View Full Version : We're supposed to be all gushy over a niglet's impromptu ooking masquerading as a "song"

02-01-2021, 11:40 PM
"I want you to leave me alone. Leave me alone. Leave me alone," she belted out, each time getting even more soulful as she repeated the lyrics of her original tune.

Milan Marie's mother, Jovan Phillips-Lloyd, regularly breaks out her smartphone, films her adorable daughter when she bursts into song and shares the videos on an Instagram account where the "mini influencer" has 378,000 followers.

The "Leave Me Alone" song, which was posted on Jan. 21, turned out to be her biggest hit yet. The video has been watched more than 265,000 times on Milan Marie's Instagram account and more than 1.1 million times after actor Taraji P. Henson reposted it.


I just don't understand this nonsense of "social media influencers." How can a niglet with obviously no talent, who isn't worth listening to for a second, get hundreds of thousands of "followers"? Or is it a fake number to try to lure more niggers and idiot niggerlovers to waste their time?

02-02-2021, 12:12 AM

The cops weren't involved! Quick, someone get a camera and put it on the front page! Dis chile goan be a starruh!

If only that was all they ever did. Sigh... Were that the case, they might be worth keeping around for curiosity and entertainment purposes like a cute animal. Hell, even actual chimpanzees are cute when they are small.

Much like the chimp, however, they cannot be properly trained to use a toilette much less any other such normal and even more important human behavior. This one will be throwing it's own shit in some form or fashion for the rest of it's life.

Alas, they will grow up, out breed their environment, their means, steal, rape and murder.

The shit that passes for extraordinary with niggers is pathetic, and coddling. The truth is that when the media fawns over them, it is patronizing. Both the media and the niggers are just too simple minded to see it.

It is the "soft bigotry of lowered expectations" as GWB put it. I'd rather be an honest and hard ̶r̶a̶c̶i̶s̶t̶ speciest. You know what you are getting that way.

I aint bin dun did dat!
02-02-2021, 12:52 AM
I can see the headline in 10 years now:
”Former child nigger star known for viral leave me alone song, caught on camera at 14 years old fighting with another nigger. Both of the niggers are pregnant and tore each other’s clothes off during the incident at the local chuck e cheese.”
little Johnny saw the whole thing unfold and told ABC news while sobbing “the two blubbering baboons have scarred me for life, I was just trying to play in the ball pit when two fat pregnant niggers came rolling through and destroyed everything in their path”
During the incident, Jacquisky, the suspected father of both of the unborn niglets, fired 8 shots, killing 3 two year olds and injuring 2 others.
Chuck e cheese has decided to give every customer a pick of any prize they want from the bottom row and 100 free tickets.

02-03-2021, 01:56 AM
Yahoo "news" is all shitposting now