View Full Version : Nigger Felon League knows that niggers are less intelligent

02-03-2021, 08:49 PM
Is the NFL dodging concussion payouts by holding Black players to a lower cognitive standard? (deadspin.com) (https://deadspin.com/is-the-nfl-dodging-concussion-payouts-by-holding-black-1846191979)

02-03-2021, 09:44 PM
Is the NFL dodging concussion payouts by holding Black players to a lower cognitive standard? (deadspin.com) (https://deadspin.com/is-the-nfl-dodging-concussion-payouts-by-holding-black-1846191979)

They should!!

Ray Cizzums
02-03-2021, 09:54 PM
Is the NFL dodging concussion payouts by holding Black players to a lower cognitive standard? (deadspin.com) (https://deadspin.com/is-the-nfl-dodging-concussion-payouts-by-holding-black-1846191979)
The boons want to be paid for what's considered "Cognitive decline", based on what whites score before playing football. The NFL knows that blacks have a brain the size of a walnut, encased in a 3" thick skull. Their mental development ends in 3rd grade, as any college recruiter could attest. One of the plaintiffs is Najeh Davenport, who once broke into what he thought was his dorm room, then shit in a laundry basket in some horrified co-ed's closet. Sure, his 70 point IQ may now be 65, but that's normal for a bush negro. And god only knows how much purpa drank, malt likka bull and K2 Spice that nigger ingested during and after his playing days.

Jim Crow
02-03-2021, 10:38 PM
I read the article.Thw NFL is 70% nigger. Which is why I, 100% don’t watch it!