
02-14-2021, 03:30 PM
"The only time nigger rigging should be done is when it is left to the skilled hands of white professionals like myself!"

So called African engineering achieves the desired results, when performed by the whitey cracker. We are the masters of the Professor-on-Gilligan's-Island fix. Some bailing wire, duct tape and goop, and we save the day, end of story. And our fix would hold up indefinteley, but we redo it when parts become available.

02-14-2021, 03:55 PM
They should harness this publicity, and come out with Buffarilla Glue, made especially for the ridiculous hair stylings of today's wild negro. Need to attach the pelt of some hapless critter to your nappy cranium ? Got a 5 pound pile of rope, nest-o-snakes, or exploded parrot, and you want it to stay on - even in a brawl at Chuck E Spears ? Don't use nails or staples, use Buffarilla Spray. Just look for Stacey Abrams on the can.

02-14-2021, 04:07 PM
So called African engineering achieves the desired results, when performed by the whitey cracker. We are the masters of the Professor-on-Gilligan's-Island fix. Some bailing wire, duct tape and goop, and we save the day, end of story. And our fix would hold up indefinteley, but we redo it when parts become available.

All this nigger rigging and Afro-engineering reminds me of this classic. An olde but a goodie.

<a href="https://youtu.be/0h_cqTCT5g0" target="_blank">
https://youtu.be/0h_cqTCT5g0 (https://youtu.be/0h_cqTCT5g0)

Good god these niggers, can you even imagine getting on such a thing?

Ray Cizzums
02-14-2021, 04:16 PM
Good god these niggers, can you even imagine getting on such a thing?
They wuz kangs. The pyramids are still there, so they sure didn't build them. They can't fly now, nor could they back then.

02-14-2021, 05:12 PM
We are the masters of the Professor-on-Gilligan's-Island fix.

Here's a bit of trivia for you. Does anyone know the Professor's name?

I do. Skip to the 5:00 mark:


Ray Cizzums
02-14-2021, 05:20 PM
I do. Skip to the 5:00 mark]

Couldn't get any audio out of that. Still don't know.

02-14-2021, 07:07 PM
Couldn't get any audio out of that. Still don't know.Gotta be your settings. Works on my machines.

Professor Ann Maryann.

Hehh hehh.

Guess you would've had to have been there.

02-20-2021, 04:11 PM
Their lawyer is pushing for the fact that it does NOT say, not for use on hair on the warning label... For real... This is what we have come to.

The caveat should read, "For Vaginal use only!"